
Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

author:Lynn said popular science

In life, many people often like to eat some sweets, sweets can bring people satisfaction on the tip of the tongue, but also can bring people a good mood, so sweets are also known as "sugar-coated shells".

Although sweets can help improve personal emotions, but it is also a sweet burden, because the sugar content in sweets is relatively high, too much intake will cause obesity, so this is also resisted by most women, but it is often difficult to resist the temptation of sweets.

However, if too much sweets are consumed in life, it will also increase the risk of disease, for example, the problem of diabetes will become more and more serious, and many people point out that too much intake of sweets will affect the normal function of the stomach and intestines, thus affecting the recovery of stomach diseases to aggravate the occurrence of the disease, so it is not recommended for patients with stomach diseases to eat, so is this really the case?

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"?

As an important digestive and absorption organ of the human body, the stomach helps digest the food ingested, absorbs the nutrients in it, and maintains the normal function of the human body, but many people in life ignore the maintenance of the stomach and lead to the high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases.

In fact, the reason for this situation is also related to the daily unreasonable diet, and many people have proposed that the main cause of stomach disease is excessive intake of sweets.

And now the types of sweets are more and more loved by people, like common stomach diseases are also including acute chronic, in the final analysis, it is inseparable from eating.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

If you do not pay attention to the usual diet, it will also lead to more and more serious gastrointestinal diseases, affecting their own health, then for some patients with gastrointestinal diseases, it is not a minority if you do not pay attention to conditioning will also lead to stomach lesions, resulting in the risk of cancer, affecting personal health, so in life must pay attention to control a reasonable diet.

Sweets are not just "sweet"

I believe that everyone knows that the appropriate use of some sweets in life can help release personal stress and relieve psychological tension, and sweets can indeed help the human body secrete too much dopamine to a certain extent, making people have a certain sense of excitement, but we can supplement the glucose and energy required through sweets, but too much intake may be detrimental to the body.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

And there are many people who think that sweets are just some sweet foods to eat, but this is also a misunderstanding, some foods are not sweet, but the sugar content is also relatively large, too much intake will also affect the stability of blood sugar.

For example, some foods containing sucrose are generally relatively sweet, and some foods containing caramel, lactose, and glucose, although they are not sweet, do not mean that they will not produce calories, and will also affect normal stability, and will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, affecting the health of the stomach and intestines.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

People with stomach problems should stay away from sweets!

In particular, some sweets will also unconsciously stimulate gastrointestinal damage, because if the sweets are consumed in excess, they will lead to the destruction of structural proteins in the body. Accelerate the rate of skin aging, and it will also lead to the accumulation of fat, thereby increasing the burden on the body, resulting in obesity, affecting the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Therefore, for patients with stomach diseases, we must also pay attention to the control of a good amount, and if you usually consume too much, it will also stimulate the stomach and intestines, resulting in excessive gastric acid secretion in the stomach to neutralize and digest these foods, and long-term in the stomach acid environment, it will stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa damage, thereby inducing the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

It will also lead to the destruction of the defense function of the gastric mucosa, resulting in the problem of gastritis and gastric ulcers, so for patients with stomach disease, we must pay attention to reducing the intake of some sweets, so as to help protect the health of the stomach and intestines

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

Of course, for patients with stomach diseases, we must also pay attention to the distinction when eating sweets in the usual way, so which sweets can not be eaten by patients with stomach diseases? Let's analyze it in detail.

What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

1. Marinate sweets

Probably when it comes to pickled sweets, most people will feel more confused, is pickled food generally not salty? How can it still be sweet? In fact, some foods may go through the pickling process during the production process, and a large amount of white sugar will be added to make the food sweet and salty and delicious.

And this kind of food in the salt, sugar fat content are relatively high, if too much intake, in addition to causing obesity, but also will cause indigestion, gastritis and other conditions, affecting the health of the stomach and intestines, so this food is not recommended to eat more.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

2. Cake

For some people with gastrointestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat more cakes, because the food in such cakes contains relatively more trans fatty acids.

In addition to causing obesity, it will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, affect the normal digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines, and also increase the burden on blood vessels, prompting blood sugar to rise to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, so foods like this dessert can also eat less and eat less.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

3. Candy

For people with gastrointestinal diseases, it must be noted that some candies are not recommended to eat more, even if you ingest a candy, it will also affect the stability of blood sugar.

And it will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, promote excessive secretion of stomach acid, which will stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa damage, so like this candy is also very hurtful to the stomach, it is recommended or it is best to touch less.

If you want to nourish your stomach every day, what should you do?

1. Conditioning diet

Stomach is not good, in addition to reducing the intake of sweets, like some pickled foods, fried foods, spicy and stimulating foods are not recommended to eat more, to avoid stimulating gastrointestinal mucosa damage is serious, aggravating the occurrence of the disease, try to pay attention to a light diet.

2. Pay attention to sports

For patients with gastrointestinal diseases, in daily life, you can also pay attention to appropriate exercise, adhere to exercise can help enhance their own metabolism, promote the discharge of toxin garbage inside the stomach and intestines, reduce the burden of the stomach and intestines, play a certain role in nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach, and make the stomach healthier.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

3. Pay attention to timely physical examination

For people with gastrointestinal discomfort, in life, we must also pay attention to regular physical examination, in order to ensure the normal function of the stomach and intestines, if there is discomfort, we must also seek medical examination and treatment as soon as possible to avoid aggravation of gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Maintain optimism

If the stomach is not good, we should also pay attention to maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude in normal times, so as to maintain the normal operation of various organs and avoid being too depressed, thereby stimulating the stomach and intestines to be damaged.

Why should people with stomach diseases eat less "sweets"? What foods does sweet food refer to? Doctor detailed science popularization

The stomach is a very important organ, so the diet and work and rest must pay attention to improvement, which is conducive to the healthy stomach and intestines.

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