
Geng Zhiying Queen! Qin Hailu is really a clear stream in the entertainment industry

author:Dole fish

There are many sleek and sophisticated people in the entertainment industry, but Qin Hailu can be said to be a clear stream, and her Geng Zhi is famous.

Geng Zhiying Queen! Qin Hailu is really a clear stream in the entertainment industry

1. Evaluate acting skills

Once on the "Venus Show", Venus, who has always been known for her "poisonous tongue", asked her a few easy to offend questions:

"Working with so many male actors, Wang Qianyuan, Zhang Jiayi, Zhu Yawen, Guo Xiaodong, etc., you choose an acting skill to give you a thumbs up, saying well, this buddy has good acting skills."

Qin Hailu listened to this and said "Zhang Jiayi" without hesitation. The speed of blurting out gave Venus a thumbs up.

Next Venus asked the actress again. "Zhou Xun, Yuan Quan, Liu Tao, Haiqing" Qin Hailu also immediately gave an answer: "Zhou Xun." It also says "Is this difficult?".

And when Venus asked why she didn't say her good girlfriend Liu Tao, she also said bluntly, "My girlfriend (Liu Tao) only turned to the strength faction this year, and it turned out that it was indeed an idol faction."

Such a blunt answer is really rare. Not to mention public figures, many of us in daily life will choose to shirk when asked such a question, "all very good", "all good", a bowl of water is smooth and stable. And Qin Hailu has one thing to say.

2. "Don't put on a show!" ”

Geng Zhiying Queen! Qin Hailu is really a clear stream in the entertainment industry

While participating in a celebrity food competition reality show, one contestant suspected that his hand was scratched. After Qin Hailu came forward to confirm that she was okay, she was still constantly communicating with the people next to her whether it was painful or not, whether to put up band-aids or not. Qin Hailu said bluntly, "Okay, don't put on a show, there is no blood to paste any band-aids." I really don't like you guys."

Guo Qilin exited the round field on the side, "(Dry) Mom, you are too straight", while Qin Hailu said as he walked, "I must be very straight, this should be how it should be".

However, as an actress, Qin Hailu has a very sufficient confidence. Also in the "Venus Show" program, she categorically admitted that she was a "drama bully" and "professional enough".

As soon as she debuted after graduating from college, she won the Golden Horse Award for Best Newcomer and Best Actress, the Academy Award for Best Newcomer and the Golden Bauhinia Award for Best Actress. That year, she was only 22 years old, and she became a "film queen", an achievement that countless people could not achieve in their lifetime.

Over the years, Qin Hailu has participated in "The Piano of Steel", "Sister Peach" and other word-of-mouth works, playing a variety of roles: prostitutes, color blind patients, female teachers in mountainous areas, nursing home directors, concubines, band singers...

Geng Zhiying Queen! Qin Hailu is really a clear stream in the entertainment industry

This scene looks a little scary, and even being said to be Qin Hailu's "raising a little ghost", but in fact, it is her immersed rehearsal.

It is this kind of serious dedication and dedication that allows her to go farther and farther on the road of acting.

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