
Demystifying the "Jersey Devil" from Hell in the United States, the two statements are different, and the frightening preface The Son of the Devil Business Conspiracy Jersey Devil Imagines the Devil Appears in the Conclusion

author:Dragonfly FM Historical Sound Waves


According to local urban legends, the Jersey Demon is a mysterious creature called the "Jersey Demon", which looks like a dragon but has the head of a goat or horse, as well as a pair of wings, a pair of sharp claws and a forked tail similar to the devil, and can fly at a very fast speed in the air, making creepy screams.

Demystifying the "Jersey Devil" from Hell in the United States, the two statements are different, and the frightening preface The Son of the Devil Business Conspiracy Jersey Devil Imagines the Devil Appears in the Conclusion

Like the Mothman, the appearance of the Jersey Demons also heralded the advent of disasters, such as wars and natural disasters, but fortunately, the records of jersey demons are still only in writing.

<h1>Son of the Devil</h1>

Legend has it that in 1735, in New Jersey, a young girl named Jave Leeds was accused of being a traitor for falling in love with an English soldier, and was banished by the townspeople to a barren pine sand field in New Jersey. Soon after, Liz had 12 children there, and when she conceived her 13th child, she cursed in frustration: "Let it be a demon!" "

Later, on a dark and windy night of the month, Leeds finally gave birth to her 13th child, and this child, as she wished, quickly turned into a winged monster after birth, and after killing the midwife, spread her wings and flew into the night sky to escape. Soon after, the horror of Leeds giving birth to a monster quickly spread throughout New Jersey, and people thought that Liz was a witch and the father of her children was a demon.

Because people hated witches very much at that time, and those who were identified as witches often had only one way to die, Leeds also had a premonition that he would encounter an accident after the incident, so in 1736, he entrusted her 12 children to others to take them to various parts of the United States, while she stayed alone in a lonely house waiting for people's "crusade"!

Demystifying the "Jersey Devil" from Hell in the United States, the two statements are different, and the frightening preface The Son of the Devil Business Conspiracy Jersey Devil Imagines the Devil Appears in the Conclusion

<h1>Business conspiracies</h1>

According to the research of american historian Bree Regall, jersey demons were called "Leeds demons" until the early 20th century, and it was not until the early 20th century that they gradually became Jersey demons, and this was probably a conspiracy planned by Benminger Franklin to deal with his competitor, a publisher named Daniel Leeds, and eventually led to the Leeds family being described by public opinion as "an evil group", and Leeds himself was called "Leeds Demons", which gave birth to the "Leeds Demons" "This urban legend.

<h1>Jersey Devil Imagine</h1>

In the 17th century, in the English Quaker settlement of South New Jersey, Leeds was originally a man of great prestige in the settlement, but because he published some almanacs on astrology, he was suddenly banished by the Quakers, and his books were considered a blasphemy and even censored and destroyed.

Demystifying the "Jersey Devil" from Hell in the United States, the two statements are different, and the frightening preface The Son of the Devil Business Conspiracy Jersey Devil Imagines the Devil Appears in the Conclusion

In response to resistance to his work, Leeds continued to publish many books on Christian mysticism, cosmology, demons, angels, and magic, which further caused the Quakers to resent him, and listed his books as banned within the Quakers, and openly claimed that he was a "man who sold his soul to the devil.". In addition, because Ofz's son Titan Leeds designed the family coat of arms as a flying dragon with bat wings, people associated him with the "Demon of Leeds", believing that Liz was the embodiment of a demon.

<h1>The devil appeared</h1>

The Leeds Demon, eventually known as the Devil of Jersey, began between January 16 and 23, 1909, when two cases of humans being attacked by a mysterious monster reported in a local newspaper in New Jersey.

According to reports at the time, on a streetcar in Harden Heights and at an open-air party in Camden, a huge mysterious creature suddenly descended from the sky and attacked people, eventually injuring several people. According to witnesses at the time, the creature had the head of a goat and the wings of a pair of bats, and it flew extremely fast, quickly disappearing from people's sight after the attack. Later, along with this report, people as far away as Pennsylvania and Maryland claimed to have seen similar creatures flying in the sky, and some even claimed that the creatures landed on their farms and killed some livestock.

Demystifying the "Jersey Devil" from Hell in the United States, the two statements are different, and the frightening preface The Son of the Devil Business Conspiracy Jersey Devil Imagines the Devil Appears in the Conclusion


Since then, the urban legend of the Jersey devil has begun to circulate in the United States, and panic has gradually spread to the surrounding areas of New Jersey, and even schools in some areas have been closed because of this legend, and factories have also been suspended because of this legend. Later, as the legend of the Jersey demon intensified, the Philadelphia police also offered a reward of ten thousand US dollars, hoping that there would be warriors to hunt this demon, so a variety of "demon hunter" organizations were formed in the folk to go deep into the pine forest of New Jersey to find the footprints of this demon, of course, in the end it was still fruitless...

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Demystifying the "Jersey Devil" from Hell in the United States, the two statements are different, and the frightening preface The Son of the Devil Business Conspiracy Jersey Devil Imagines the Devil Appears in the Conclusion

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