
Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

author:Hisumi fungus

The name "Fushou Snail" must be slightly heard by everyone, although this name is still quite good to call Fushou, but it is actually a kind of snail that can kill people. After discovering its drawbacks, the mainland pulled it into the blacklist, fasting food and breeding. Although nearly twenty years have passed, the flood of Fushou snails can still be seen in the southern region. The people are now shying away from Fushouluo.

But in India, Fushou snail can be described as a fragrant feast! Often used for cooking. How, the stomach of indians is an iron stomach? Are they not afraid of parasites?

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

How terrible are the parasites in the fushou snail.

In the 1980s, the Fushou snail was introduced to the mainland as a new species. Because many people like it has a lot of meat and a large body, it began to gradually promote breeding, and then it was served to the dinner table, called the night market must order. However, in order to pursue the taste, many merchants did not cook it during the cooking process, and in 2006, a beijing restaurant was poisoned by eating Fushou snail.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

It should be known that there are only a dozen parasites in the body of ordinary sashimi, but the Fushou snail is simply the largest host of parasites, and the number of parasites in a snail can reach 6,000. Fushou snails eat everything, see what to eat, duckweed, moss, rice, lotus leaves and even rotting fish carcasses, including their own eggs... If there is a Fushou snail in the bathtub, within a few days, there will be nothing left in the bathtub. It is not surprising that there are many parasites in the body so that it can be eaten.

Among them, Guangzhou tube roundworm will even drill into the human brain, if the parasite is eaten into the body, the insect will swim around in the blood, their favorite is the central nervous system, including the size of the brain, brain stem. The insect content is so high that many people talk about snail discoloration.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Therefore, everyone should pay attention to the fact that they must be fried when buying raw snails! The main cooking method for Guangxi people to eat snails is stir-frying and slow-simmering. If it is stir-fried, as a merchant, it is also a semi-finished product in advance, and then start cooking after ordering. Slow simmering is like Liuzhou snail duck foot pot and snail powder, stewed for a long time, and even cooked while eating like a hot pot, which is the root cause to eliminate the parasites in the snail. The annual Fushou snail incident in social news is basically related to the improper cooking method of individuals. So how does India eat it?

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Indians don't have an iron stomach

Indians love to eat fushou snails not to look at the meat but at the ingredients. Indians pay the most attention to the use of spices, whether it is street milk tea or daily snacks, spices are added to the fierce. A cup of Marsala milk tea contains dozens of spices. It takes more spices to make fushou snails, and onions, tomatoes, peppers, limes, and the old three red and yellow powders of Indians must be prepared.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Indians also know that there are parasites in it, so the time to cook the snail is more than an hour. But the Fushou snail is very difficult to eat after it is fully cooked, and the meat of the Fushou snail that has been cooked for so long is actually very hard, and it is a bit bitter, and it is more like an eraser to chew than an eraser. This thing is not easy to taste because the meat is thick, and because it is not easy to taste, some of the spices of the thick meat cannot be stewed, and it is easy to leave a relatively heavy fishy smell.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

After adding a lot of spices, the taste is not very tasty, but it is not too bad, and they have no problem using it as a normal dish. It is not suitable for people to eat, but as a protein supplement for raising water ducks, it is quite good, but the cost of breeding for special feed is not cost-effective.

Moreover, many people in India have run out of food, who cares whether this snail is delicious or not, whether there are bugs or not. And our side of the cooking taste is much more elegant than India, high temperature cooked Fushou snail is really difficult to eat, want to eat delicious can only not be fully cooked with parasites, which is very contradictory.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Why doesn't the mainland export Fushou snails to India?

Since Indians love to eat Fushou snails so much, don't we just sell them the flooded Fushou snails?

The idea is bold and naïve. First of all, the Fushou snails on the mainland could not go out at all. Under the epidemic, overseas exports are very difficult, but also to transport these worthless snails out, if the way is rotten, you have to take the logistics cost, in short, from the cost of manpower and financial resources is not worth it.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Secondly, there is no shortage of Fushou snails in India. The amount of ovulation of Fushou snail is really amazing, and looking throughout the entire aquatic world, there is no more raw than it. They can release 30,000-50,000 eggs at a time and 20-40 times a year. It should be known that ordinary field snails breed hundreds of them a year, while Fushou snails can breed hundreds of thousands of them a year. India's Fushou snail is even more self-sufficient, if people want to eat it immediately go down to the river to catch it, the money is definitely not as good as the white prostitute.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Isn't there a natural enemy of Fushou snail on the mainland?

There are really birds that like to eat Fushou snails, this bird is called pincer-billed storks, because the chin is sunken downwards, when the large mouth is closed, there will be a clear gap in the middle, like a large pliers, so it is called pincer-billed storks. This animal belongs to the tropical animals, in the paddy fields, beaches are easy to see their figure, mainly like to eat water mollusks. India and South Asia have a relatively good climate, and the Asian pincer-billed stork is mainly distributed in the Indian boundary. Most of the climatic conditions on the mainland are not suitable for its survival, so the snail has not been treated by the pincer-billed stork.

But in 2006, the first trace of pincer-billed storks was found in Yunnan Province, and then the number of pincer-billed storks in Yunnan Province soared sharply, and in 2016, about 1,100 pincer-billed storks were found in a wetland park in Yunnan. The people initially saw it as a migratory bird, but after a long period of observation by researchers, it appeared that the pincer-billed storks had come to "settle down." Because during the migration time, they did not leave and return to India.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

Why do pincer-billed storks want to immigrate?

Mainland researchers have found that the pincer-billed stork lives more comfortably in China. In places like South Asia, the pincer-billed stork spends 35% of its daily foraging and 33% of its time resting, while in China, its foraging time has been shortened to 18.6%, and the rest time has directly doubled to 61.2%.

This is mainly because there are too many birds in India that they have preyed on, the competition is fierce, and the overall environment is called a relatively rolled. In Yunnan, the ecological environment is very well protected, the climate is also suitable for their life, and the most important thing is that they can eat buffets, have plenty of food, and enjoy endless Fushou snails.

Fushou snail was pulled into the Chinese blacklist, the parasite 3 digits, why did Indians eat nothing?

In short, Fushou snails cannot be sold, and they dare not eat them. Moreover, there are few crayfish like crayfish that solve the problem of flooding by eating, tracing back to the source, and treating it from the source of Fushou snail is the key. If the pincer-billed stork can survive and reproduce on the mainland for a long time, the ecology will also self-regulate, and the reduction in the number of fushou snails is just around the corner.

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