
Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

author:Dr. Yan Kop

In daily life, our daily diet occupies most of the time, basically, every day to eat, drink water to sleep and go to the toilet, which is also a physiological phenomenon in normal compliance.

Going to the toilet is the most normal physiological manifestation, through drinking water and eating, the excess nutrients in the body are excreted from the body, and excreted out of the body in the form of stool and urine, so that the physiological balance can be better maintained.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

Normal adults a day to ensure 1500 ~ 1800 ml of water intake, through drinking water, you can adjust the body's metabolism, accelerate the flow of blood, through the way of urination, but also excrete toxins and metabolites in the body.

I believe that most people have had such an experience, it is easy to get up at night, affecting their sleep, it is very puzzling that some people get up frequently at night, while some people do not get up at night, which of these two kinds of people is a healthy person?

The importance of drinking water:

1: Boiled water, is the healthiest and most nutritious drink, relative to a variety of drinks, boiled water after boiling, is the most thirst-quenching, it can lubricate the intestines, play a good hydration effect.

2: The biological activity of boiled water is relatively strong, can penetrate the cell membrane, after entering the body, participate in the metabolism of the human body, promote the metabolism of cells, improve the immune function of the human body, and enhance the body's disease resistance.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

3: The trace elements and mineral elements in boiled water are more suitable for people to absorb and meet the needs of water replenishment, while also maintaining the balance of mineral levels in the body.

4: By drinking water, for women, it can also play a role in beauty and beauty to delay aging, drink more water to promote metabolism in the body, and reduce the retention of toxin garbage.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"?

【Night up】

1: Drink plenty of water

Our body, every day to ensure the intake of water, every day through the way of drinking water, in order to maintain the normal operation of the body and metabolism, maintain better physical health, to the organs and organs to bring the corresponding ability.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

Under normal circumstances, the next person's daily water intake is about 1500 ~ 1800 ml or so, if the same night to eat too salty, drink more water, it is easy to appear late and night more or more urine frequency phenomenon, inducing frequent urine.

2: High blood sugar

This is aimed at people with high blood sugar in the body, high blood sugar, in a chronic metabolic disease induced blood sugar, the main reason for the high is because of the increase in sugar in the blood, or insufficient insulin secretion, dysfunction caused.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

Patients with high blood sugar, in normal times, often appear dry mouth and tongue phenomenon, if not adjusted in time, it will also induce chronic diabetes, people with high blood sugar will usually appear to drink more and more urine, and there will be frequent night up at night when sleeping.

3: Diseases of the urinary system

Whether male or female, after the emergence of urinary system diseases, there will be frequent urination, the most common phenomenon is frequent urinary urgency, urinary pain and inexhaustible urination, the number of times every night up and night more than three times, this situation is likely to be because of lack of attention to hygiene, caused by bacterial urinary tract infections.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

How to judge whether there is a urinary tract infection disease, caused by frequent urination at night, when going to the toilet, you need to pay attention to observe whether there is pain in urination, feel that if there is such a phenomenon, and continue to last then most of them are caused by urinary tract infections.

4: Small bladder area

The bladder, as the main organ in the human body, stores urine, the kidneys will generate the original urine every time, through the ureter into the bladder for storage, when the bladder has a certain sense of urination, it will also stimulate the brain to urinate.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

Under normal circumstances, the capacity of the human bladder is 300 to 500 ml, if the bladder capacity is relatively small, less than 300 ml volume is a physiological reaction, such people have a little urine to produce the bladder will have a full phenomenon, they want to urinate immediately.

【No night at night】

1: Drink less water

If the amount of water they drink is relatively small, the lack of water in the body, the amount of urine generated by the kidneys will gradually decrease, and there will be no urination at night, and after sleeping at night, you can sleep until dawn, which will not affect the quality of sleep.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

2: Large bladder capacity

Normal bladder capacity, should be about 300 ~ 500 ml, if their own bladder capacity is relatively large, more than 500 ml, then belongs to a large volume of bladder, but also belongs to the normal physiological phenomenon response, drink too much water, the bladder stores a lot of urine will not be discharged immediately.

In this case, even if there is a lot of urine, it can be stored normally in the bladder, and there will be no frequent urination and urgency, and there will be no night up.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

To sum up: in terms of the overall situation, people who wake up frequently at night and those who do not sleep at night are healthier than those who do not get up at night.

Because people who can't get up at night can have a good night's sleep and good sleep, they don't have to get up frequently, they don't have to disrupt their sleep time, and they can sleep until dawn.

How to improve the problem of frequent night ups?

(1) Do not drink water frequently

If you want to not get up frequently at night, you must control the amount of water you drink before going to bed, if you drink too much water, these water will enter your own bladder, which will also make the number of individuals get up gradually increase.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

Don't drink too many drinks before, milk tea, if you feel particularly thirsty, you can drink a few sips of water appropriately, but do not drink a lot, to avoid frequent night up in the process of sleep, and affect the quality of their own sleep.

(2) Do not eat too salty

Eating too salty at night, spending to the end of the night, this time before going to bed will drink a lot of water, drink a lot of water, the night urine will also be formed, naturally increase the number of urination times of the enterprise, the body will also have an adverse impact, easy to make people's blood pressure rise, try to eat light some of the best.

Which is healthier, "up at night" or "not up at night"? The doctor gives the answer

(3) Urinate before going to bed

If you want to prevent frequent night up after going to bed at night, you must urinate more before going to bed, in this way you can reduce your own urine, to avoid the phenomenon of urination after sleeping at night, go to the toilet and then go to sleep, so that the body will become more relaxed. #爱乐养生 #