
Angola: Nicknamed "Africa Brazil", some people have land and oil, but now they are destitute

author:Big Earth Small Story

It is a tool man for hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, some people have land and oil, people send nicknames "African Brazil", and now they are destitute, why is it always hurt? Today, Brother Qiu will take you to talk about the Republic of Angola.

Angola is located in southwest Africa, and its west is connected to the Atlantic Ocean, to the north by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Congo, to the east by Zambia, and to the south by Namibia. Angola's land area is 1.246 million square kilometers, which also includes an enclave, it is between the two Congolese countries, the name is Cabinda, many people should be curious, the enclave is generally a colonial country, where can Angola have the ability to create an enclave? In fact, Angola was previously a Portuguese colony, its original name was Portuguese West Africa, Cabinda this piece of land, originally Portugal occupied the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and later Angola took advantage of the opportunity to engage in independence, cheekily took The Cabinda away.

Angola: Nicknamed "Africa Brazil", some people have land and oil, but now they are destitute

Cabinda is only more than 7,000 square kilometers, but it is just stuck in the mouth of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, almost blocking people into landlocked countries. The most important thing is that Angola also has 1.87 billion tons of oil reserves, of which 1.5 billion are contributed by Cabinda, with this enclave, Angola not only earns a lot of money, but also blocks the feng shui of neighboring countries, killing two birds with one stone. But sooner or later to come out of the mix is to pay back, everyone knows the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the last century, the United States and the Soviet Union frantically shake people to fight, Angola has unfortunately become the tool of these two big men, the country is not in the civil war, or on the road of the civil war, even if it is a big bargain of picking up enclaves, it can not withstand internal killing of each other! It wasn't until 2002 that Angola ended more than 20 years of internal strife, but the blood tank was also about to be empty.

Angola: Nicknamed "Africa Brazil", some people have land and oil, but now they are destitute

As mentioned earlier, the Angolan civil war was too long, and it was really too much energy, until the beginning of the 21st century, Angola came back to life and began to take care of these mines in his family. Angola not only has oil, but also diamonds and natural gas, which, like tonics, have given Angola a few mouthfuls of blood, and the export revenue of industry and mining alone accounts for 60% of its national revenue. More than a million square kilometers of land are not vegetarian, Angola has a large area of fertile land and water, people before independence, by farming has been able to achieve self-reliance, do not forget that at that time, a large number of countries are still hungry

Angola: Nicknamed "Africa Brazil", some people have land and oil, but now they are destitute

Also because of the civil war, Angola's porch was destroyed, and the former granary of South Africa now depends on the handouts of other countries to feed. Finally, to talk about the construction industry in Angola, it may be because there are many local people, and foreign countries have great confidence in the construction market in Angola and have bet on the treasure. In Angola, you can see construction contractors from all over the world, most of them from Portugal, Brazil and China, in fact, Angola often does business with us, mainly selling us oil, and China brings them technology and funds. In the 60 kilometers away from luanda, the capital of Angola, there is even a Chinese village, but there is no Chinese in the village, and the reason for building this village is that Angola is grateful to China for its assistance in construction, and listen to me say thank you because of you...

In general, although Angola is not rich, its ancestors have also been brilliant, and it has great potential for development, and agriculture and mining have a certain foundation. Interestingly, many people call Angola Africa Brazil, first of all, both countries have been bullied by Portugal, secondly, both countries are rich and rich, and finally because Portugal is weird, during the slave trade, many people in Angola were sold to Brazil, it seems that the two countries are indeed quite similar, well, let's talk about angola's national conditions.

Angola: Nicknamed "Africa Brazil", some people have land and oil, but now they are destitute

Angola has 32.1 million people, and the main ethnic groups are Ovinbendu, Mbendu and Bagango, which do not have a large population gap and do not have too special customs. Angola's per capita GDP is only 2331 US dollars, the domestic development is still relatively backward, but it does not affect people's good face at all, the local people like to do a lot of things when they get married, even if they don't have a few money in their pockets, they can't be poor weddings, even if they spend tens of thousands, they have to do the wedding at a high level. Rich people are even more exaggerated, funerals are also very faceted, they will be obituary in the national media, friends and relatives want to understand the situation, just need to turn on the TV or buy a newspaper, in contrast, the primitive tribal customs are called eye-catching.

Angola: Nicknamed "Africa Brazil", some people have land and oil, but now they are destitute

Among the many tribes, there is a tribe called the Angolan tribe, the girls only bathe three times in their lives, and even smear cow dung on their hair, and even make cow dung into decorations on their heads, it is said that they live in the primeval forest, this is to prevent mosquito bites. Surprisingly, Angola does not have much money, but learns to implement free medical care, the data show that this practice does work, Angola's AIDS infection rate is only 5%, in Africa is already low, the disadvantage is that its medical service coverage is only 44%, to sum up: free limited edition. In terms of policing, years of civil war have opened Pandora's box, Angola is full of weapons, and after 2012 Angola simply does not count the crime rate. All in all, Angola is a country where opportunities and challenges coexist, and the future development potential is not small. This article is original by the big earth small story, welcome to follow, take you along with long knowledge!

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