
The Masked Man is coming to save the world! Indonesian owner Indraini Wahyudin Noor has a Persian cat named "Boy" (Boy) (Boy) (Boy) and the owner

author:Interesting facts

The Masked Man is coming to save the world! Indonesian owner Indraini Wahyudin Noor has a Persian cat named "Boy" (Boy) (Meeks), and the owner is special in that he has a black hair around his eyes, which looks like he is wearing a hero mask, ready to fight crime!

The boy's face has been wearing this black mask since birth, and it feels like it will transform into a hero at any time to save the world, and many people think that it looks like the protagonist of the action movie "The Masked Man Su Luo". Because the location is so just right, at first many people thought that it was deliberately dyed and blamed the owner, but this mask is really born!

The boy who has become a father has 2 children, the daughter "Princess" is a beautiful white meow, and the son "Bandit" actually has the same mask, completely inheriting the handsome appearance of the pull. The boy loves two children very much, always helps to lick the hair and bathe, and seems to be a good father!

Owners also often share the daily life of cats on the Internet, netizens see the boys and sons' masks are surprised: "The mask is also too handsome", "The cat with a heroic mission!" , "Genes are too powerful hahaha", "Sons grow up to change it to save the world"

The Masked Man is coming to save the world! Indonesian owner Indraini Wahyudin Noor has a Persian cat named "Boy" (Boy) (Boy) (Boy) and the owner
The Masked Man is coming to save the world! Indonesian owner Indraini Wahyudin Noor has a Persian cat named "Boy" (Boy) (Boy) (Boy) and the owner
The Masked Man is coming to save the world! Indonesian owner Indraini Wahyudin Noor has a Persian cat named "Boy" (Boy) (Boy) (Boy) and the owner
The Masked Man is coming to save the world! Indonesian owner Indraini Wahyudin Noor has a Persian cat named "Boy" (Boy) (Boy) (Boy) and the owner

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