
The owl cub "lost his foot" and fell into the camp, looking for the "blue friend" to ask for comfort

author:Harbin New Media

ZAKER Harbin reporter Wang Tiejun

Recently, a newly grown little owl accidentally fell into the camp of the fire brigade and "asked for help" from the firefighters, and the result was full of love.

The owl cub "lost his foot" and fell into the camp, looking for the "blue friend" to ask for comfort

On the 12th, a commander and fighter of the Heihe City Forest Fire Brigade was cleaning the camp when he suddenly found an owl cub falling in the courtyard. The firefighters immediately stepped forward to conduct a preliminary examination of the young bird, and there were no trauma on the surface of the body, but only mentally weak, suspecting that the "little guy" had accidentally fallen during the first flight practice.

Considering that the owl chick does not yet have the ability to survive independently, in order to better care for and protect it, the fire commander and fighter immediately contacted the Aihui District Wildlife Conservation Station. Before waiting for the arrival of the staff, the firefighters also found a carton box for this "little cute" to make a nest, and prepared water and fresh meat to feed, and the little guy's big eyes have been staring at the firefighters, looking very cute.

The owl cub "lost his foot" and fell into the camp, looking for the "blue friend" to ask for comfort

After the staff of the protection station rushed to the brigade, they checked the owl situation and told the commanders and fighters that it was a longitudinal-bellied owl, a bird of the genus Owl of the family Owl. Its upper body is sandy brown or grayish brown, and scattered with white spots, and the lower body is brownish white with brown longitudinal stripes, which belongs to the resident bird and is a national level II key protected wild animal.

The staff thanked the firefighters for their protection of the small animals and promised to properly maintain the owls when they were brought back and released into nature after they were able to survive in the wild.

Editor: Chen Yu


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