
The dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune, so how do we distinguish between species and feeding?


Are pigeons birds?

The dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune, so how do we distinguish between species and feeding?

The pigeon is a bird that is good at flying, small and exquisite, with many varieties, many colors of feathers, and mainly feeds on cereals. Pigeons are widely kept all over the world and are collectively known for hundreds of species of birds in the pigeon-shaped order Doves. The pigeon we usually call a pigeon is only one of the pigeons, and it is a domestic pigeon, and the most common of the domestic pigeons is the carrier pigeon, which is mainly used for communication and racing. Pigeons and humans have been living together for thousands of years, and the first image of a pigeon found by archaeologists comes from Mesopotamia in 3000 BC, which is now Iraq.

The symbol of the meaning of the pigeon

The dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune, so how do we distinguish between species and feeding?

1, the dove is a symbol of peace Western culture regards the dove as a symbol of peace, love, and equality, while Chinese culture regards the dove as a symbol of faith and family harmony.

2. Festive Every time there is a major celebration, there is always a dove, and people release the doves to express their joyful mood and expectations for peace.

3, love dove not only symbolizes peace, but also the messenger of love, known as the "love bird" by the world.

4, equality The dove is also a symbol of equality, symbolizing the harmony between man and nature, and the equality between people. In today's major cities, it has become fashionable to keep square pigeons. Pigeons with beautiful images and gentle temperaments are more and more loved and welcomed by people.

What breeds are the pigeons

The dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune, so how do we distinguish between species and feeding?

1. Wild pigeon Wild pigeons mainly have two types: rock and arboreal. Domestic pigeons have been bred and screened for a long time, including edible pigeons, play pigeons, racing pigeons, military pigeons and experimental pigeons. Uncivilized wild pigeons are mainly divided into rock-dwelling and arboreal- Distributed all over the world, there are forest pigeons, rock pigeons, North American travel pigeons, snow pigeons, spotted doves and so on. Our country is also one of the origins of pigeons in the world.

2. Domestic pigeon Pigeon pigeon pigeon species of the pigeon genus Doves. Pigeons are also known as domestic pigeons and bunting pigeons, and the ancestors of pigeons are wild original pigeons. Tens of thousands of years ago, wild pigeons flew in flocks, nesting, roosting and reproducing on coastal rocks and cave cliffs. Due to the natural nesting desire of pigeons, the Egyptians and Greeks have trained wild pigeons as domestic pigeons. Pigeons like to eat gravel, which is related to its special digestive system. It is necessary to swallow the stones from time to time.

3. Original pigeon A kind of wild pigeon. It is the original breed of domestic pigeons and is roughly similar in size to domestic pigeons. Most of them inhabit the rocky cliffs of the seashore, and are not good at nesting, only with some dead branches and leaves as a foreshadowing. The plumage is generally shingled grey , with two black crosses on the wings , and the thoracic feathers are darker in color and have red and green metallic accents. Eats cereals and vegetable seeds. There are many subspecies. Distributed in Europe, the Asian continent, as well as Iran, India and other places, China also produces. See also "Rock Pigeon".

4. Church pigeon A kind of pigeon raised by religious monasteries or teachings. It is mainly used as an embellishment of scenery. Some religious believers see it as a sacred "sacred bird", while tourists and pilgrims see it as a landscape. The inner courtyard of the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty in China, as well as the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou and the City God Temple in Shanghai, were all raised. The "divine pigeons" raised in the forbidden palaces of the ancient Indian dynasties also belong to this category.

5. Square pigeons Pigeons are pigeons that are freely bred in the square. It is mainly used as an embellishment of scenery. The dove is regarded as a symbol of peace, beauty and happiness. Many famous cities around the world, such as Paris in France, Moscow in Russia, London in the United Kingdom, Warsaw in Poland and other famous squares in the city, raise large flocks of pigeons, adding to the peaceful atmosphere of the attractions and cheering for tourists from all over the world.

6. Carrier pigeon is also known as "communication pigeon". Pigeons used for communication. Including maritime communications, commercial communications, news communications, military communications, civilian communications, etc. In a broad sense, it refers to all military pigeons and racing pigeons that serve human beings except for pigeons and meat pigeons. People take advantage of the performance of pigeon homing, successively used for communication and racing, has always used the name of carrier pigeon, is no longer limited to the single meaning of "communication", and mainly refers to pigeons used for flying races. More categories: Rock Pigeon Spotted Forest Pigeon Snow Pigeon European Pigeon Spotted Pigeon Spotted Pigeon Finch Pigeon Military Pigeon Racing Pigeon Short and Medium Distance Pigeon Long Distance Pigeon Super Long Range Pigeon Chicken Pigeon

How do pigeons divide male and female

The dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune, so how do we distinguish between species and feeding?

First, the appearance of the sex identification of adult pigeons, experienced breeders are very easy to grasp, mainly from the appearance and behavior of the pigeon to identify, of which the reliability of behavior identification is greater than the appearance of identification.

1. pigeons: Adult cocks are large and fat, the top of the head is slightly flat, the eye ring is large and slightly loose, the eyelids (instantaneous membranes) flash rapidly, the glowing spirit, the nasal tumor is large, the forehead is wide, the neck is thick and short, the cervical spine is rough and powerful, and the neck feathers are slightly thick and purple-green metallic luster, which is very gorgeous. The end of the sternum is closely spaced with the pubic bone, the foot is thick and strong, the tibia is thick and rounded, and the tip of the main wing feathers is rounded. The anus is convex when closed and hexagonal when open. The adult cocks are lively and aggressive, often walking with their heads held high, chasing other pigeons in the flock and making a "grunt, grunt" call. When the pigeon is caught by hand, the resistance is strong. When it chirps, its voice is loud, the neck feathers are loose, the air sacs on the neck are inflated, the back feathers are raised, the tail feathers are scattered like fans, and the tail feathers are swept while calling, often turning with the hen, while chirping, and constantly nodding up and down. If the above appearance and behavior are combined and are still not enough to identify the male and female, the suspected and the identified can also be put in a cage for observation, if both sides make a grunting sound, and the neck feathers are erected to fight each other, it should be confirmed as a.

2. Hens: Adult hens have a compact and graceful structure, with a narrow and long head, a slightly rounded head, close eye rings, and a narrow and compact nasal tumor. The neck is slender and slightly softer, the neck feathers are also thinner and softer, and the metallic luster is not as bright as that of the cocks. The sternum is short and straight, the distance between the end of the sternum and the pubic bone is wide, and the distance between the pubic bone is both wide and elastic. The feet are thin and short, the tibia are thin, the sides are flattened, the main wing feathers and the tip of the thorax feathers are pointed, the wings are tighter, and the tail feathers are cleaner than the cocks. The anus is concave when closed and star-shaped when open. The hens are more docile, quiet and aggressive, often crouching in remote places or nests. Estrus often trails or snuggles next to the. When the pigeon is caught by hand, it is less resistant and makes a silent or only low "grunting" sound. When it sounds, it is low and short, with occasional slight flutters of wings. When the cocks are chasing, the hens have a slight nod. If you hold it, the hen's eyes are not as bright as the cocks, but they appear to be gentler and the eyelids flash more slowly. If the above observations of appearance and behavior are still unable to determine the sex, the suspected hen and the known can also be kept in a cage, if there is a slight fight at the beginning stage, the attacks with the mouth, the pigeon to be identified fights back with wings, and then the separation avoidance can be determined as a hen.

Second, fake kiss identification There is another method of fake kiss: one hand pigeon, one hand pigeon mouth, both hands move up and down at the same time (like pigeon kissing), in general, the tail is the, and the tail is the hen.

How to raise pigeons

The dove is a symbol of peace and good fortune, so how do we distinguish between species and feeding?

Pigeons' feed is mainly multigrains, and the more commonly used ones are wheat, buckwheat, sorghum, corn, peas, mung beans, hemp seeds, peanuts and rice. When feeding, at least two kinds of feed should be used to mix feeding, for example, wheat, corn, sorghum a total of 3 parts, peas 1 part, during training, change to wheat, corn, sorghum a total of 3 parts, peas 1 part, hemp seeds 1 part.

In addition to miscellaneous grains, it can also supply green feed and mineral feed such as green vegetables, cabbage, wheat seedlings, etc. Mineral feed can be purchased at local pigeon associations. It can also be equipped with its own, generally to meet the needs of carrier pigeons.

Mineral feed such as: 3 parts of yellow mud and yellow sand, 2 parts of slaked lime, 1 part of salt, 0.5 parts of shell powder or eggshell powder, 0.5 parts of charcoal, crushed and mixed with water to form a ball to dry, and when feeding, break the ball and put it in the loft. Feed twice a day, once at about 7:00 a.m. and once at about 4:30 p.m., the amount of feeding in the morning accounts for 1/3 of its diet, the amount of feeding in the afternoon accounts for 2/3 of its diet, and the amount of feed for each adult pigeon per day is about 50 grams, which can be appropriately increased during training. After the pigeon stops flying, it can be called back to the nest and fed, so that it forms a conditioned reflex of returning to the house to eat, which is conducive to returning to the nest.

During pigeon training and racing, more corn and peas should be fed, and water should be fed first, followed by feed. You can be fed glucose water first, followed by light saline water. In summer and during the incubation of young birds, an appropriate amount of table salt can be added to their drinking water. Pigeons are birds that love cleanliness and must pay great attention to the cleanliness of the loft, at least twice a week in summer and autumn, and once a week in winter.

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