
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered


The Spotted Bird (scientific name: Lonchura punctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upperparts are brown, the lower back and tail covert feathers are white to form white scaly spots, and the tail is olive yellow. The chin and throat are dark chestnut brown , and the rest of the underparts are white with distinct dark reddish-brown scaly spots. Its natural habitats are farmland, villages, forest edges and river valleys in low mountains, hills, foothills and plains below 1500 m above sea level. In addition to the pair activities during breeding, there are many flocks, often in large groups of 20-30, or even hundreds, to move and feed, and sometimes mix with sparrows and white-waisted birds. It feeds on crops such as grains, but also eats grass seeds and other wild plant fruits and seeds, and also eats some insects during reproduction.

The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered
The Zebra (scientific name: Lonchurapunctulata) is a small bird with a body length of 10–12 cm. The mouth is thick black-brown, the upper body is brown, and the lower back and tail are covered

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