
How powerful are the first German Cheetah anti-aircraft tanks arriving in Ukraine? Why is even the United States jealous?

author:Mr. Shui Jingxiao
How powerful are the first German Cheetah anti-aircraft tanks arriving in Ukraine? Why is even the United States jealous?

The picture shows the Cheetah anti-aircraft vehicle

After a long wait, the first Cheetah anti-aircraft tanks aided by Germany have finally arrived in Ukraine, so how powerful is this tank? Why is even the United States jealous? As an anti-aircraft tank developed by Germany during the Cold War, the Cheetah is designed to be remarkable, so what role can it play in the hands of Ukraine?

How powerful are the first German Cheetah anti-aircraft tanks arriving in Ukraine? Why is even the United States jealous?

The picture shows the Cheetah anti-aircraft vehicle

During the Second World War, the attack aircraft is undoubtedly the nightmare of the tanks of various countries, after all, the attack aircraft can directly attack the tank from the top, and the firepower of the tank is difficult to counterattack, it is in this context that the accompanying anti-aircraft fire of the armored unit has begun to appear during World War II, directly installing the anti-aircraft gun on the mobile chassis, so that it can follow the armored forces to advance together, if it encounters the attack of the enemy fighter, then the anti-aircraft gun can quickly enter the combat state.

How powerful are the first German Cheetah anti-aircraft tanks arriving in Ukraine? Why is even the United States jealous?

The picture shows the Cheetah anti-aircraft vehicle

Germany in the field of air defense tanks are very successful, during World War II, a number of famous air defense tanks were born, such as the famous ball lightning, whirlwind air defense vehicles, etc., many of them are based on the tank chassis transformation, after the war, the first generation of tank Leopard 1 developed in Germany, naturally also became a platform for a new generation of air defense vehicles, it installed two 35 mm anti-aircraft guns, the rate of fire is very fast, can effectively shoot low-altitude flight targets, compared with the American Vulcan 20 mm air defense gun, the cheetah's firepower is much higher, And it also has an air-to-air search radar.

The reason why Germany needs to delay the delivery of the Cheetah anti-aircraft vehicle, in fact, is because this weapon has been retired in the German Army, which is equivalent to the assistance to Ukraine is stock goods, which need to be maintained and maintained to be able to be used, on the other hand, in order to meet the needs of modern warfare, Germany has also made some upgrades and improvements to this air defense vehicle, and the most critical point is that after the Cheetah was discontinued, Germany did not have ammunition in its hands, and it was necessary to discuss with Switzerland about the purchase of ammunition.

How powerful are the first German Cheetah anti-aircraft tanks arriving in Ukraine? Why is even the United States jealous?

The picture shows the Cheetah anti-aircraft vehicle

On the one hand, modern air defense mainly relies on missiles, rather than simple anti-aircraft guns, Russia's subsequent development of air defense weapons, is basically a one-piece system of bullets, combining anti-aircraft missiles with anti-aircraft guns to improve combat efficiency, so the German cheetah is actually obsolete now, once locked, it will be very easy to be destroyed by the enemy, and the ammunition of this anti-aircraft gun has been discontinued. Once the German-aided shells ran out, they were left to a state of mute, and it was for this reason that Ukraine's acquisition of the weapon made little material sense.

It can be found that the Western countries are actually not sincere in wanting to help Ukraine, but more regard this country as a garbage disposal plant for their backward weapons and equipment, so that after they eliminate their old equipment, they can ask the Congress for funds in a new name, so as to purchase new weapons and equipment, realize the modernization of their own armed forces, and estimate that a Russian-Ukrainian conflict is the happiest arms dealers.

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