
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep

author:Candy moms love kids

🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day 133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth.

Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." As the sunset recedes and the deep night comes to life, it's time to soothe the fatigue of the day with a comfortable sleep.

On the grass, the little lions are all around the mother, the antelope jump to the sleeping place in groups, the baby leopard snuggles tightly together, and the mother giraffe wearily hangs down her neck and kisses the baby neck, enjoying the rare quiet and peace.

The zebras also approached each other, entering a sweet dream in the last hint of sunset, and the baby elephant slowly slid into the deep dream in the mother's lullaby.

In the treetops, although the mischievous monkeys wanted to play for a while, the chirping birds did not make a sound at this time, and they huddled together, their pointed mouths hidden in the necks of their friends, and fell asleep quietly.

In the soft mud, the little hippopotamus lies on the back of the big hippopotamus, savoring the warmth and comfort. The porcupine in the nest is tightly packed into a ball of small thorns.

Mischievous stars blink their eyes, bright and soft moonlight accompanies everyone, may this world's beautiful dreams, every life has a part.

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🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep
🌈 Sugar Sugar Reading Day133: Animals have thousands of forms, but they all love to hug each other for warmth. Today Sugar Sugar and I are reading "Sleeping Together." The afterglow of the setting sun gradually receded, deep

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