
It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

author:Bright Net

I've been very upset in my stomach lately

The face is yellowish and the weight is also increased

It may have something to do with my constipation during this time

Trying the drinking more method didn't work

Hope to adjust it through diet

I heard that eating crude fiber foods can improve constipation, is it true?

Xue Yong

China Agricultural University

Associate Professor, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering

Crude fiber is the old name of dietary fiber and is the seventh largest nutrient.

After years of scientific research, there is sufficient evidence that dietary fiber, whether soluble or insoluble, can promote stool excretion and alleviate constipation.

In addition, dietary fiber can also prevent bowel cancer by helping to adhere to carcinogens and improving the flora in the large intestine. Therefore, dietary fiber is also known as the "cleaner in the body".

Note: Relying solely on a food supplement dietary fiber does not play a good role in alleviating constipation, pay attention to dietary diversity, both intake of more dietary fiber, nutrition is more comprehensive. Of course, you can combine and match high-quality dietary fiber foods according to your preferences, while paying attention to drinking more water.

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

Dietary fiber also has these benefits

1. Longevity nutrients of the human body

A study published in The Lancet suggests that dietary fiber intake is associated with human longevity.

The University of Otago study in New Zealand, which pooled 185 epidemiological studies and 58 clinical trials of dietary fiber and health, found that:

Adequate dietary fiber intake can reduce all-cause mortality, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease-related mortality, and the incidence of many chronic diseases, including diabetes.

In short, a daily intake of 25 grams to 29 grams of dietary fiber is conducive to longevity.

2. Prevent obesity

There have been numerous studies reporting on dietary fiber and obesity, with multiple studies suggesting that dietary fiber supplementation can reduce energy intake, especially for obese people.

It can be seen that dietary fiber has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of obesity, which may be due to the fact that dietary fiber can increase chewing time and satiety, and reduce digestibility.

3. Lower blood sugar

Many studies have confirmed that consuming dietary fiber supplements or foods rich in dietary fiber can lower blood sugar.

This effect mainly comes from soluble dietary fiber, because it can form a very viscous substance in the stomach, which affects the absorption and utilization of glucose, so that blood sugar does not rise suddenly after a meal.

4. Lowers blood cholesterol

Pectin and other viscous polysaccharides can reduce the body's absorption of dietary cholesterol, which has a certain effect on lowering blood cholesterol.

Dietary fiber is hidden in these foods

According to the "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese Residents", adults should eat 25 grams to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day.

30 g dietary fiber ≈ 50 g ~ 150 g whole grain beans + 500 g vegetables + 250 g fruits + 10 g nuts (kernels)

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

First recommend a star food with high dietary fiber to the circle friends - konjac, its dietary fiber content is about 70%, only need to ingest less than 40 grams of konjac, you can reach 25 grams of dietary fiber.

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

Dietary fiber is mainly present in plant-based foods, and foods rich in dietary fiber mainly have the following three categories:

1. Whole grains, miscellaneous beans, potatoes

Such as brown rice, oats, chickpeas, red adzuki beans, mung beans and so on.

Fresh corn: 2.9 g/100 g

Wheat noodles: 4.6 g / 100 g

Black rice: 3.9 g / 100 g

Each 100 grams of rice contains only 0.7 grams of dietary fiber (mainly insoluble dietary fiber).

Miscellaneous legumes and potatoes are also rich in dietary fiber, for example ️️️

Red adzuki beans: 7.7 g / 100 g

Mung beans: 6.4 g / 100 g

Sweet potatoes: 1.6 g / 100 g

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

2. Vegetables and fruits

Fungi have obvious advantages and are the best in rich dietary fiber.

Fresh shiitake mushrooms: 3.3 g / 100 g

Enoki mushrooms: 2.7 g / 100 g

Fungus: 2.6 g / 100 g

Fresh beans also performed well ️️️

Edamame: 4 g/100 g

Fresh fava beans: 3.1 g/100 g

Fresh peas: 3 g /100 g

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

Some vegetables also contain more dietary fiber ️️️

Garlic: 2.5 g / 100 g

Carob: 2.1 g /100 g

Cauliflower: 2.1 g / 100 g

Okra: 1.8 g / 100 g

Spinach: 1.7 g / 100 g

Targeted selection of these vegetables can be better supplemented.

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

There are also many fiber masters ️️️ in the fruit

Korla pear: 6.7 g/100 g

Pomegranate: 4.8 g / 100 g

Mulberries: 4.1 g / 100 g

Kiwifruit: 2.6 g/100 g

The soluble dietary fiber in oranges, grapes, peaches, and strawberries is about 1 g/100 g, and it is also recommended to eat it regularly.


The elderly or children with bad stomach can steam the fruit and then eat it, and the dietary fiber will not be affected.

Many people like to drink fruit juice, but when squeezing the juice, the dietary fiber (pomace) will be filtered out, which will greatly reduce the effect.

3. Tree nuts, soy

They are the fibrous kings of nuts ️️️

Large almonds: 18.5 g / 100 g

Black sesame seeds: 14 g/100 g

Hazelnuts: 9.6 g/100 g

Pine nuts: 12.4 g / 100 g

Soybean milk without filtering residue can retain most of the dietary fiber, and the dietary fiber content of a cup of 200 ml of soy milk is about 1.5 grams.

It is the longevity nutrient of the human body, hidden in the food you often eat

Supplement to avoid 3 misunderstandings

Myth 1: The rougher the taste, the more fiber there is

If the taste is obviously rough, it can only mean that its insoluble dietary fiber content is more, and it does not mean that its total dietary fiber content is high.

Like oats, pears, apples, kiwi fruits, bacteria and algae, although the taste is not so rough, but in addition to containing a certain amount of insoluble dietary fiber, but also contains a large number of soluble dietary fiber, to reduce blood sugar, blood cholesterol has a better effect.

Myth 2: The more dietary fiber supplements, the better

First of all, a large intake of dietary fiber, especially insoluble dietary fiber, will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in bloating, indigestion and other problems.

Second, excessive intake of dietary fiber may affect the body's absorption of certain trace elements.

In addition, if dietary fiber is not cooked soft enough, the mechanical friction generated when it passes through the digestive tract can damage the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and increase the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends:

1. Adults consume 25 grams to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day

2. For those with poor stomach and intestines, the intake of dietary fiber is halved

3. The elderly, children and other people with weak digestive ability should cook foods rich in dietary fiber until they are soft and rotten

4. Dietary fiber with meat and eggs is better to eat nutrition

The protein in meat and eggs can not only repair the damaged gastric mucosa in time, protect the gastrointestinal tract, but also make up for the lack of dietary fiber that hinders the absorption of some nutrients.

Myth 3: When cooked, it destroys dietary fiber

Vegetables, coarse grains, etc. will become soft and taste better after cooking, but heating will not affect the effect of dietary fiber.

Therefore, you do not have to eat raw vegetables in order to obtain dietary fiber, you can eat them according to your favorite taste.

Directions for consumption

1, the benefits: conducive to longevity; Relieves constipation; Prevention and treatment of obesity; Lowers blood sugar; Lowers blood cholesterol

2, the star food with high dietary fiber - konjac

3. Adults consume 25 grams to 30 grams of dietary fiber per day

4. For those with poor stomach and intestines, the intake of dietary fiber is halved

5. The elderly, children and other people with weak digestive ability should cook foods rich in dietary fiber until they are soft and rotten

6. Dietary fiber with meat and eggs is better nutritious

Source: CCTV Life Circle

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