
Do you understand the war in the Middle East?

author:Niche, Z

Without advanced tools, it can seem difficult to split a boulder. The ancients invented the scorpion in the face of this difficulty, inserted a few scorpions in the natural rock crevices or early rock crevices, and then pounded twice, the hard boulders will be instantly stretched open, and then processed, which is the raw material for building pyramids, temples and other ancient buildings. Then for the Middle East, there is such a country that is inserted here like a scorpion, and with his arrival, the war in the Middle East has not stopped. Throughout history, the results of the middle east war, perhaps many people will have some questions, why a small scorpion was not crushed by a boulder,

Is it firmly nailed here? In the five wars, why does Israel often win more with less and single out the Arab countries of the world with strength? Do OPEC and the petrodollar system have anything to do with the war in the Middle East? In materialistic dialectics, the development of things is determined by internal and external factors, and the internal causes of the five Middle East wars are roughly around the contradictions between Israel and the Arab countries, from the Arab affairs. Perspective. Despite their own contradictions, the Arabs themselves did not welcome the arrival of pagans and Jews. Attacking Israel is a just battle to defend the territorial integrity and religious beliefs of arab countries.

From Israel's point of view, this is a war of founding in which Jews return to their homeland and end thousands of years of wandering. In the future, I will make several videos on the war in the Middle East to put aside these internal causes, no longer limit my attention to the Arab-Israeli conflict, and look at the world situation as much as possible to get a glimpse of the story behind the middle East war.

Let's turn the clock back to 1943, when the Fascist forces were exhausted, and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, who was far away from the ocean, realized that it was time to begin preparations for a new postwar world order. Since Roosevelt's Lend-Lease Act provided a large amount of unpaid and timely assistance to the anti-fascist Allied countries, he was well aware of the idea of establishing one. The new world order in favor of the United States must be hit while it is hot, so the Bretton Woods system with the dollar as the core was formed before World War II. At this time, the foreign policy of the United States, although the United States first is also obvious, but at the same time,

Roosevelt hoped that all countries in the world could develop peacefully and steadily under a new order. Unfortunately, Roosevelt did not see this day coming, and he died suddenly in 1945. President Truman then rewrote U.S. diplomacy. Truman's ideas were more American-first and radical. He had made a statement the day after the German attack on the Soviet Union that if we found that Germany was winning the war, we should help the Soviet Union, and vice versa, we should help Germany, and let them kill each other, the more fierce the better. Under Truman's guidance, the wartime alliance began to gradually disintegrate due to disputes over the interests of all parties.

The international situation has become tense again. At this time, Britain and France were no longer able to compete with the mighty United States, but the Soviet Union, led by his loving father Stalin, would not be accustomed to him. After the war, the United States and the Soviet Union continued to disagree on various issues, coupled with ideological differences, which doomed the new pattern of the Cold War world. For example, the Soviet Union wanted to divide Japan with the United States, but only got the four northern islands, the United States intended to support Germany's idealistic little brother, but the Soviet Union wanted to weaken or even swallow Germany. At this time, the British Empire was no longer beautiful and had become a second-rate power. On the one hand, the United States exalted the idea of national self-determination and was constantly disintegrating its colonial system, while on the other hand, the Soviet Union was constantly expanding.

In order to maintain its last hope, Britain had no choice but to win over American public opinion, seek American support, and rebuild the European military. Finally, in 1946, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered the famous Iron Curtain Speech, trying to divert the attention of the United States from Britain by intensifying the contradictions between the United States and the Soviet Union. The speech immediately attracted the attention of the whole world, the Soviet side reacted even more strongly, and Stalin angrily commented on Churchill, you are a shit-stirring stick who is afraid of the world. Truman was so pleased that he no longer seemed to care about the wartime alliance. The crooks were finally able to confront the Soviet Union, and then the Truman Doctrine was officially introduced, officially opening the prelude to a full-scale Cold War. After introducing the international background,

Let's turn our attention back to the Jews, one of the protagonists of the war in the Middle East. Jews have been in exile around the world for more than 2,000 years, and finally established a state, and Israel has become a middle Eastern power, which can be said to be a very inspiring story. But there are so many lands, and each has its own masters, and it is not easy to get a piece of territory of its own. So the Jews were able to achieve this, thanks to a nation. Please guess which country this is. What was the main reason for the emergence of Zionism in the 19th century? It was at that time that anti-Semitism in Europe was more serious, which stimulated the national consciousness of many Jews. In 1882, the life of a Russian Jew, Skol proposed,

People discriminate against Jews because we are not a country, and the only solution to this problem is to establish a one by Thailand, and it is at this time that some of the richer Jews of the world began to appear to Palestine. The immigration movement has gone. Initially, these people simply paid for a piece of land in Palestine to settle down. But either way, it's legal and small-scale. It was the British who really made the Jews immigrate on a massive scale. Did you guess right? In November 1917, British Foreign Secretary Belfort issued the Belfort Declaration on behalf of the government, claiming that Britain was in favour of the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine.

And is willing to assist it. The British must have had their own purpose in doing so. First of all, because Jews are indeed rich and officials, co-opting Jews will undoubtedly add a very valuable partner to themselves. In addition, after the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and the Arab countries were basically British colonies and semi-colonies, but the Arab countries at that time were relatively backward in development, and there were complex feudal lords and religious forces and small-scale nomadic tribes, with constant internal contradictions and difficulty in management. We need to know that the colonists actually wanted the colonies to develop rapidly to some extent, because it was more conducive to their seizure. requite

Therefore, another purpose of Britain's support for the restoration of the Jews in Palestine is to cause contradictions between Jews and Arabs, which will to a certain extent raise the national consciousness of the Arabs, so as to unite and develop together. So the British began to discount, and this wishful thinking of killing two birds with one stone was constantly being fought by the Jews for land and various interests in Palestine. It was also the first time that Jews had been used as tool men, inserted like a wedge into the Middle East. However, the good times did not last long, and the tool people began to grow stronger in Palestine, and gradually began to be difficult to control by the British. In order to establish a state as soon as possible, the Jews turned against the British,

And wanted to drive the British and Arabs out of Palestine together. At this time, some Jews formed radical groups and began to resist the British by force, which was to put it bluntly, terrorism, and gave birth to the originator of terrorist organizations, who carried out bombings and shootings against the British and British facilities throughout Palestine. After the end of World War II, their activities became increasingly rampant and frequent, and by this time hundreds of Jewish settlements had spread throughout Pakistan. Large areas of Jewish control were formed. By the time of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the number of Jews in Palestine had exploded from 24,000 to 650,000.

It represents 33 per cent of the total population of the Palestinian territories. Although the British wanted to continue to cling to this case, the situation at this time had already made the British anxious. And what made Britain even more embarrassed was that at that time, although the United States and the Soviet Union had differences on many issues, they unanimously took a decision in favor of Israel on the issue of Jewish statehood, that is, they stood against Britain. Since the United States was previously the main immigrant country for Jews, and some Jews held an important position in American politics, business, and public opinion, it was natural to have support from the United States. And the enmity between the Jewish consortium and the Engelus Saxon consortium has a long history,

It is not necessarily a bad thing to have some Jews flee the United States. On the other hand, after the October Revolution in the Soviet Union, many Jewish revolutionaries entered all levels of the new regime. Between 1919 and 1935, the proportion of Jews in the Politburo and Bureau was about one hundred percent. 18, and during World War II, a large number of Jewish youth rushed to the front and contributed greatly to the victory of the anti-fascist war. Because the Soviet Union itself had made great sacrifices in the Great Patriotic War, they developed heartfelt sympathy for the Jews, believing that the Jews, who had suffered a great deal at the hands of the Nazis, deserved a country of their own.

At this time, the Soviet Union during the Cold War also hoped to penetrate the Middle East through the scorpion of Israel and strengthen its control over this strategic and resource area. So in the end, although britain had 100 unwilling, britain had to make concessions on the question of Palestine. Finally, after the British government decided to get rid of the Palestinian Trust in 1947 and secure Britain, the Jewish dream of statehood took a step forward, and with the continuous efforts of the great powers, voted on the 1947 United Nations partition plan to divide the Palestinian areas into two countries, this resolution was extremely biased in favor of Israel, so this ruling naturally met with strong opposition from Arab countries.

The so-called United Nations at that time was actually big. The French microphone, the economic assistance that the United States was implementing to Western European countries at that time, the Marshall Plan won over a large number of younger brothers, and the Soviet Union had the right to speak of one country and three votes, and other Eastern European countries did not dare to hold opposition. Even if the partition plan was fraught with problems and contradictory, it was finally approved by a large number of votes and implemented according to the original plan. Since the adoption of the partition resolution, the armed struggle between Jews and Arabs in Palestine has continued uninterrupted, destroying Arab armed forces in Palestine before the British army withdrew, thus filling the power vacuum after the Withdrawal of British Forces.

And they not only launched military activities in the territory painted for the Jews, but also took down the territory that did not belong to the Jews. Guided by this, the Jews created a horrific Massacre of Dale Yassin on April 9, 1948. Some 200 militants organized by the Jewish group attacked the village of Dale Yassin, near Jerusalem, where they carried out a heart-wrenching massacre of Arabs, mostly women, pregnant women, children and the elderly. Afterwards, the militant's leaders also claimed. It was a glorious act, an act of conquest that God chose us to do. The Dale Yassin massacre once again deepened the hatred between Arabs and Jews.

Just a month after the massacre, Israel declared its statehood. 16 minutes after the establishment of the State of Israel, President Truman of the White House immediately signed the credentials, quickly acknowledging his son and the Israeli government. So at this point we can already see very clearly that although Israel is full of difficulties on the road to statehood, the Jews have made good use of the interests of the great powers to make decisions, and finally achieved their own goals. Since then, the founding of Israel can be considered a country born with a golden spoon, behind which it is not only the wandering Jews of the world, but also the United Nations dominated by the United States and the Soviet Union. So

From the very beginning, the war in the Middle East was destined not to be a simple national war, and the second day after the establishment of the State of Israel was surrounded by troops from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and other countries. It was almost impossible to resist the all-out attack of the Arab army, which was already on the verge of collapse. In this encirclement of Israel, we once again saw britain in Britain. At this time, the British tried to use contradictions to fight a proxy war. If Israel is successfully eliminated, other Arab countries will be more supportive of themselves,

And there is an opportunity to retake Palestinian areas. As a result, Britain provided a large number of advanced equipment, including aircraft and tanks, to arab countries during the war, and directly sent officers to direct Arab troops to secretly dispatch british air forces to conduct air raids and reconnaissance of Israel, which was one of the main reasons for the rapid progress of Arab countries in the early stages of the war. And when Israel was about to face a doomed defeat, it drew a stop-and-go card to reverse the situation, and the player was the United Nations under the leadership of the United States and the Soviet Union. In fact, three days after the war began, the representative of the United States submitted to the United Nations Security Council a bill ordering the two sides to cease fire within 36 hours.

Aware of Britain's continued desire to colonize Palestine, the United States and the Soviet Union, which aimed to eliminate the colonial system, were absolutely unacceptable. As a result, the United States began to pressure Britain's friendship, cut off financial assistance to Britain, and even had to recover the loan in advance. Soviet representatives followed suit, accusing Britain of instigating war behind the Arab scenes. In desperation, the British had to succumb, accept the proposal of a ceasefire and withdraw the British commanders from the Arab army to no longer intervene, and the Middle East battlefield was given a valuable week. During the ceasefire, Israel frantically mobilized its forces to buy weapons. In fact, Israel has always been willing to import weapons in large quantities, but although the wealth of the war is good,

But the countries of the world at the time were very cautious about selling weapons to Israel. But eventually, with the joint support of the United States and the Soviet Union, countries began to start an arms business with Israel without any scruples. Most confusingly, britain also began exporting bombers to Israel, and France also exported tanks and artillery to Israel. It was really worthy of the old capitalists, and in the end these military supplies they bought were constantly transported to Israel by American merchant ships. During the ceasefire, Israel again purchased from Czechoslovakia. $13 million in light weapons, and from 1947 to 1951, Czechoslovakia supplied Israel with machine guns, artillery, aircraft, ammunition, and other weapons and equipment totaling about $20 million,

Behind this was actually made by the Soviet Union and directed by Czechoslovakia to export to Israel. In addition, the Soviet Union helped Israel train a large number of excellent pilots, which is well documented in this book. So the Israeli scorpion is a magic weapon that the United States, the Soviet Union and britain all want to put in their toolboxes. So within a month of the armistice, Israel stood in front of the powerful countries and raced against the clock to prepare for its next war. At this time, the Arab coalition army is really difficult to say, in the month of repair, because they feel that they will soon recover the religious holy city of Jerusalem, the coalition army has held many large-scale religious activities, in addition,

The Arab coalition forces are even more divided and seemingly at odds. At this time, Egypt wanted to be the leader of the Arab world, and had been wary of other Arab countries coming out, while Syria was trying to annex northern Palestine. region, expand the national territory. Jordan wants to seize parts of the Arab west bank and establish the Kingdom of Greater Jordan, while the Palestinians do not want them to encroach on this land, but only want to establish their own homeland. Lebanon and Iraq, on the other hand, were subordinate to the actions of the Arab League and lacked interest in war. After the armistice, Israel threw itself into a ten-day public counterattack with a new posture. During this period, three U.S. B17 bombers flew from the U.S. Air Force base to Israel.

On the way, they also bombed parts of Egyptian positions in Cairo and the Sinai Peninsula, as well as Damascus, the capital of Syria. And then the United States claimed that the plane was stolen by the Jews, do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway. Ten days later, the tide of the war was reversed, with Israel seizing about 1,000 square kilometers of Arab land, improving its strategic position, followed by a second ceasefire, during which Israel once again went on a rampage of violent troops, vigorously pursued a resettlement program, and continuously expanded its army and weapons. On the contrary, during the second ceasefire in the Arab countries, internal contradictions once again intensified the war. The situation has deteriorated to the point of irreversibility. At last

The first Middle East war ended in Arab defeat. In the war, 15,000 Arab troops died and Israeli troops lost about 6,000 deaths. The most unacceptable thing for the Arab countries is that they were going to destroy Israel, but they actually expanded their territory by more than 6,700 square kilometers in the war, and since then, the scorpion of Israel has been firmly nailed to the land of the Middle East. The war also allowed the United States to infiltrate Israel to a greater extent, serving its expansionist policies to the fullest. In the three years after the end of the war, Israel received more than $400 million in loans, grants, and investments from the United States, and the United States was able to establish airports, bases, and military ports in Israel.

Dispatch military advisers and instructors to the garrison. On the other hand, although the Arab League failed, it also stimulated their national character to a certain extent, especially the war produced a large number of Palestinian refugees, and they gradually formed the Palestine Liberation Organization in the revenge of history, which became an extremely unstable factor in the chaos in the Middle East in the future. Looking at the problems of the Middle East, it is an extreme. Complex and controversial issues, where there are ethnic entanglements, entanglements of interests, religious influences and great power games. But in any case, war will bring misery and death, which will always be the greatest regret of mankind. Whenever I think about it, I am always glad that I was born in a peaceful and powerful country.

Although the first Middle East war has come to an end, a contradiction in the Middle East has not subsided, and the fierce competition between the world's major powers for this region will not be interrupted. So why, in the Second Middle East War, Britain and France, which had originally supported The Arabs, turned to support Israel, while the United States and the Soviet Union, which had originally supported Israel, jumped to support the Arab countries? How will the old empire of Britain, which is not in the mainstream, be run by the great powers in the future? If you are interested, please pay attention to it, and in the future, we will continue to bring you the Middle East war under the great power game.