
One day, Du Su, who was eating a banquet at his friend's house, frequently nodded at a plate of dishes and said: Good dish, good dish. Friends think that he really loves to eat, busy persuading him to eat more, Du Su ate very much

author:Little Zhang Wenshihui

One day, Du Su, who was eating a banquet at his friend's house, frequently nodded at a plate of dishes and said: Good dish, good dish. Friends thought that he really loved to eat, busy persuading him to eat more, Du Su ate very happily, and patted his stomach before leaving. Unexpectedly, he turned around and sued his friend.

Du Su was a chancellor valued by Wu Zetian, and he held the position of "filling the gap".

What is a gap fill?

Filling the gap, the official position of the seven products, is mainly to dare to speak out about the emperor's mistakes or deficiencies, and to promote talents impartially. It can be seen that Du Su is very much used by Wu Zetian.

Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian, who was wise and divine, also had a time to look away.

Why do you say that, this matter has to start with a banquet.

In 692, Elder Zhang De, who was in the official position of Eight Pins, was very happy to have his son come, so he asked the cook to secretly kill a sheep and feast on the guests.

As soon as the mutton came up, everyone tacitly thought that they had not seen it, only Du Su was alone, his eyes shining tightly at the mutton, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Good wine and good dishes, staggered between the meals, the host and guests are happy. Unexpectedly, Du Su looked left and right, and when people were not paying attention, he grabbed a piece of mutton and quietly hid it in his sleeve.

After the banquet, Du Su hurried home and wrote a recital, which he personally handed over to Empress Wu Zetian along with the "evidence" (mutton).

Wu Zetian asked Du Su: Du Aiqing, what do you mean by this?

Du Su made a fuss and said: I want to report Zhang De, but as a minister, I took the lead in killing raw meat.

Wu Zetian continued to ask Du Su: How does Ai Qing think this matter should be handled?

Du Su hurriedly replied: This person should be deposed and sent to prison.

Is it so evil to eat a lamb and go to jail?

Indeed, at that time, Wu Zetian was called empress dowager, began to worship the Buddha, built new temples to improve the treatment of monks, prohibited the slaughter of chickens and ducks, cattle, pigs and sheep and other livestock, and did not allow the people to go to the river to catch fish and shrimp. Wu Zetian himself also led by example and ate vegetarian food every day.

(The Zizhi Tongjian records that in May of the second year of longevity, Bing Yin banned the slaughtering and fishing of shrimp under the heavens.) )

Wu Zetian listened and did not make a sound. Let Du Su go back first, and this matter will be handled tomorrow.

Du Su thought to himself, this time I will definitely be able to rise up and hum a little song all the way home.

The next day, Wu Zetian said to Zhang De, the minister of the Eight Pins, in the courtroom: Congratulations on hearing that you have given birth to a son, and then he took out the copy of the recital written by Du Su and handed it to the ministers for circulation. And said: The lamb looks good.

Zhang De, when he saw it, almost turned his back on it, and hurriedly knelt down to beg for forgiveness.

Who knows, Wu Zetian not only did not get angry, but said: I have ordered that livestock should not be slaughtered, but the red and white happy events are not within the scope. Eating meat is no harm, but I just want to warn all the people not to be excessively extravagant.

Zhang De, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, greeted Du Su's ancestors one by one in his heart.

Du Su was also in the hall at this time, his face was flushed with shame, and he was eager to find a crack in the ground to drill into.

After retreating, the ministers spat at Du Su one after another.

(The Zizhi Tongjian records that the Empress Dowager said: "Slaughter is forbidden, and the auspiciousness is unpredictable.") However, qing qing recruits customers from now on, and must also choose people. "Out of the solemn expression. He was ashamed and raised his face to spit on him. )

Why did Du Su report his colleagues who were smaller than his own official position?

It turned out that Wu Zetian had encountered a lot of resistance before he ascended the throne, so she thought of a trick to encourage whistle-blowing and whistle-blowing, and at the same time used a group of cool officials to enforce the law.

However, those who are reported do not care whether they have been wronged or not, the light ones are severely beaten, and the serious ones are killed and their families are destroyed. Whistleblowers, whether they are true or not, reward money for the light, and promote the promotion of the heavy.

Du Su saw this and wanted to get promoted and get rich, so he went to expose it.

But he never expected that now That Wu Zetian had secured the throne, she now needed talents, not informants.

【XiaoZhang WenshiHui】

Du Su can sit in the position of Zheng Qipin, indicating that he is still a certain person, as long as he works steadily, one day he can rise, but he wants to take shortcuts and engage in some villains' conspiracies and tricks, which is bound to die.

What do you think about Du Su?

One day, Du Su, who was eating a banquet at his friend's house, frequently nodded at a plate of dishes and said: Good dish, good dish. Friends think that he really loves to eat, busy persuading him to eat more, Du Su ate very much
One day, Du Su, who was eating a banquet at his friend's house, frequently nodded at a plate of dishes and said: Good dish, good dish. Friends think that he really loves to eat, busy persuading him to eat more, Du Su ate very much
One day, Du Su, who was eating a banquet at his friend's house, frequently nodded at a plate of dishes and said: Good dish, good dish. Friends think that he really loves to eat, busy persuading him to eat more, Du Su ate very much

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