
Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

author:Encyclopedia of Succulents

Thanks to the author [Kazi] for the original exclusive authorization sharing

Editor's arrangement: [Succulent Encyclopedia] Encyclopedia Jun

Coordinates: Yibin, Sichuan

The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals! For me, raw stone flowers are my human fireworks, they are beautiful, tough, ordinary but strong. Because with fireworks, life has a temperature. As far as you flower lovers need some experience of raw stone flowers, today I will talk about my views (just my views).

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

First, re-roots

On this subject, first of all, we must understand why we should cultivate roots. Root repair is to allow raw stone flowers to re-grow roots in a new environment, and with a strong root system, they can resist external interference.

How to root? My view is this: keep the main root, go to the root, one or two, remember. What does that mean?

Leaving the main root is to leave the longest and thickest one or two (refers to the relatively longest one or two in all the root systems of the same stone flower), here I want to add why only one or two: root repair we hope that the root system of the stone flower can fully feel the water, if the root system left too much, then it may not be the soil can not wrap the root system, the stone flower can not fully feel the moisture feel that it is not the best time to choose the root. Of course, if the activity of the root system is good, three main roots can be left, but it is best not to exceed four.

Go to the whisker root, in addition to the thickest one or two we left behind, the other root system in my article can be understood as the whisker root, should be removed all the way, the same reason, too many whisker roots may also make the stone flower can not fully feel the water, resulting in the root is too slow or even no root.

The last one to two is that the root system we leave behind should be left one to two centimeters. It should be stated here that in the place where the raw stone flower body and the root system are connected, the activity of the root system is relatively low and the wood layer wrapped on the outside is relatively thick, and the chance of new roots drilling out is relatively small, so the root repair should be as far away from this place as possible, leaving one to two centimeters is the most appropriate. On the contrary, if left too long, it will lead to inconvenient planting. When planting, you can use forceps to plug into the soil to maintain the original appearance of the root system.

When repairing, do not deliberately expose the white fleshy roots, when you smell the bitter and slightly fresh taste of the fleshy roots of the raw stone flowers, which indicates that the roots have been repaired to the white fleshy roots, this root is active and the roots are fast (do not deliberately repair too much because you are afraid that the wound is too large, and it will be easy to mold or break when it is not fully dried and watered)

However, we are likely to have a situation where we accidentally remove the root system directly from the old skin and the wooden layer during the root repair process, and my suggestion for this situation is that the water induces the root. Some great gods say that they can directly plant in the soil, which is possible. But we can't ignore the problem that the root system of all exposed white fleshy roots is easy to break because it lacks the protection of the old skin, such as mold, broken, damaged by blisters and so on. Not to say that planting soil is not enough, all I want to express is my point: water-induced roots are relatively safe. Why? Because water induces roots not to come into direct contact with water, there is no risk of blisters being broken, and there is no risk of root system breaking because the soil is too hard.

Raw stone flowers that have finished repairing the roots

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Purple biscuits with water-induced roots

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

How does water induce roots?

First, the stone flowers should be dried for two to three days, the purpose of this step is to dry the wound to reduce the risk of mold during the water-induced root process due to too much humidity, and the second is to make the stone flowers slightly dehydrated to increase their water craving. The raw stone flowers that have been dried can be slightly soaked with carbendazim (the soaking time should not be too long, one to two minutes can be)

Second, choose a transparent container to add water to it, seal the container mouth with plastic wrap, poke a hole in the middle of the container, be able to put raw stone flowers and ensure that he will not fall or tilt, and then poke some small holes around, the purpose of these small holes is to ventilate, thereby reducing the risk of infection.

Finally, put the cup in a cool and ventilated place, and wait quietly for the raw stone flower hair root. In general, the time for water-induced roots varies from three to one week, which is affected by many factors such as temperature and individual differences. But in my case, water-induced roots can basically grow new roots in ten to nine.

The new roots that have just grown are relatively short and fragile, and at this time they should not be cultivated in the soil, but should wait for the root system to grow about three or four millimeters, and then gently transplant them into the soil and water the soil thoroughly. In the process of planting, the root system should be kept intact, straight, and try not to bend. Here is a method of transplantation: that is, in the soil where the raw stone flowers are planted, first wet the soil, and then poke a small hole, and then gently put the raw stone flowers into the hole, expose the window, and then fill in the surrounding soil to put the raw stone flowers in a ventilated place, and soon you can feel the raw stone flowers harden and grow tall, which means that they are absorbing water and successfully rooting! In a few days, when their roots are slightly longer, they can be moved to a place where there is light.

Water induces new roots to appear in roots (very short)

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Second, dry the roots

After repairing the roots, the raw stone flowers should be dried, so why should they be dried? First of all, in the process of root repair, the root system of the petrified is traumatized, and if the roots are not dried, then the raw stone flowers may be infected in the process of planting.

Second, after the transportation of express delivery, the raw stone flowers from one place to another, the climate, temperature, humidity, etc. of the new place need to be adapted for a period of time, and the root drying is to let them adapt first.

When drying the roots, some small partners suggest that the raw stone flowers be soaked in medicinal water and then dried. In fact, I don't quite agree with this view, first of all, when the water is blistered, it is equivalent to touching the raw stone flower with water, which will lead to too long drying time. In fact, when we are potting, we mix some carbendazim and small white medicine in the soil, which can also play a role in prevention and control when watering, and the medicine will fail with the extension of the root drying time, so I recommend that the root be repaired and directly dried. Of course, for the raw stone flowers with obvious insects on the root system, it is a different matter, and it is necessary to soak the insecticide and then dry the roots.

Raw stone flowers in the drying roots

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Drying time, I am recommended to repair the roots on the first day, dry a night and a morning, the next afternoon can be directly on the pot, some small partners think that the time to dry the roots should be longer, but my point is that one night and a morning is enough, because the raw stone flowers in the process of transportation has been out of the water and soil, there are so many days, if too much will lead to serious lack of water, resulting in a longer root time. It should be said here that according to Hamo's book "Gems on the Earth: The Secret of raw stone flowers", too much water or too little water in the raw stone flower is not conducive to the root of the raw stone flower. Therefore, coupled with the time of drying the roots and the time of express delivery, the slight lack of moisture in the body of the raw stone flower is better to root.

Third, the upper basin

For the upper pot of raw stone flowers, I recommend dry soil potting. What does that mean? That is to say, if it is not a water-induced root stone flower, but a direct repair of the root system of the stone flower, then the soil used in the pot should be kept dry, because in the process of planting more or less will cause some damage to the root system of the flower, and the dry soil pot will be more safe to reduce the risk of infection.

Emerald and Wada jade just on the pot

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Fourth, water

The day after the dry soil is potted, if the weather is relatively sunny, the humidity is relatively low, and the ventilation is relatively good, then you can directly water the raw stone flowers, and the watered raw stone flowers should be placed in a well-lit, well-ventilated astigmatism place to wait for the roots. If it is a raw stone flower bought in the summer, it is recommended to open the air conditioner in the bedroom, and if you have the conditions, you can even buy a small electric fan and blow it after watering.

Before the stone flower has no roots, interrupting the moisture will cause the roots to stop. In other words, when we see that the moisture on the surface of the raw stone pot is dry, we should continue to water. Of course, continuing to water does not mean that the pot must be watered thoroughly, and the water can be poured to the bottom of the root of the raw stone flower, because when planting, it is possible to estimate where its root system is located.

Sunflowers watered for the first time after potting on dry soil (yunying mixed latte)

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Raw stone flowers usually watered, my point is that there is no wrinkle of raw stone flowers do not need to get moisture, in the hot summer, should not be watered thoroughly, if you really want to water, you can use a watering can every night in the cool night to slightly wet the soil surface of the raw stone flowers, and watering should ensure that you can fully volatilize before the sun rises the next day.

In the flowering season of raw stone flowers (most raw stone flowers are in autumn), when the flower sword emerges from the ass slit, the water should be watered thoroughly to give the raw stone flowers a certain amount of water and nutrients to flower.

It is worth noting that when watering in the summer, you can mix carbendazim watering or spraying water, which can serve the purpose of watering and medicine at the same time.

Hair root successful sunflower

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Green tusks with successful roots

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Fifth, lighting

Light is very important for raw stone flowers, without good light, raw stone flowers will turn green or even grow. My point here is that as long as the raw stone flowers are adapted to the outdoor light, except for the poisonous noon sun in June, July, August and September, they can actually be directly illuminated. However, the newly rooted raw stone flowers can not be directly irradiated too strongly, which has to have a gradual process like people, which can be placed next to the astigmatism of the large army first, and then they can be managed normally after a few days of adaptation.

Green purple kaoru exposed to sunlight

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

6. Medication

Here, my usual medication is several, small white medicine, carbendazim and Guoguang brand root mealybug killing. Small white medicine I like to mix with soil when potting, carbendazim I am used to watering when watering, and root powder killing I like to mix water into the early summer to kill insects. Because my raw stone flowers have not been infested with insects at present, I don't think I have a very specific and detailed view of this aspect.

7. Spend the summer

In fact, as long as it is a good root system of stone flowers, as long as the summer control does not mess with the water supply, placed in a place where ventilation does not directly sunlight, raw stone flowers are very good summer. My raw stone flowers are kept on the roof of the building, have a shelter but are very hot, and the temperature can reach up to forty-eight degrees. For this temperature my raw stone flowers have not lost a single bit.

Instead, the direct death of the sapphire is infectious water caused by excessive moisture, excessive temperature and lack of ventilation. Therefore, the high temperature is not the direct cause, but because of the excessive moisture and lack of ventilation at high temperature, it will cause the death of the raw stone flower.

At night when the temperature drops, we can use a watering can to add water to the raw stone flowers, and the moisture control is enough to wet the window surface and the paving, remember not to be too much!

8. Soil distribution

This needs to be emphasized that different regions will be different because of different climates and humidity, and because different owners have different potting and watering frequencies, and the soil distribution will also be different. For example, I am in Sichuan, the humidity is very large, then the vermiculite that retains water is used as little as possible or even not used; If it is in the north and the air is dry, then the medium of retaining water cannot be too small.

Here I say my soil, in fact, my soil is very mixed, the guarantee is 80% of the particles (if it is more than four years of large mother, my particles will reach 90% of the particles) Particle size I use is 1-3mm. Here I have drawn a schematic diagram of the various soil layers of raw stone flowers. My favorites are diatomaceous earth and sand. Sand can be used in the field or in the river, but it needs to be screened and disinfected to kill insects. For example, after rinsing, expose to the sun or stir-fry on the heat to cool.

It is worth noting that in order to ensure the safety of the raw stone flowers in the summer, it is best not to lay the upper and lower paving surfaces first, and then lay them after the root system of the raw stones is stable. The schematic diagram is the soil layer of each part of the stone flower in the normal state, and the rootless stone flower can choose not to pave it temporarily.

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Finally, enjoy my raw stone flowers

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Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

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Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

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Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

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Large group photo

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing
Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing
Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Raising meat is nourishing the heart, because with raw stone flowers my life becomes beautiful

Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing
Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

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Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

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Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing
Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing
Love what I love, do what I love! Raw stone flower maintenance dry goods sharing

Finally, I sincerely hope that many people like raw stone flowers and like this special earth gemstone, and I hope that my sharing can make everyone take fewer detours.


This article is submitted by the author spontaneously and exclusively authorized by the "Encyclopedia of Succulents", and the content of the article does not represent the views and positions of this number!

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