
The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

author:Leek Yellow Arich

In July, little genius tablets were exposed to the problem of games and comics downloaded in its app store containing pornography, blood, and violence, inducing minors to imitate illegal and criminal acts. At present, he is interviewed by consumer associations in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

The purpose of this article is to explore: what kind of company is a little genius? Why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow".


On January 3, 2022, Orient Wealth released the list of the top ten listed companies with the highest market capitalization in China in 21 years, and Tencent defeated the second-place Moutai in Guizhou to become the most valuable enterprise in mainland China with a huge advantage.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

With the huge advantages of left-handed capital and right-handed traffic, Tencent's business covers all walks of life, from automobiles to real estate, from e-commerce to tourism. Among the top five Internet companies in China by market capitalization in 20 years, Tencent occupies four seats (Tencent, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and

But it is such a company that can be called a giant, and there is a Weibo big V that broke the news:

"Although WeChat and QQ have a high market share and an unbreakable position, Tencent's internal employees are like enemies all day long, trembling, and discussing whether the little genius phone watch will kill them?"

"Even just hearing the three words of little genius makes you sweat like a pulp."

It is even more blunt that "if WeChat and QQ fall, no small genius phone watch is innocent." ”

This statement is widely circulated, and even once caused controversy in zhihu. I tried to go to archaeology to find this "breaking news" blogger, but no matter how you change the keywords, I can't search for this original article.

But the statement that "the only thing that can beat Tencent is that it may be a small genius" is not purely a rumor, if you can realize what kind of a giant a little genius is among child users.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

According to the official website of the little genius, the cumulative sales of children's watches in 2020 reached 20 million units, according to the average price of 500 yuan per unit, the small genius phone watch was launched 5 years ago and took out tens of billions from the pockets of parents.

After two years, this sales may double again this year. With its strong social attributes, the Little Genius Phone Watch has become the standard among children's groups.

Children can't live without little geniuses, just as adults can't do without WeChat.


Little geniuses are born with a strong need, that is, parents are afraid of their children being lost.

Mobile phones are not safe and easy to fall off, too many functions and afraid of playing addictive. Therefore, a phone watch tied to the wrist and with a relatively single function is too monotonous for adults, but just right for children.

Advertising children's products, there is a famous Jinke law order: the product is for users to use, but the advertisement is for his parents.

Because children do not have the ability to spend.

The most typical case is the little bully. The product packaging is written on the learning machine, Jackie Chan in his arms said that it can "hope to jackie chan", but once the child's hand becomes a game console, boot the machine and say "endless fun".

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

You have to introduce at the beginning that this is a game console, a child can play for a day when you hold it, which parent would buy it for a child in the 90s.

The little bully understands the truth, and the little genius will naturally understand. Behind the little genius is backgammon, and both products stand a Duan Yongping.

It's just that the little genius's advertisement is more chicken thief, which belongs to the dish.

In 2015, the little genius phone watch project was just launched, coinciding with the popularity of the phenomenon-level variety show "Where Did Daddy Go In the First Season" in Hunan Tv, and found Tian Liang's daughter Cindy and Zhang Liang's son Zhang Tiantian, starring in the advertisement of the little genius phone watch.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

The commercial was filmed several times, but the lyrics were always only one:

"No matter where you are, a phone call will find you immediately."

The plot also flips over and over again with only one:

The two children went out to play, and a phone call was found by the parents.

Therefore, the little genius phone watch is on the parent side, leaving the impression that it is a mobile phone that has been castrated to only have communication functions. They subtract from the product on the parent side.

And in all the children's channels, the advertisement for the little genius phone watch is like this.

There are bumblebee, Spider-Man and other hero endorsements, social necessities between new students, can take pictures, can video. The impression left on the students was that of a multi-functional watch with communication functions. They add to the product on the user side.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"
The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

The little genius completed his product promotion between addition and subtraction, and achieved a breakthrough in the market of the new product of telephone watch. On the product side, the function of the little genius has also undergone a round of addition and subtraction.

Jin Zhijiang, CEO of Little Genius Technology, once had a concern: the birth of Little Genius products stemmed from parents' need for "safety" - parents are afraid of losing their children. Various massacres of child abduction have made parents willing to pay for this safety. But this is not a long-term requirement.

"Because if China's law and order become better, won't this demand exist?"


The result was clearly better than Kim's fears.

In 2020, the cumulative sales of little genius telephone watches reached 20 million units. Among similar products, according to the data of the Prospective Industry Research Institute, the market share of little genius reached 31.1%, far exceeding 11.3% of 360 and 9.2% of Xiaomi. This means that 3 out of 10 children with children's watches wear little geniuses on their hands.

If the little genius initially relied on the castration of the mobile phone function, it is more in line with the eyes of parents in the eyes of children to use mobile phones to gain market share in the early stage.

Then the little genius who started by doing subtraction later built his own solid moat, far away from his peers, relying on continuous addition to it.

Among the little genius watches, there is a touch and a friend function. This is actually nothing unusual, that is, touch it and then the two children have each other's contact information in each other's watch.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

The features are not unusual, but they become very attractive to individuals who are not allowed to have mobile phones, and to an environment where mobile phones are not allowed in schools.

An interesting point is that children's social needs are actually more intense than those of adults.

When I was in elementary school, I spent a lot of time copying classmates' phones. However, this kind of communication is very inconvenient, the probability of answering the phone is the other parent, and the dialogue is in an environment that is watched by each other's parents, and many words are inconvenient to say. Usually, the phone will only ask the other party to go downstairs to play, or ask about the homework.

This demand has been greatly released after the advent of QQ. QQ did not give us a penny of promotion fees, but every student in the class did a voluntary promotion for Tencent with great enthusiasm, and took every student in the class to register a QQ number. At that time, the students who were able to establish a class group in the class were definitely the most beautiful boys in the class.

QQ has more advantages than hand-copied phones. It's more private and also more personal. You log on to QQ once a weekend and you won't miss any messages sent to you by your friends.

And the little genius phone watch is much more convenient than QQ. The first is that he has exemptions from parent and school communication tools that you can bring into school. Because it can be worn anytime, anywhere, the reception and reply of messages has become more timely.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

But he also has "inconvenient" places. The little genius's watch cannot add friends with other brand watches, and even WeChat and QQ are not built-in, nor are they allowed to be installed. To put it bluntly, in the little genius watch, in addition to the parents who call to contact, the friends that the watch can add can only be another little genius user.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

This is the closed-loop socialization of little geniuses. Just like the little genius advertising: come and buy the little genius phone watch, and you can add friends when you touch it at the beginning of the school. You wouldn't not have a phone watch yet, would you?

At this time, school is starting, other students are touching their watches, you can only touch the floor there. There is no contact information, and I can't even find a classmate who asks for homework at night.

Southern Weekend reported in 2019 with the headline "Not watches for sale, but for children's socializing." Some parents in the article said: "If you don't buy it, you can't enter the class group." "Most of the students in the class wear phone watches, and half are little geniuses."

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

This set of xenophobic social moats has brought countless benefits to the little genius.

For example, a little genius can beat the price higher.

Compared with Xiaomi, Huawei, and 360, which are also children's watch manufacturers, the pricing of little geniuses generally exceeds that of peers. On the Tmall flagship store, the basic model of the little genius phone watch is 398 yuan, while the basic price of xiaomi is 278 yuan.

The flagship model, little genius Z6 memory is 512M+8G, the price is 1598. Xiaomi's Mitu 4P memory is 1G+8G, but the price is only 1199.'s sales are only one-third of the former.

In other words, the little genius sold more watches at a higher price and a lower configuration.

The IP limited edition introduced every year can sell at a high price. Some media reported that the original price of the Z7 Frozen Princess Elsa was 1988 yuan, and it could eventually premium to 5000 yuan in the hands of dealers.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

Phones with the same performance and more features are far from selling at the price of a watch. You have to ask where is the price of this part, and where is the cost performance?

Sorry, no value for money, only chain of contempt. Just like adults flaunt luxuries, you have Budari Emerald and I have Brazilian tortoises. The high price is right, and users spontaneously hug around this social play system.

The little genius also values this social system. They put a lot of thought into it, and there's an upgradable look system inside that users can earn in exchange for cool personalizations by pointing up missions.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

I say this, it may not be easy for you to feel its power. In other words, everyone thinks about how irrational they hung up the machine in order to have a sun on QQ; In order to be able to light up one more QQ icon and how many games promoted by Tencent have been downloaded, some also require how many consecutive days of login or level 10 to light up.

From this, you can understand the power of this social system of little geniuses.


We just gave two examples of QQ. In fact, everyone feels it when it comes to this. Little Genius and Tencent are too similar, relying on the rapid development of the business by relying on the social networking of adolescents and children. Now that these strangers are advocating socialization and soul socialization, they are all weak, and socialization should start from the doll.

And then what? Then it is to survive, and when this group of children grows up and explodes their spending power, the company's market value will increase year-on-year with the age of users.

Many people have analyzed the key nodes of Tencent's success, such as the realization point found by launching the QQ show, and then the investment in the game. That's all right, but it's all about surviving. Even if it is a game business, the same game, when I was young, don't say charge 648, I charge 6 blocks 8 are trembling.

There are not so many bells and whistles, keeping users sticky, surviving, is a victory.

The little genius's current situation can only be said to be exactly the same, so it is good to copy it.

First, other programs were launched around social networking to form a closed system of its own. And the system can be adjusted at any time, just like the mini program on WeChat, no window is free.

Little Genius's Q1 series, when it was first purchased, built in Baidu's artificial intelligence assistant Xiaodu. However, in subsequent system updates, it was unilaterally removed from the shelves by the system. There are many related complaints from parents and students on the black cat complaint platform, all of which have been replied to by the official on the grounds of "technical adjustment", don't think, no is gone.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

The internal software also opens the charging function, as long as parents open password-free payment, children can let the fee be deducted directly from the parents' WeChat and Alipay. There is parent feedback on the black cat complaint platform that the built-in game "Jimmy Cat" in the watch is charged a total of 467 yuan in installments without the authorization of the parents.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

Hardware can only be sold once, and software can be consumed repeatedly. But not necessarily. If it is in a closed ecosystem, the hardware can also be repeatedly consumed, especially when the user has a very high viscosity for the software and hardware of the closed system, and can often sell at a high price.

The little genius's watch is like an Apple phone. A series of ecological intelligent hardware can be linked, from basic tablets, headphones, tutoring machines, to toothbrushes for brushing teeth in the morning.

The little genius is currently linked to his own hardware and software. This model is somewhat similar to the antivirus type, you just buy a watch, but the included family bucket can directly arrange the rest of your life.


Of course, then the problem is also exposed.

The little genius phone watch has entered the comfort zone because of the benefits of eating children, but at the same time it has stepped into the danger zone.

In July 2022, the People's Daily Opinion Channel published an article naming little geniuses:

"Don't let minors just grow in new interests. To promote the improvement of the online protection mechanism for minors, children's smart watch manufacturers have an unshirkable responsibility. ”

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

The key to doing a good job in children's products is to learn restraint, but commercialization is characterized by the need for arrogance.

But here, I have to say something for the little genius. In terms of commercialization, the little genius has actually been much more restrained than QQ. Social dress up does not require children to spend money to buy, as long as you go running, do some tasks that are beneficial to the body and mind can be sent; Projects linked by core products, QQ-oriented are games, and little geniuses are guided by learning machines.

There are many reasons for this, one is that the times are different, the Internet is developing recklessly, and the era of lack of supervision only exists in the past; Second, unlike QQ, Little Genius is a product only for child users, and everyone's requirements for his safety and health will be higher.

In July, little genius tablets were exposed to the problem of games and comics downloaded in its app store containing pornography, blood, and violence, inducing minors to imitate illegal and criminal acts. At present, he is interviewed by consumer associations in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

I also roughly looked at the content reported by parents, I can only say that there is indeed stimulation for children, but I can't even say that it is just right for adults, I can only say that this is it?

But this is the scale that a children's product needs to grasp, and it is also the problem that children's products are most prone to outbreak.

In 2017, some parents reported that there were a large number of "small yellow texts" and "yellow paragraphs" in the "little ape search questions". Afterwards, the little ape searched for the question and said that this was done by the "homework gang" of friends, and the plot at that time was quite interesting. The small ape search found that multiple accounts that produce "yellow waste" every day use the same IP address, and the release time is more regular, nine to six, like work, along with the IP to find that it was the office of the homework gang.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

Children's products are most likely to roll over in color because of its low cost of crime, high cost of auditing, and great harm to the product after the incident.

It's not just friends who will commit crimes here. There are also adults with ill intentions. In 2017, the game "Little Flower Fairy" operated by Taomi was mixed with a large number of adults, on the grounds of "watching videos to buy skins", shouting on the game's world channel, inducing underage girls whose minds were not yet mature to chat naked, and even meet offline.

The little genius was interviewed: why children's Internet products are always related to "yellow"

In the reports of that year, there were even criminal gangs that specialized in shooting videos of underage girls.

Because the little genius has a watch hardware here, he can relatively isolate the prying eyes of adults, but he can't stop children whose minds are not yet mature.

For example, the little genius tablet is proud of its publicity that it has a green Internet function. But under the Baidu search engine, the second article of intelligent search is "how to lift the green Internet by a little genius". This is obviously not a parent search.

And from here, you also see a deeper problem than the little genius software that is not suitable for children's content, that is, children will eventually grow up. How to continue to carry out healthy guidance under the premise of children's preferences reassures parents. How to make the little genius this children's product, smoothly undertake users to youth, and even to adulthood.

From the "touch" of children to the "sweep" of adults, then the breakthrough in commercial quality has been completed.

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