
Those who play with fire will set themselves on fire and the DPP will collude with US imperialism, create Taiwan independence, split the country, and be mad and mad, and the crime cannot be blamed. Pelosi, an old witch in the United States, visited Taiwan and openly provoked the one-China principle and betrayed her faith

author:Autumn leaves and clear springs

Whoever plays with fire will set himself on fire

The DPP colluded with US imperialism, created Taiwan independence, split the country, and was maddened by the heart, and its crimes could not be condemned.

Pelosi, an old witch in the United States, visited Taiwan and openly provoked the one-China principle, betrayed his faith, and was despicable and shameless. It has aroused the indignation of 1.4 billion Chinese people, aroused the roar of missile guns and guns of the mainland, navy and air force, and aroused strong condemnation by peace-loving countries and peoples around the world.

There are reasons for this, the PLA Navy and Air Force exercises have formed six encirclement circles around Taiwan, including the east, west, south, and north, and the situation is very good! Let the DPP and other Taiwan independence elements open their eyes and take a look, and those who play with fire will set themselves on fire!

It is strongly recommended that the PLA naval and air exercises (or blockades) surrounding Taiwan be normalized from now on, and that the prohibition of navigation and all entry and exit will be prohibited for at least half a year, and all economic and trade exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan will be interrupted. The PLA army, navy and air force participating in the blockade has undergone a small military exercise for 3 days and a large military exercise for 7 days, and rotates regularly. We will absolutely not allow the DPP and Taiwan independence elements to enjoy the favors of the mainland while at the same time frantically pursuing Taiwan independence.

Haven't some people in Taiwan ever shouted for "independence"? Now that there is a mainland military force protecting you on all sides, you will be "independent"! If you don't have the guts, you're going to let it go. In the meantime of its sealing, all the people in Taiwan who support reunification and have a conscience should clearly understand that this is all a perverse act of the DPP's Taiwan independence. We should unite to create a rebellion against Tsai Ing-wen and destroy the DPP's old lair. It has set off a vigorous anti-Taiwan independence and reunification campaign. Strive to meet the internal and external cooperation, and complete the reunification of the country in one fell swoop.

Those who play with fire will set themselves on fire and the DPP will collude with US imperialism, create Taiwan independence, split the country, and be mad and mad, and the crime cannot be blamed. Pelosi, an old witch in the United States, visited Taiwan and openly provoked the one-China principle and betrayed her faith
Those who play with fire will set themselves on fire and the DPP will collude with US imperialism, create Taiwan independence, split the country, and be mad and mad, and the crime cannot be blamed. Pelosi, an old witch in the United States, visited Taiwan and openly provoked the one-China principle and betrayed her faith
Those who play with fire will set themselves on fire and the DPP will collude with US imperialism, create Taiwan independence, split the country, and be mad and mad, and the crime cannot be blamed. Pelosi, an old witch in the United States, visited Taiwan and openly provoked the one-China principle and betrayed her faith

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