
Source of Chinese historical idiom stories

author:Old Town Deceased

Playthings are lost

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wei Yigong of wei was originally a relatively wise monarch, but because he liked cranes and spent all day with cranes, he gradually lost his enterprising spirit. Later, when the Northern Di invaded the Wei kingdom, the generals said: "Since the crane enjoys such a high status and treatment, let it go to war." Wei Yigong was helpless and personally led his troops to battle, ending in defeat.

---------- i.e. playthings are lost lessons

Meng Mu moved three times

Meng Ke's family was very poor, his father died very early, and Meng Mu weaved cloth to maintain the life of the two, but he never relaxed about Meng Ke's education.

Originally, the family lived next to the cemetery, and Meng Mu was worried about affecting Mengke's living habits, so she moved her family to the market. Meng Ke imitated the behavior of slaughtering sheep and other behaviors, and Meng Mu moved her home to the side of the school. Later, Meng ke became a master of Confucianism and was revered as "Mencius".

---------, that is, MengMu Sanqian

Fifth son Denko

Dou Yanshan (Dou Yu Hook) was a man of the five generations, and his home was in the area of Yuyang Yanshan, so people called him Dou Yanshan. He listened to his father's teachings and was warm and just and reasonable to the people. He attached great importance to education, so he hired a famous teacher to teach five children, and later all five children passed the entrance examination and became an official. The scholars and doctors all followed his example and preached everywhere, calling his son's success --- "Fifth Son Dengke."

--------- is the fifth son Denko

Chisel the wall to borrow light

Kuang Heng, the minister of the Western Han Dynasty, who liked to read when he was young and poor, chiseled a hole in the wall of his house to borrow the lights of his neighbor's house.

As he grew up, he saw that a family had money and books, and he said that there was no charge for working for your family. The host was strange, Kuang Heng said why. The master was touched by his spirit of study and promised him to read. Later, Kuang Heng became a master of scripture and also became a prime minister.

----------- is to chisel the wall to borrow light

Tao mu sealed carp

Tao Ni, a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, grew up poor, but studied very hard. And special attention is paid to self-cultivation, which is the mother's education. When Tao Ni was still working as a fishery petty officer, he brought back a pot of fish to his mother, who sealed it with a seal and asked him to bring it back to him, and told him that he could not use public property to honor his mother. Tao Ni was very ashamed, and constantly warned himself that he was a clean and honest government, and later became a heavy minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

----------- The tao mother seals the carp

Kazu clan

Heshi Bi is a very precious piece of jade, which is hidden in stone before it is discovered.

Bian He in the Warring States period had such a stone in his hand. Three times dedicated to the emperor, (the first two times were not recognized, and the left and right legs were cut off.) The last time it was found was a gemstone. Later, in order to commemorate him, people called this jade heshibi. It's gold that always shines!

Kazu ----------------

Widows can be taught

In the last year of the Qin Dynasty, when Zhang Liang was staying in Xia Pi, he saw the shoes of an old man sitting on the bridge fall into the water, and Zhang Liang helped the old man pick up the shoes. The old man asked Zhang Liang to put them on for him, and Zhang Liang put on the shoes for the old man, and Zhang Liang knew that the old man was his. The old man said happily that the widows can be taught, and the young people have a chance to come out. The old man gave him a military book, and later, Zhang Liang became one of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty. Zhang Liang's modesty and courtesy have become an example for future generations to learn.

----------------- widows can be taught

Yellow fragrant warm seat

Huang Xiang, a native of the Eastern Han Dynasty. His mother died at the age of nine, and he was dependent on his frail father.

He knew that his father had worked hard to raise him, and in the summer he would cool the mat and let him sleep. In the winter, he warmed his body and let his father sleep. Every day.

Growing up is very accomplished.

--------------- yellow fragrant warm seat

Hole melts to make pears

The nineteenth grandson of Confucius and one of the seven sons of Jian'an. When he was four years old, he picked pears with the children of the family, Kong Rong picked a small one, his father asked him why he picked a small one to eat, Kong Rong said: I am smaller than my brother, the big one let my brother eat, I am older than my brother, and the big one is given to my brother to eat.

Respecting elders is called filial piety, and respecting brothers is called filial piety.

---------------- hole melts the pear

Cangjie made words

Cangjie was an official during the emperor's reign.

In ancient times, data was recorded with knots. Cangjie felt inconvenient when working, so he recorded it with images and slowly evolved the images into words. It is convenient for people to work and remember. It's a lot easier to make trouble. In order to create words, after unremitting efforts, he finally found a way to create words, which touched the heavens and the earth.

The heavens shook and the ghosts wept. -

----------- Cangjie made a character


Once upon a time, there was a man named Pangu who slept for eighteen thousand years. One day, he woke up to find that the air was not circulating, and that it was like an egg inside, pitch black wontons. He split the egg with a giant axe and pushed it up and down with his hands. The light yang qi becomes the heavens, and the turbid yin qi becomes the earth.

--------------- groundbreaking

Yue Fei was loyal

Yue Fei during the Southern Song Dynasty, a famous anti-Jin general, was just when he defeated the invasion counterattack of the Jin soldiers, he received instructions from Emperor Gaozong of Song, and after returning to the tide, he was arrested and imprisoned and stabbed to death.

When Yue Fei was summoned back to the imperial court, many ministers told Yue Fei not to obey the emperor's orders and that making peace with Jin Bing would mean submission. Yue Fei felt that as a minister, he should obey the summons.

---------- Yue Fei was loyal

Imperial calendar

During the emperor's reign, there were two ministers, Xi He and Chang Yi. He was interested in both astronomy. The emperor called Xi He to study the operation of the sun. Chang Yi was asked to study the law of the movement and change of the moon and the stars. This set of calendars is called the yellow calendar. (Later supplemented and still in use today).

----------- Emperor calendar

Twenty-four solar terms

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, people used the agricultural solar terms--- that is, the lunar calendar.

The twenty solar terms include - winter solstice, small cold, big cold,

Spring, rain, sting,

Vernal Equinox, Qingming, Bone Language,

LiXia, Xiaoman, Mangzhong,

Summer solstice, small summer, big summer,

Li Qiu, Chu Xia, White Deer,

Autumn equinox, cold dew, frost fall,

Standing winter, light snow, heavy snow,

---------- Twenty-four solar terms

Nuwa wa make up the day

In ancient times, during the reign of Emperor Huanying. The water god (gonggong) and the fire god (Zhu Rongshi) fought. The two have been deadlocked, up and down. The water god (Gonggong) crashed headlong into Mount Buzhou. It turned out that Mount Buzhou was the pillar that supported the heavens. Suddenly, the earth tilted and flooded.

In order to save mankind, Nuwa boiled the multicolored stones with fire to make up for the heavens, but the tilted sky was difficult to recover, and the collapsed earth was difficult to calm. Since then, the sun has set from the west, and the rivers have turned to the east!

---------- make up for the heavens

Da Yu Zhi Shui

More than 4,000 years ago, during the Yao period, the Yellow River Basin flooded. Yao ordered Canggun to govern, and Cang used the method of water to deceive him and did not govern it, and later, there was Qi Cang's son Yu to govern, he learned his father's lesson, adopted a new method of channeling and controlling water, and finally stopped!

-------- Da Yu Zhi Shui

Strict father and good teacher

Southern Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang, his father is a keen reader, father's name - Wen Yi.

His father was very knowledgeable and proficient in the scriptures and the hundreds of sons. He has a penchant for buying books, and sometimes when he doesn't have money, he blocks his clothes and changes books. Strict requirements for children, hired a famous Confucian Zeng Feng in the township to teach them. Backward in the family, he taught the children to read. He asked the children to memorize the article. Wen Yi, Wen Tianxiang and other children discussed the history of the past, major national events, social customs, and the situation of the earth forest. A good teacher and a good friend.

--------- a good teacher for strict fathers

Shennong sows seeds

During the Yandi period, there was a man named Shennong, who was the founder of agriculture. At that time, it was mainly primitive hunting, mainly wild meat.

After Shennong became the leader of the tribe, he was worried that after a long time, the beasts would be hunted down, and the people would not have food to eat. During a barbecue, he found wild seeds, which he tried to take a bite and felt a little sweet. He took a lot of seeds for experimentation, picked some good taste and planted them extensively, and the six grains came out.

---------- Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs

FuXi tamed the six beasts

Five thousand years ago, when the Fuxi clan was the leader of the tribe, it mainly fed on wild animals. If people eat something when the weather is bad, Fuxi will choose some animals from the prey they catch to tame. Since then, horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, chickens, etc. have been domesticated. Slowly horses can pull, cattle can plough the land, sheep skins can make clothes, chickens can tell, dogs can watch the house, pigs can provide meat. They are both human by-food and human friends.

-------------Fuxi tame the beast

Mother and child are sentenced together

During the Three Kingdoms period, Wang Jing was a native of the State of Wei, and he followed Gong Cao Qi in his conquest of the usurper Sima Zhao, but was defeated and captured.

Sima Zhao demanded that Wang Jing surrender and captured Wang Jing's mother to persecute him. Wang Jing was not afraid, and before he died, Wang Jing cried and said to his mother: It is he who has tired his mother. But the mother said, "I am proud to have a son like you." Both mother and son were killed. Mother and son regard death as a homecoming and have always been admired by people.

------------------ mother and child are sentenced together

air castle

One day, a rich man came to someone's house and saw that it was a three-story house, and said to the craftsman, "I will also build a house of his family." Two days later, the rich man went to the construction site to watch and asked what they were doing? The craftsman said digging the foundation, and the rich man said, I don't want the house below, just the upper floor.

------------- sky pavilion bottomless spiral hanging

Sit up and take notice

Sun Wu, also known as Sun Quan, was the founder of the State of Wu. Lu Meng was a famous hospital general at that time. Since childhood, I have rarely read. Sun Quan is all Lu Meng, or read more books, time can be squeezed out, I am busy with reading. Emperor Liu Xiu of han guang did not release the scroll.

Lu Meng was very touched and worked hard. When his friend Lu Susu talked to Lü Meng, he looked at Lü Meng with astonishment, and Lu Su said: Judging from your previous talents and strategies, you have changed into a person, no longer the original Lü Meng. Lu meng said; For those who have ambitions, after a few days of separation, they should be impressed.

--------------------- impressed

Book burning pits

When Qin Shi Huang feasted on the ministers, an official said that the ancient system was good, but the authoritarian centralized county system was not good. Li Si said that all beings do not think about the present and learn from the past, and confuse the head of the people in the world. He also proposed to burn books, and Qin Shi Huang obeyed and implemented them.

Qin Shi Huang wanted to take the elixir of immortality. The officer was unable to complete it and decided to flee. Qin Shi Huang was furious and decided to bury all 460 people alive in Xianyang.

Later, people associated book burning with pit Confucianism and called book burning pit Confucianism.

--------------------- burn books to pit Confucianism

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