
The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

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The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

Huo'er Chi Wusun, also translated as Huo Er Chi, birth and death year unknown, Ba A Lin clan. Huo'erchi was known for his ability to speak eloquently, and the Mongol tribes all said that his tongue was transformed by nine divine birds that were different from ordinary people, so he called himself "auspicious bird". At the earliest times, the Hurche people were attached to the Zadaran tribe of Zamuhe. When Zamuhe was young, he and Taizu Genghis Khan Temujin were very close, and they agreed to marry each other as brothers. When Taizu was eleven years old, he met Zamu on the ice of the Hunan River and used the hip stone as a game on the ice, and Zamuhe took out the roe deer hip stone and gave it to Taizu Genghis Khan, and Taizu Genghis Khan gave Zamuhe back with a copper hip stone. He often practiced horseback riding, archery, and wrestling with Taizu Genghis Khan, and Zamuhe took out a family heirloom dice arrow to send to Taizu Genghis Khan, and Taizu gave it back to Zamuhe with a cypress bun head dice arrow.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

The two have been very good since they were young, and Zamuhe said to Taizu: I am a Zadaran person, are you so difficult that you will not hate me because of my origins? Taizu replied to Zamuhe: I only regard you as my brother and have never hated you because of my origins. So why did Zamuhe care so much about his origins? This has to start from the beginning of the Mughals, there are five brothers of the Mongol ancestors who formed the Nilun Mongol tribes, which were the beginning of the various clans: the descendants of the eldest son, Belegunetai, became the Beleguneti clan. The descendants of the second son, Buguntai, became the Buguntai Ti clan. The descendants of the third son, Hetaji, became the Hetajin clan. The descendants of the four sons who did not conform to the Bald Only became the Thalis Ofe. The descendants of the fifth son, Bo Duan Cha'er, became the Bo'er Only Jin clan. It's just five main clans and there are many branches of small clans.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

At that time, the ancestor of Taizu Genghis Khan was the fifth son Ofuan Cha'er, he led an army to attack the Wuliang Hetibu of Adam Khan, and after winning the victory, he captured a woman of the Za'er Chi Wu Ti clan, and when she was captured, this woman was pregnant, this pregnant woman came to The Ba Duan Cha'er and gave birth to a son, because she was the son of a person with a foreign surname, and the Bo Duan Cha'er was named Zaku Zha, who was the ancestor of the Zadalan clan, and the descendant was Zamuhe. It is also for this reason that the identity of the Zadaran people is despised by the Mongol tribesmen, who consider them to be hybrid outsiders. Later, the woman had a son with Bo Duancha'er. Because it was a captive woman, Bo Duancha'er named this son Baali. Ba'ali became the ancestor of the Ba'a Lin clan, and its descendants were the Huo'er Chi clan, and therefore Huo'er Chi and Zamuhe were also considered to be the same lineage as Taizu Genghis Khan.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

In that year, Liezu was killed by four tatars, and the people of Taizu Genghis Khan all defected one after another, and Zamuhe led his tribesmen to submit to the Taiyi Wuchibu. Later, Taizu Genghis Khan grew up and got married, but the Guangxian Empress BoErti was snatched away by three kinds of contemptuous beggars, and Taizu Genghis Khan asked for help from King Keliebu Khan, and then agreed with Zamu to join forces to save him. Taizu Genghis Khan sent his second brother Hasar and fourth brother Beletai to tell Yu Zamuhe that Zamu agreed to send troops, saying: "I have heard that three kinds of contemptuous beggars are now encamped in the land of Bu wu er er, and the da'er wusun are camping in the land of the two rivers of Hu'er Huan and Xue Liangge, and the tarhun ah la camp is camped in the land of the only guest er er of he. If we tie the raft with pig's bristles and secretly cross the banks of the Qinlehuo River, we can walk close to the camp where the chieftain of the Qi'er Beggar, Toheidea, lives, and we can enter the room from the skylight, so that his men can sneak in and take all of them prisoner. ”

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

After the agreement was made, he sent emissaries to the King Khan to inform him. Zamuhe led 20,000 cavalry to meet the division. Later, Wang Khan and his brother Zahe dared not to lead 20,000 cavalry to assemble. Taizu led his brothers and his men and horses to join forces, and according to zamu's plan, he crossed the Qinlehuo River at night, and Taizu's army successfully attacked the Qi'er Beggars, and Huo'er Chi led the army to destroy his clan. The remnants of the Wusun and The Emperor fled, and Wang Khan captured his wife and daughter and many other tribesmen, horses, and livestock. After nine months, Genghis Khan finally welcomed back Empress Guangxian.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

Since then, Taizu Genghis Khan and Zamu have gathered their people to graze cattle in one place, because Taizu Genghis Khan is open-minded to his subordinates in the distribution of conquest and capture, such as conquests, the tribal generals always take the big head and Taizu Genghis Khan only takes a small part, which makes a large number of people come to vote for Taizu Genghis Khan, and Zamuhe's subordinates also have great admiration for Taizu as a person, and his people are on the side of Taizu Genghis Khan, so Zamuhe also feels that it is not right, so he and Taizu ask to divide the pasture and go west. Taizu felt insulted and pulled out of the camp that night.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

At this time, Huo'er Chi decided to follow Taizu Genghis Khan on the same night, and he said to Taizu: "In the past, the wuliang hezhen woman plundered by my ancestor Bo Duancha'er was born successively, and my ancestors were half-siblings of the two ancestors, so I was dependent on Zamu he before zamu, and to tell the truth, I should not turn my back on him and vote for Taizu Genghis Khan, but you and my father's clan are closer than him." The most important thing is that last night, God made it clear to me that I saw a miserable white cow that had crashed into Zamuhe's tent and car, so he folded a corner, and the white cow said in human language: "Zamuhe will return my horn." ”

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

Seeing also the hornless ox with a big tent pillar and a big tree, running to your line in the camp, the man said, "The Eternal Heaven has decreed that Temujin is the lord of the people of Zhongdada, and I will carry this great fortune of the country to the great tent of Temujin to and from today." "All the old people in our people feel that this prophecy must be true and not false, so they jointly elect me and lead the whole clan to come to you, Genghis Khan. Huo Erchi also said to Taizu privately: "I am an auspicious bird, and if I have places, I will help the king to fulfill his wishes, and if he gains the kingdom one day, why should he repay me?" Taizu said, "If you are like a sign, give ru to ten thousand households." Huo Erchi said, "Ten thousand households He Zu Dao, allow me to marry thirty beautiful women in the ministry as a wife." Taizu smiled and agreed to Huo'erchi's request.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

In 1189 Temujin was elected Khan of the Mongols. This was facilitated by the internal and external connections of Huo'erchi, who persuaded Genghis Khan's uncle Talitai, cousins Altan, Satchabebü, Kucha'er and other important members of the clan to jointly discuss the surrender of the Khan's throne, which had been vacant since Kutula Khan, to Taizu Temujin to take the throne. After Taizu Temujin was called Khan, he did indeed respond to what the auspicious bird of Theo'er Chi said, and every time Taizu used the Method of The Red Officia to fight, he would win. In 1202, at the Battle of Dalan Pinch Muergesi, Taizu Temujin attacked the Tatars. In 1203, Taizu Temujin attacked the Kerebu, and Wang Khan was killed by the Naimanbian generals. In 1204, Taizu Temujin attacked Naimanbu, and Sun Khan was wounded to death. In 1205, Taizu Temujin conquered Western Xia for the first time and won a great victory. In 1206, Taizu Temujin ascended the throne of the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, with the title of Genghis Khan, and officially established the Great Mongol State.

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

At the beginning of the founding of the taizu genghis khan, he was a meritorious minister, and Feng Huo'erchi was made the fourth thousand household official of the Mongol Empire and an eighty-eight meritorious servant. He also formally issued an edict ordering That Hu'er Chi could marry thirty beautiful women. The original subordinates of the Ba'a neighboring department were 3,000 people, and the four kinds of people's departments, such as Adar Jin, Chi Nasi, De'Ersi, and Thera Guti, were in the same management as Dieji and Ah Lost Hei, with Huo'er Chi as the chief of ten thousand households in the forest. Mongolian folklore is honored by "don't beg", don't beg, don't beg, wear white clothes, ride a white horse, the status is above the people, the country has major events must preside over the discussion. Taizu Genghis Khan made Huo'erchi the eldest son of the Ba'a Lin clan and personally gave him the honorific title of "Don't Beg".

The first blessing of Genghis Khan, the grandfather of the Mongol Empire, the "auspicious bird" Huo'erchi

Taizu Genghis Khan's promise to let Huoerchi find thirty beautiful women as wives brought trouble to Genghis Khan. After the founding of the Mongol Empire, the head of the ten thousand households, Huoerchi Beibei, was named by Taizu Genghis Khan as the chief of ten thousand households for the people in the forest in the upper reaches of the Shihe River in Ye'er, and when Huoerchi went to the forest to select beauty, he provoked a strong resistance from the bald horsetie tribes in the forest led by Lady Tarhun, and Huoerchi was forcibly detained, and Taizu's relatives and relatives went to rescue each other and were detained. Emperor Genghis Khan was furious and asked the empress's adopted son, his righteous brother, Borku, one of the Four Masters, to lead an army to conquest, and borus was unfortunately killed in battle. Taizu finally sent Naya'a and DorboHeishen, and led his troops to quell the rebels and take all their people. He released Huo'erchi and The Minister of Forest, Kuduhe, but to his surprise, Taizu still gave thirty bald women and Huo'erchi as wives, fulfilling his long-cherished wish. Later, Huo'er Chi followed Taizu Genghis Khan to the south to attack the Jin Kingdom and western Xia, and participated in the first Western Expedition of Mongolia to the Flower Thorn Model State.

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