
Every spring, a male peacock stands in front of a ticking oil pump in the southern British city of Bulelley.1

author:Qingyun read it

For the sake of pleasing oneself

—— The peacock opened the screen

Every year after spring, a male peacock stands in the suburban gas station in the southern British city of Bulelley, standing proudly for 18 hours in front of a ticking oil pump.

Its tail feathers flutter, sparkle, and make a "quacking" sound. Such a scene, which began in 2004, lasts for three months a year.

Generally speaking, the male peacock only opens the screen when courting or protecting himself, why does the male peacock tirelessly open the screen towards an oil pump?

According to zoologists, it may be that the sound made by the oil pump when refueling is very similar to the call of the female peacock when courting, so it attracts the male peacock.

So it shows off its beautiful feathers to the fullest, hoping to get the love of this oil pump. The love of this male peacock is doomed to bear fruit, but this is an example of the male peacock opening the screen for courtship.

Researchers have found that the reproductive glands in male peacocks secrete sex hormones that stimulate the brain, prompting them to unfold their tail screens, and spring is the season when peacocks lay eggs and reproduce.

Therefore, the male peacock unfolds its colorful tail screen and constantly makes a variety of beautiful dance moves to attract the female peacock to lay eggs with the female peacock after its successful courtship.

However, there are also some zoologists who reject this view. They believe that peacock opening the screen is an act of self-defense.

They once studied 516 species of birds and found an important law: all birds that are not good at finding and escaping predators have a gray and dark body color, because this can better hide themselves;

And those birds that are good at finding enemies, or who are easy to escape because they are lively and clever, the color of the body surface is very bright.

On the peacock's large tail screen, you can see the golden emerald line pattern, which is scattered with many nearly circular "eye-shaped spots".

Once the enemy is encountered and it is too late to escape, the peacock suddenly opens the screen, looking like a kind of "multi-eyed monster", so that the enemy does not dare to rush forward.

As for the reason why the peacock opened the screen, whether the theory of "for the sake of pleasing the person" is more reasonable, or whether the "self-defense theory" is more correct, is still inconclusive.

At present, there are only two kinds of peacocks in the world that have been named: the Indian peacock (blue peacock) and the Javanese peacock (green peacock). The white peacock is a variation of the Indian peacock.

Its whole body is white and flawless, its feathers are not variegated, and its eyes are reddish. When the screen is opened, the male white peacock is like a beautiful and dignified girl, wearing a snow white noble wedding dress, swinging left and right, dancing, very beautiful. #奇妙的动物 #

Every spring, a male peacock stands in front of a ticking oil pump in the southern British city of Bulelley.1
Every spring, a male peacock stands in front of a ticking oil pump in the southern British city of Bulelley.1
Every spring, a male peacock stands in front of a ticking oil pump in the southern British city of Bulelley.1

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