
Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

author:Dr. Xiaodong talks about health

Peanuts are also regular customers on the table, especially male friends who love to drink, and prefer to eat a few peanuts and rice when drinking, which is rich in taste and diverse in production methods, and is deeply loved by everyone.

In order to be able to express their praise for peanuts, people call peanuts "longevity fruits", which can be eaten directly raw, and can also be used to cook soups and porridge. Either way of eating, it helps to replenish the body with nutrients, which contain more beneficial ingredients.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Eat some peanuts appropriately, supplement the body with high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, lecithin, vitamins, mineral elements, trace elements, choline, etc., which shows that eating some peanuts appropriately can play a beneficial role in maintaining physical health activity.

I believe that everyone also recognizes the nutritional value of peanuts, but regarding the way peanuts are eaten, different people have different cooking methods and thinking views.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Some people think that raw peanuts are rich in high nutritional value, and some people oppose that the nutritional value of cooked peanuts is higher, so which is more nutritious between raw peanuts and cooked peanuts?


What is the nutritional value of peanuts?

According to studies, 100 grams of peanuts are rich in about 560 kcal of calories, 25% to 33% of protein and unsaturated fatty acids, lipols, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and other trace elements.

1. Brain and intellectual

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Peanuts are also known as brain tonic artifacts, which is mainly because peanut soy is rich in vitamin B3, niacin two nutrients can improve cell activity, enhance memory, improve brain thinking activity.

Moreover, the flavonoids rich in peanuts can improve the blood supply to the brain, maintain the glory of brain blood, and play a role in brain nootropics.

2. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

The phytoestrol contained in peanuts can inhibit the reproduction and differentiation of tumor cells in the body, and eating peanuts 2 to 3 times a week can reduce cancer, with a cancer risk of more than 28%.

3. Prevent diabetes

Eating some peanuts appropriately to supplement the body with trace elements, especially manganese, can promote the absorption and utilization of calcium in the body, promote the metabolic breakdown of carbohydrates and fatty substances in the body, thereby maintaining blood sugar balance and reducing the probability of diabetes.

4. Beauty and beauty, delay aging

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Eat peanuts appropriately, supplement vitamin E and vitamin C for the body, help alleviate wrinkles and pigmentation on the face, bring strong antioxidant properties to the skin, and contain resveratrol and unsaturated fatty acids to help the skin lock in surface moisture, prevent skin damage from ultraviolet rays, and play a role in beauty and beauty.


Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious?

1. Raw peanuts

The nutritional value of raw peanuts is mainly about 48% of the oil and fat components, which help to supplement the body with high-quality protein, especially lysine, which is also a nutrient that children need in their growth and development.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

In addition, in the state of glutamate and aspartic acid, it can maintain the growth and development of cells, enhance brain memory, innovative thinking, and operation vitality.

On the other hand, the peanut oil rich in raw peanuts is mainly based on unsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acid, and pure cold drops can play a positive role in maintaining blood vessels.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Eating some raw peanuts appropriately helps to bring strong antioxidants to the body to supplement milk tea, often some life, which helps to delay the aging rate of the body, and the body's resistance and immunity are enhanced.

And the red coat on the outer skin of raw peanuts is also known as the peel, which helps to replenish blood and nourish blood to increase the efficacy of platelets in the body, especially female friends eat more to help enhance blood clotting function and prevent dysmenorrhea.

2. Cooked peanuts

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Eating some cooked peanuts properly can also be good for the body, but it depends on his cooking style, if it is boiled peanuts, then its own fat composition and protein content have not decreased, but the water will gradually lose, compared with raw peanuts, the nutritional value is not much different.

Therefore, the benefits of eating some cooked peanuts for the body still exist, but fried peanuts and pickled cooked peanuts are not recommended for everyone to eat, or try to eat as little as possible.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

This cooking method is not healthy fried peanuts, rich in oil ingredients, will have an impact on blood vessels, and even cause lipids to accumulate in the inner wall of blood vessels, affecting the blood flow rate.

However, pickled peanuts are rich in edible salt ingredients, this cooking method belongs to the way of heavy oil and heavy salt, the use of pickled peanuts for a long time will bury safety hazards for the body, it is recommended that everyone still eat less.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Therefore, whether it is raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, as long as you master the delicious method, it can play a beneficial role in health, relatively speaking, the nutritional value of raw peanuts is more, avoid ingesting too many oil ingredients, especially fried peanuts, pickled peanuts, try to eat less.

You can buy according to your own taste and needs, but you must control your intake when eating, and keep about 15 grams to 20 grams a day.


Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

1. People with gout attacks

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Although peanuts are rich in high nutritional value, but people with hyperuricemia and head attacks try to eat less peanuts, as a high-fat diet, will increase the body's uric acid crystals, uric acid substances can not be excreted will aggravate the pain of bone joints, especially during the acute attack of gout, to eat less peanuts.

2. People who have had cholecystectomy

Peanuts as a high-fat food, high-fat food will be discharged through the gallbladder bile for decomposition and digestion, after the gallbladder removal has no ability to store bile, then the use of high-fat substances, still need the body's bile to decompose.

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

In this condition, the body's operating activity will also be affected, and the metabolic burden on the liver will gradually increase, so it is recommended that gallbladder removers eat less peanuts to avoid causing hepatocyte abnormalities.

3. People with hyperlipidemia

After modern medical research has shown that about every 18 peanuts contain 12 ml of plants, people with high blood lipids try not to eat peanuts, to avoid causing the phenomenon of adding oil to the fire, aggravating the symptoms of hyperlipidemia, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. People with chronic kidney disease

Raw peanuts or cooked peanuts, which is more nutritious? Recommendation: 5 types of people or less touch, do not take it seriously

Protein metabolism, absorption and utilization in the human body are responsible for the liver, for people with chronic kidney disease, the use of too much protein-containing food will affect the glomerular filtration function, so to induce proteinuria to endanger liver cell tissue.

5. People with bruises and bruises

As we all know, peanuts can play a role in blood clotting, bruises and blood stasis, it is not recommended to eat peanuts, or it will cause blood not to disperse, aggravating body pain and redness.

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