
This summer", "out of the circle by strength", what is the charm of rugby?

author:International Online

After 3 days of fierce competition, the National British 7-a-side Rugby Championship recently came to an end in Chongqing, and Shandong and Jiangsu won the women's and men's championships respectively. The professional competition in the arena has provided a wonderful sports feast for the majority of fans, and has also attracted more and more people to come to the green field to experience it for themselves, and rugby has become a new social trend.

This summer", "out of the circle by strength", what is the charm of rugby?

  According to the "2022 Top Ten Life Trends" released this year, there are more than 20,000 shared notes on a social platform with the keyword "rugby", and related content has ushered in explosive growth in March this year.

  The question is, how does rugby, a sport that has long belonged only to burly foreigners, break through the inherent cognition of the Chinese people and gradually become the "new favorite of sports" by young people?

  The super athletes on the green field are training more intense than imagined

  Do you know what sport brings together coaches from multiple sports? The answer: rugby.

  Rugby is a comprehensive sports sport that integrates basketball, football and athletics, and has high requirements for the physical fitness of athletes, and physical fitness, strength, agility and balance cannot be bad.

  Taking the Chinese women's olive as an example, in the basic physical training, the team is strengthened, the weightlifting coach is invited to grasp the strength, the sprint coach is invited to grasp the speed, and the all-round training is carried out under the leadership of the physical training coach. On ordinary training days, weight-bearing jumping boxes, hexagonal bar hard lifting, high flips and other projects are essential; In order to better cope with the repeated running state in the race, it is also necessary to strengthen training such as 300-yard shuttle running; In addition, all-round challenges such as goblets + squats, barbell stoop rowing + Romanian hard pulls are only a small part of the daily training.

This summer", "out of the circle by strength", what is the charm of rugby?

  On the field, the competition in rugby is more intense, again and again to tackle, again and again to touch the line, athletes need to repeatedly run sprints, defensive attack, muscle collision is very intense, is a huge challenge to physical fitness.

  How do I store water for my athletes' physical fitness? Scientific nutritional supplementation is essential. For example, supplementation with high-quality protein, glutamate and other substances can combat the fatigue caused by strength training; B vitamins, coenzyme Q10, fish oil (n-3 PUFA) and other nutrients can relieve nerve and muscle fatigue, improve blood circulation throughout the body, and better cope with the high heart rate state under repeated running and sprinting in competition; Proper iron supplementation (heme iron) can promote red blood cell synthesis and help the athlete's body recover and regenerate.

  As a leading brand in China's dietary nutrition supplement industry, By-Health provides dietary nutrition supplement programs for the characteristics and nutritional needs of rugby, and also provides nutritional consulting services for rugby players to meet the different nutritional needs of athletes in different cycles such as training, preparation, competition, and post-game recovery.

  From the first experience to the success, rugby is becoming more and more popular

  There are many reasons to attract the attention of young people and participate in rugby:

  The first is its sense of atmosphere and fun, as a multi-person competitive sport, it has a warm atmosphere of group activities, the need for teamwork and wisdom at the same time, but also the need for personal courage, whether it is collaboration or competition to make the sports process more interesting;

  The second is its extensiveness, rugby is not the rampage in people's impressions, in addition to the sense of strength of The American rugby, the rhythm of strong sense of rugby, there are also relatively mild no contact, no collision, low participation threshold, suitable for Xiao Bai to try the waist flag rugby, people can choose different rugby sports according to their preferences, physical conditions;

  The third is the power of example, Chinese rugby is the first to arrive, the Chinese men's olive won the second place in the London International Championship, the Chinese women's olive won the gold medal at the Incheon Asian Games... The Chinese rugby team has gradually emerged in the international arena, breaking through the inherent concept of the Chinese people that "rugby is the exclusive sport of foreigners".

  After being exposed to rugby, some young people will choose to develop their temporary love into a long-term hobby, and share the experience of rugby to the people around them, thereby attracting more people to follow the trend and bring a steady stream of new forces to the development of Chinese rugby.

This summer", "out of the circle by strength", what is the charm of rugby?

  Energy storage forward, scientific nutrition escort

  The Chinese rugby team is still young, and the excellent results achieved are inseparable from the hard work of athletes, the scientific training system behind them and the support of increasingly perfect scientific nutrition.

  The heat of rugby continues to rise like summer temperatures. As an industry leader, By-Health implements the research and development strategy of independent core technology and patented raw materials to create a full range of dietary nutritional supplement products that meet different needs. Always with a scientific attitude, create professional dietary nutritional supplements, help more people who love sports to play well, break through themselves, have a healthy physical state, and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

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