
Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

author:Almighty Daddy Diary

Text/Late Night Movies

"Parental Love" is a TV series that is very sophisticated regardless of the script setting, actor acting skills, and later scenes, and it is an insurmountable classic to this day.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

As a period emotional drama, the love story of the protagonist Jiang Defu and Anjie Baitou to the old is very moving.

The traditional grounded lifestyle of supporting characters Lao Ding and Dehua also makes people envious.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

In the play, the "old Ding" he played was talented, but he married a not-so-beautiful "Dehua".

Outside the play, he is the best actor of the Lily Award, Ren Shuai, but he married an ordinary and ordinary "ugly wife" Xiaohong.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Some people say that the entertainment industry has no real feelings, but he tells everyone with practical actions that true love exists and will last for a long time.

What kind of story does he have with his wife, and why does he willingly guard his wife?

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

In 1970, Ren Shuai was born in Harbin to a family of ordinary workers.

His parents disciplined him very strictly, making him stand out from an early age and become a well-known child of other people's families.

Excellent academic performance, handsome and sunny appearance, and casual personality, such a handsome man seems to be destined to be the material of being an actor.

At the age of 200, he successfully entered the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts and became a 90-level performance student.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

After graduation, he was assigned to work in the Lanzhou Military Region Combat Drama Troupe.

At first, he could only run the dragon set, but as time went on, his business ability became stronger and stronger, and he gradually became the core figure in the group.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

But even so, his subsidies are very meager.

In order to save money, he rarely returned home, and only during the Spring Festival would he take a train from Lanzhou to Harbin.

He only returns home once a year, and Ren Shuai certainly wants to bring the best to his parents.

But at that time, he was really too poor, and after buying local products, the money in his pocket could not even afford to buy a ticket.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

So he could only ask Yan Ni to borrow money every time.

Yan Ni was his classmate at the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, and was only a small actor at the time, but she was responsive every time and was very generous.

In this way, the poor days of ren shuai passed year after year.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Exactly 8 years later, at the age of 31, the two empty Ren Shuai thought of changing.

So with the permission of the group, it officially entered the development of the show business circle.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

In 2001, Ren Shuai starred in several TV series, but what really made everyone remember him was 2006's "Breaking into Kanto".

Although he played the role of a robber, he quickly conquered the audience with his acting skills and the charm of the role itself.

Ren Shuai looks righteous, and most of the film and television drama works also play decent roles.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

After that, he starred in excellent works such as "Mother's War" and "Wenzhou Family", but although every drama was on fire, Ren Shuai was still tepid.

It wasn't until 2012's "Parental Love" that he opened a new chapter in his career.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

In the play, he plays a good man who is fierce outside and careful and considerate at home, and has captured many fans in an instant.

From this time on, the audience learned that there were still such treasure men in the entertainment industry.

After working hard for many years, Ren Shuai finally became popular, although he did not have a big hit, but he became an absolute strength actor in everyone's eyes.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

When Ren Shuai was struggling in the entertainment industry, there was a girl who had been silently accompanying him by his side.

Everyone only knows that the girl's name is Xiaohong, and the others know nothing, which may be a kind of protection for Ren Shuai.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

The two met at a party, during which Xiaohong has been watching everyone eat and drink, very considerate and generous.

Before leaving, she found that Shuai was a little drunk, so she took a bottle of yogurt and stuffed it into his hand, saying that it was good for the stomach.

In this way, the relationship between the two opened the curtain.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Xiaohong is an ordinary company employee, and she is not pretty, but Ren Shuai does not care about these, he values the simple nature and gentle and considerate personality of Xiaohong.

After spending some time together, the two hearts quietly came together.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

However, Xiaohong is a Shanghainese, and naturally will not follow Ren Shuai to Lanzhou at the beginning of the relationship.

She was worried that the relationship between the two would weaken due to the distance, but Ren Shuai firmly told her that she would not.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Later, Ren Shuai was transferred to his hometown drama troupe, which made Xiaohong worry more about their future.

But Xiaohong did not know that Ren Shuai was preparing a meticulous marriage proposal ceremony.

In order to marry Xiaohong, Ren Shuai decided to settle in Shanghai.

Of course, he will not forget his parents in Harbin, who often run back and forth between the two places, although it is hard, but very happy.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

The two are like Lao Ding and Dehua, Ren Shuai is working hard outside, handing over every penny he earns to the "family treasury" and keeping it by Xiaohong.

Just from this detail, we can see his love and trust in his wife.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Although the age was not small when he got married, Ren Shuai, whose career was in the ascending stage, still wanted to fight again.

He came up with the idea of putting aside the idea of having children, and soon gained the respect of his wife.

It was not until 5 years later, at the urging of parents on both sides, that they were ready to put the matter of having children on the agenda.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

I didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, at the end of 2007, Xiaohong was pregnant.

When Ren Shuai was thirty-eight years old, his son Youyou was born.

That time, the whole family was happy, and Ren Shuai was even more excited and excited, and he finally became a father.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Ren Shuai is a very dedicated actor, he is very serious about acting, no matter how dangerous the scene, he is personally on the battlefield, even if the body or even the face is scarred, will not flinch.

Some people say that actors eat by their faces, and they can't act when their faces are broken.

But Ren Shuai said easily that if that were the case, it would be nice to specialize in roles with scars on his face.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

In the one year from Xiaohong's pregnancy to the birth of the child, Ren Shuai was busy working almost every day, and the time spent at home for no more than 15 days a year.

Even when the child was born, he only took three days off.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

After the birth of his son, Ren Shuai became more motivated in his work.

Ren Shuai has outstanding acting skills, is low-key, works hard to make money to support his family, and turns in all his income without leaving a penny, which has never changed over the years.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

He became a father at the age of 38, and he is a well-deserved good husband and father.

Even if he is older and more handsome, even if he has fame, he will not change his original intention, and there has never been a scandal.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

However, compared with before, he has put more attention to the essence of the work, seeking quality rather than quantity, because then he will have more time to spend with his family.

Last year, the 51-year-old Ren Shuai was still filming in the northeast in the cold winter months, and as before, he still tried hard to do his job.

Famous actor Ren Shuai: The drama red man is not red, the "ugly wife" is spoiled into a treasure, and the 38-year-old has a happy son

Of course, for the family, he also tried his best to do the role of a good son, a good father and a good husband, and balanced work and family well.

Ren Shuai, who became a late bloomer, now has a place in the entertainment industry.

Although he has never become a first-line star, his serious attitude to his work, his responsibility and responsibility to his family, deserves the respect of all.

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