
Yi Qianxi annoyed who

author:South wind window NFC
Yi Qianxi annoyed who

If it were not for the "strong coverage" of the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Yi Qianxi might still be at the center of public opinion. The news that he, Hu Xianxu and Luo Yizhou had become the personnel to be hired by the National Drama Theatre was publicized, stirring up red dust.

Traffic stars entering the system and obtaining career establishments is not the first time that they have attracted attention, after Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Yixing, Liu Haoran and so on have already created a round of discussion.

Whether it is the institutionalization of traffic or the institutional flow, it is only to attract attention, and only the fairness of its realization process will become a serious social issue. This time, for Yi Qianxi, a star with almost zero stains, who is about to get a career establishment, people are concerned about social fairness. There is no idol under the great right and wrong.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

The news that Yi Qianxi, Luo Yizhou and Hu Xianxu were admitted to the National Drama Theatre attracted heated discussion

In recent years, life has not been easy, and everyone is suffering from different degrees of hardship. Under the shroud of confusion and insecurity, ordinary people are very eager for stability, and the identity within the system known as the "iron rice bowl" is the most eye-catching sign of stability.

In July, the joint examination for civil servants in 23 provinces was opened, and the Central Broadcasting Network reported that the number of applicants for the joint examination exceeded 4.45 million. The Beijing News reported that the number of applicants for the 2022 national examination exceeded 2 million for an unprecedented period, an increase of 514,000 over the previous year. The heat of the system even radiates to the fashion circle, and the "bureau atmosphere" has become a "new fashion" that is either serious or ridiculed.

The salary in the system is not necessarily how high, Andei revealed in an interview before that her "iron rice bowl" is only 3500 yuan per month, obviously, for the star is only a trivial icing on the cake, even the embellishment is not qualified. But for ordinary people, it is a good resource that many people can't get after squeezing the canoe bridge several times.

Under the tension between the two, the discussion of fairness is ignited.

Uncertainty of trajectory

The epidemic has not yet become a thing of the past, we cannot relax yet, and we still need to continue to fight. This means that the normal state of life before the epidemic will not return quickly.

In the past two and a half years, people's mentality has changed in many rounds: at first panicking, after the epidemic stabilized, they began to anxiously wait for it to leave in order to restart life. Now realizing that the epidemic will not end in a short period of time, I try to accept that the epidemic is "present" and move forward with life.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

During the epidemic, people's mentality gradually changed (Stills of "Waterfall")

However, the "presence" of the epidemic means uncertainty, and you can no longer even have a "walk-and-go trip" that you once took for granted. More importantly, it inevitably affects the overall economy, failing to start a business, closing small businesses, losing jobs due to layoffs... Individuals deeply feel the heavy blows of social changes on life and the blow to life.

Many people lose their "sense of control" over the trajectory of their lives, the experiences they once used to speculate on the future lose their usefulness, and it is difficult for people to form a definitive blueprint for the future. In order to increase the sense of control over life, alleviate anxiety, and achieve inner peace, they are more eager to be guaranteed and committed.

The pandemic also has far-reaching psychological implications, as the book Post-Pandemic: The Great Reconstruction puts it: "Infectious diseases are characterized by fear, anxiety and mass hysteria, and challenge social cohesion and people's ability to manage crises together." ”

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

The epidemic is also affecting people's psychology (stills of "Flu")

Sun Yuanming, a professor at the Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, has also written that the epidemic will cause social panic to some extent, that is, the extreme uneasiness of most people in society, which is different from "fear", which is defined by psychology as "the emotion generated when trying to get rid of a certain situation and being powerless", panic is the overall stress response of members of society.

Psychology believes that in a state of tension, our willpower, optimism, and sense of security will be damaged to varying degrees. We are more sensitive and intolerant to change, and our mentality is more anxious and pessimistic.

The system, therefore, becomes the roof that shelters our anxieties, fears, and desires.

Our nervousness

Psychologist Freud pointed out in his 1920 essay "Beyond the Principle of Pleasure" that there are two contradictory instincts of life and death in individuals. The so-called "raw instinct" refers to the power of the individual to aspire to survival, development, happiness, and love, while the "death instinct" is an innate impulse to try to destroy order and return to the previous state of life. These two instincts act simultaneously or alternately as the driving force for human progress.

Correspondingly, when the "raw instinct" is used as a driving force, humans are more optimistic; When the "dead instinct" is used as a driving force, humans tend to be more pessimistic. When optimistic, we are led by "hope" to act and choose; When we are pessimistic, we are guided by "fear" in actions and choices. "Hope" makes us dare to explore and boldly move forward, and "fear" makes us stop and seek safety.

So, in what situation does the individual experience have hope, and what makes the individual fearful?

The 1969 strange situation experiment conducted by American psychologists Ainsworth and Witt is one of the most important experiments in psychological attachment theory, according to which Ainsworth proposed several types of secure attachment, avoidant attachment, and rebellious attachment. Among them, safe attachment is the healthiest type of attachment in the psyche, and their characteristics are: not always snuggled up next to the mother, but only need to see the mother present, occasionally come back to approach the mother, most of the time it is their own peace of mind to explore the environment. But once the mother leaves, the baby is obviously distressed, irritable, uneasy, no longer dares to explore the environment, and no longer has curiosity.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

Babies have attachment to their mothers (stills from "Mother")

If the stability of a person's social relations is regarded as a mother, the individual needs to have a state of being watched and protected, in order to have a sense of security, in order to explore and move forward towards hope.

As the epidemic continues, people's inner order is damaged, and their sense of security is gradually diluted. Today, the epidemic is generally stable, but the worries in the heart have not disappeared, but are dormant, in the words of Sun Yuanming, from "the superficial emotions such as anxiety, nervousness, and fear that can be directly observed to the deep emotions such as confidence and value orientation that are not easily detected."

In this psychosocial state, people will seek the answer "more security is safe". Whether it's tension or hope, it leads people to action. Perhaps what is leading us today is tension.

Tension is provoked

Socrates once said that the unexamined life is not worth living. He mainly put forward this proposition from the level of spiritual life, in fact, back to the material life, the same is true, for most people, the material life is also confused.

Examining life is a dangerous exercise because many people cannot stand scrutiny. Before the epidemic, we were busy and spinning for life, and the epidemic made life pause, so that we had to stop thinking about life and facing ourselves.

In the movie "One One", Yang Dechang described a small family facing the impact of a similar stagnant event.

In the movie, the mother-in-law becomes an unconscious patient because of an accident, and the doctor tells her family to talk to her and stimulate her brain. This pressed the pause button on the Jane family, and they were forced to stop and reminisce and tell their lives. They talk to their mother-in-law, or to themselves.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

In the movie "One One", Jian Nanjun's family is forced to stop and talk to her mother-in-law

This kind of dialogue became the trigger for them to reflect on life, and Jian Nanjun's wife Min Min found herself every day "what to do in the morning, what to do in the afternoon, what to do in the evening, a few minutes to finish, every day is the same." She thought to herself "How come there are so few?" And sad, despairing that one day "like a mother-in-law" lose consciousness or lose life, but live this life in vain.

Min Min's younger brother thinks he is eloquent, but when he talks to his mother-in-law, he finds that he can only speak a total of 5 sentences, 3 of which are "money", and he does not even dare to promise "tomorrow" to continue the dialogue, stopping the dialogue at the word "tomorrow".

Jian Nanjun's daughter Tingting asked in a dialogue with her mother-in-law: Why is the world different from what we think?

Don't stay, go through your life in a busy, spinning top,500,perhaps not necessarily happy, but at least you won't feel the emptiness and pain.

The epidemic has made our lives stagnant, we have to face ourselves, look back on life, emptiness, meaninglessness will take advantage of the void, so we question, dissatisfied, unwilling.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

Under the epidemic, many conflicts have gradually erupted (stills of "Waterfall")

These tensions and worries hidden in the heart are easily stimulated by external conditions.

In such a social context, the upper echelons of material life represented by Yi Qianxi, who have obtained the scarce security backing of the establishment in an easy way (without tests), have become the organs of stimulation, and once pressed, they will cause the social collective to compare their own situation and form a tsunami-like discussion.

People are asking: Is it fair for the compilation to be so easy for celebrities? Why do celebrities have huge incomes at the same time, but also with ordinary people to grab the so-called "iron rice bowl"?

In recent years, the income of celebrities and Internet celebrities has changed from "one ice" and "one cool" to "one ya", and the value of "unit of measurement" has long been refreshing the imagination of netizens. People's "both" and "both" and "very difficult to accept" stars.

"Suffering from inequality without suffering from widowhood" is not a profound political thought, but a scientific induction of the collective instinct of human society, which exists a priori.

Compilation is just an imagination

The movie "Yiyi" also describes the sentient beings in the turbulent era of Taiwan Province: due to the turmoil of the times and the economic downturn, the computer company that Jian Nanjun cooperated with "did more and lost more", investors threatened to withdraw, the company's transformation was frustrated, and Jian Nanjun's seemingly stable middle-class life was actually in danger; Adi has been "bad luck", investment losses more and less, investment "old pigs" also roll money absconded; Dtea's company lost a lot of money last year, and this year's search for cooperation has been a lot of difficulties.

This is a social group portrait, if not frustrated, or at least undesirable.

Even the boss who mocked Jian Nanjun for "reading too much" and having San Francisco assets as a way out of the way out " also said to Jian Nanjun at the end of the movie: "I have worked so hard and worked so hard all these years, I have been busy from morning to night, do you know, I am not happy at all." ”

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

Stills from "One One One"

Even if you have no worries about food and clothing, you can't guarantee your happiness. Similarly, entering the system may make you feel safe, but it cannot promise you happiness.

The system of ordinary people and the system of celebrities have very different concepts.

After the stars enter the system, they do not need to work nine to five clocks, they can still continue their original business, thousands of yuan of wages for them are not at all legal, only the system to give benefits other than money.

Specifically, the compilation is generally a necessary condition for the evaluation of the title, for example, most of the national actors are people in the system, the compilation can bring identity, and the stars care about this.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

Serenity has mentioned her "establishment" status in interviews

Once ordinary people enter the system, life within the system becomes life.

As a person in the system, the author can tell you that after entering the system, you are facing the contradiction between a few thousand yuan of salary income and the same few thousand yuan of living expenses; You are faced with a situation where there are no indicators to evaluate performance, but endless overtime and leadership judgment to define value; What you face is the emptiness that if you lie flat, you will gradually lose your sense of existence.

You may say that as long as the mentality is well balanced, lying flat is happiness.

Edward Tronick, a professor of psychology at the University of Manchester, did a very famous experiment, the Still Face Experiment. In this experiment, the babies were very happy when the mother responded positively to the child. However, when the mother begins to stand still - does not respond to any expressions and behaviors of the baby, the baby will initially make more exaggerated expressions and actions in an attempt to attract the mother's attention, but after finding that it has been fruitless, the baby will collapse and cry.

The Stationary Face experiment illustrates how primitive, instinctive, and important the need to "be seen" and "noticed" is for humans. The psychoanalytic school also famously says that a place without response is a desperate situation.

In a system, lying flat may not make you unemployed, but it is enough to trap you in a "land of no response."

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

Stills from "Ideal City"

A friend in the system also said that there is no need to lie flat, just do not work overtime with everyone to "roll inside", the leader will ignore you, and then colleagues ignore you, you can not prove your "existence", let alone "value".

If you want to exist, you must work overtime, which represents the endless free deprivation of time and space for life by work, and this kind of high-intensity, long-term work does not necessarily lead to increased salary and job promotion.

In addition, the system also means bondage and unfreedom, not only the literal unit constraint on you within 8 hours or outside, but also the freedom to choose, and over time you will lose the freedom to leave, the freedom to choose another life.

There's a famous line in The Shawshank Redemption: "These walls are fun." In the beginning, you hate them. Then you get used to them, and over time, you start to leave them. That is institutionalized. "There are similarities with the system, where we are constrained and complain, but we will eventually adapt and depend.

Yi Qianxi annoyed who

Screenshot of the movie The Shawshank Redemption

The compilation is not as beautiful as people think, it is just an imagination in the panic, not the real backing of life.

Sooner or later, I believe that the epidemic will eventually pass. Look forward to returning to the time when our hearts were full of confidence and courage, and our eyes were full of hopes and dreams, and that system was just a career and not a "cosmic end".

Author | Zhang Jing

Edit | Sumy

Typography | Fifi

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