
Narwhals: "unicorns" in the sea

author:A wonderful tale of nature

In the deep waters of the Arctic ocean, it inhabits a monster with fangs in its mouth, which are 2 to 3 meters long and protrude forward from the lips. Because at first glance it looks like horns growing on the head, people call this cetacean sea beast a narwhal.

Narwhals: "unicorns" in the sea

Although it is called a "narwhal", the long thing that sticks out of its front is not a horn, but a tooth. In the past, the narwhal was seen as the embodiment of the legendary unicorn, and the royal families of some countries even used the tooth as a tool for exorcism and detoxification. Due to people's superstition of whale teeth, whale teeth are expensive and rare, which has also become the root cause of the narwhal survival disaster. As for the use of narwhal tusks, scientists disagree, with some saying it was used to show its aggressiveness, while others said it was used to break ice.

Another unique aspect of narwhal teeth is that they are gendered. This tusk is common on male narwhals, but females do not have such tusks. Female narwhals also have teeth exposed, but are short.

Narwhals: "unicorns" in the sea

Narwhals usually move in groups together. It ranges from a few heads to a dozen, and sometimes there are hundreds or even thousands of large groups together. Every year, when the snow and ice melt, the whales will enter the bay in droves to feed, mate and play. Flounder under the ice floes offshore is a favorite of narwhals.

The diving ability of narwhals is very amazing, once scientists installed trackers on them, the result of a narwhal diving to a depth of 1800 meters, and will repeat this action every day, can be described as a well-deserved diving master.

Narwhals: "unicorns" in the sea

In the middle of the sea, the biggest natural enemy of narwhals is killer whales. But killer whale killings are only part of the threat to narwhals, and for them, the other threat comes from humans at the top of the food chain. The legendary unicorn is a symbol of purity, while the real narwhal, because of its mysterious unicorn, is gradually facing a crisis of survival. I hope that human beings can coexist in harmony with nature and protect the marine 'unicorn' narwhal in our minds!

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