
CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

author:Stay King Xixi

In the process of career development, there will often be some unpredictable "variables" in the host, and these uncertainties make the development of the host look not smooth, and at the same time, they may also feel surprises in the process.

The so-called variables naturally have advantages and disadvantages, and for the two hosts in the competitive position, the "disadvantages" of others are naturally their own "benefits", and between the two, the host's career is gradually fixed: some people become the façade, and some people are forgotten by the audience.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

On the basis of a large number of new faces appearing in front of the audience, the CCTV host lineup is undergoing high-frequency adjustments, and every capable host at this stage has the opportunity to be reused, thus obtaining job opportunities on important stages.

Wang Bingbing, Wang Jianning, Zhang Shuyue, Long Yang, Ma Fanshu and other young faces appeared in front of the audience one after another, because their age was younger than other hosts, and this part of the host became the "small flower host" in the audience's mouth.

They have advantages in age, business capabilities are also outstanding, coupled with the reuse of CCTV, the future development is naturally optimistic about the market.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

It's just that the opportunity is limited, the number of hosts who can be called the façade of CCTV is also limited, and in the competitive track of these small flower hosts, there are constantly people eliminated, and the host who can stand to the end is the real façade responsibility.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon

From the perspective of work direction, Wang Bingbing is not a professional host, she is more as a journalist in some important occasions.

But who can guarantee that with the development of her career, Wang Bingbing will complete the transformation from reporter to host?

Before the transformation, in terms of popularity and the degree of recognition of CCTV, Wang Bingbing belonged to the one who was optimistic about CCTV Xiaohua.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

Regarding Wang Bingbing, a media worker, compared with her work performance, her popularity is the ability recognized by the CCTV program producers, and with the popularity of the network, the number of times this young face participates in the work on behalf of CCTV continues to increase, and the market popularity has been further enhanced.

If there is no netizen named "Soil" to break the news, Wang Bingbing's career should be smooth sailing.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

In the story of Tutu, Wang Bingbing seems to have become the person who intervened in his emotional life, how can the audience judge whether the story is true or false?

In the case that the story has not yet come out, Wang Bingbing has become the target of public criticism for a while, and various questioning voices have emerged endlessly, as one of the protagonists of the story, Wang Bingbing's "CCTV host" label has made her be attacked by more viewers.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

From the perspective of CCTV, Wang Bingbing's market reputation has been affected, and as a young face who is reused based on heat, but after the decline in word of mouth, CCTV's work arrangement for Wang Bingbing will naturally change accordingly.

Not to mention the truth of the facts, because it is entirely possible to prove the words of one person, even so, CCTV will also carry out a corresponding "refrigeration" of Wang Bingbing, after all, as a CCTV media worker in front of the audience, it is not allowed to involve personal moral problems.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

Wang Bingbing's career "sudden variables", her vacated job opportunities will naturally be replaced by other young faces, with the continuous fermentation of time, Wang Bingbing can only withdraw from the first echelon of CCTV Xiaohua competition.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

Li Sisi lacks competitiveness

Before Wang Bingbing, another CCTV host, Li Sisi, also encountered "sudden variables" in his career development.

Compared with the work experience of the two, Li Sisi has been a facade host who has participated in the work of the Spring Festival Gala for many times, and in the case of the increasingly fierce competition of the Xiaohua host, her fading out makes the audience more imaginative.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

Looking back at Li Sisi's career development, being able to stand up to the audience's doubts and repeatedly appear on the Stage of the Spring Festival Gala, on the one hand, is the recognition of her business ability by the producer, on the other hand, there is really no young host who can replace her.

Dong Qing, Zhu Xun and others are older, and Zhang Lei, Zhang Yu and others are not reused, which can be Li Sisi's career development without resistance.

It is only after a large number of new faces have completed their entry, the development dividend belonging to Li Sisi is disappearing.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared

Compared with word of mouth, Li Sisi's reputation is already in an undesirable position because of his premature participation in the Hosting of the Spring Festival Gala.

From this point of view, it is natural that Li Sisi's competition in the small flower host is not dominant, and fading out of the audience's sight can naturally be understood.

CCTV Xiaohua developed "sudden variables", Wang Bingbing withdrew from the first echelon, and Li Sisi disappeared


Whether Wang Bingbing has been questioned or Li Sisi's development has stagnated, in fact, it has added more possibilities to the career development of other new faces.

Wang Jianning, Long Yang and others may get more job opportunities in the next development process.

Of course, the choice of façade hosts is not over, and the competition between these CCTV small flower hosts is also not over.


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