
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

The texture of the smell

Nose Shop is Japan's first niche perfume boutique with unique scents from around the world.

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

Japan's perfume culture still lags behind the rest of the world, in part because perfume is considered to be somewhat distant from the cultural background of the Japanese.

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

How can we make perfumes more accessible?

In order to achieve the brand goal "Democratization of Japanese Perfume (Spreading Perfume Culture)", we focus on how indoor spaces integrate perfume into daily life, as well as expanding the Japanese perfume market in the design of physical stores.

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

To make perfumes easier to touch and understand, our design approach is to use language and objects to describe invisible odors in the air.

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

Smells vary infinitely, but we try to express the smell of perfume in a way that verbally expresses the taste and smell of wine.

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

Transparent and fragrant

Smooth and rounded scent

Slippery, lightly scented

With a warm or cool odor

Sharp and angular smell

Slightly rough smell etc...

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa
Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

In addition, by translating the language into concrete materials such as steel, plaster, mortar, etc., we embody the fragrance and express the texture of the fragrance. The nose shop is a "sensory store" where you can see (visual), tactile (tactile), olfactory (olfactory), speaking (language), and smell. Usher in a new era of perfume.

Nose Shop, Japan's first niche perfume boutique | AtMa

Location: Japan-Osaka

Designer: AtMa

Building area: 63㎡

Compilation: Official account T5OP design network

Completion: 2021

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