
On the movie "Changjin Lake", Wu Jing and Hu Jun, Zhu Yawen ate together, and Wu Jing posted: True fragrance! Seeing these 3 eating, wolfing down the posture, I don't know what to eat

author:St. Peter

On the movie "Changjin Lake", Wu Jing and Hu Jun, Zhu Yawen ate together, and Wu Jing posted: True fragrance!

Seeing these 3 people eating, wolfing down the posture, I don't know what I eat, there is so delicious, everyone guesses that it must be a delicious dish, right?

In fact, Wu Jing never cooks at home, and the only food at home is his wife Xie Nan who cooks three meals a day.

Wu Jing said to his wife: I can't cook, I can't play with my mobile phone.

However, Xie Nan's father came, Wu Jing showed his hand in front of the old man, and he could cook and play with mobile phones, and he was particularly good at the dish: "Wolf's tooth has learned scrambled eggs with tomatoes, eggplant roast meat, and should not be forgotten after ten years."

Xie Nan said: The husband has good acting skills, never goes down to the kitchen at home, and shows a hand in front of the old man.

But when Xie Nan really couldn't eat it, Wu Jing would even solve Xie Nan's leftovers together, put what Xie Nan couldn't eat into his own bowl, and then pour the leftovers into his own bowl, and eat it in a big mouthful.

Currently, 48-year-old Wu Jing is abroad, filming "Megalodon 2: The Abyss" with Hollywood directors, starring Jason Statham.

Wu Jing, with this step of Hollywood films, will officially enter the global film market, looking forward to this film to meet the audience as soon as possible.

#95后男孩因吃饭太香被500万人关注 #

On the movie "Changjin Lake", Wu Jing and Hu Jun, Zhu Yawen ate together, and Wu Jing posted: True fragrance! Seeing these 3 eating, wolfing down the posture, I don't know what to eat
On the movie "Changjin Lake", Wu Jing and Hu Jun, Zhu Yawen ate together, and Wu Jing posted: True fragrance! Seeing these 3 eating, wolfing down the posture, I don't know what to eat
On the movie "Changjin Lake", Wu Jing and Hu Jun, Zhu Yawen ate together, and Wu Jing posted: True fragrance! Seeing these 3 eating, wolfing down the posture, I don't know what to eat

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