
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"

author:Dragon Travels seven continents
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"

In Ecuador, locals especially enjoy grilled food. We all know that there is a delicacy in Guangdong called "roast suckling pig", that is, the young pig is grilled and cooked, and the pig is easier to roast thoroughly, and the feeling of eating it is tender and crisp. But in Ecuador, the most popular meat is roasted pigs, and it is a big roast pig, the pig is very large, and it takes a lot of effort to roast it thoroughly. The roasting process does not look very elegant, and it is necessary to remove the hair with a spitting gun, scrape off the charred skin, and then bake slowly. But after the roasting, the pigs are full of energy and shiny, making people look like they will have an appetite. I've tasted their roasted meat, which is naturally not as good as Chinese roast suckling pig, but it's still quite tender. Roast pigs should be their favorite, seen in any city in Ecuador.

Roast the big pig

Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"

Roasted guinea pigs

In the Cuenca area, I like to eat roasted guinea pigs. I've only seen it in the bazaars near Cuenca. The roasting process is a bit unbearable, the killed guinea pig is inserted on the big wooden stick, put on the charcoal fire to roast, the guinea pig is grinning, the face is vicious, I just look at the photo, I really don't have the courage to eat.

Guinea pigs also have a name called "Dutch Pig", and I remember that in the 70s there were farmers in Europe and the United States who raised this small animal.

Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"
Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"

Roasted bananas, fried bananas and tacos

Roasted bananas, fried bananas and tacos are also commonly enjoyed by Ecuadorians.

Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"

Roasted bananas

Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"

Fried bananas

Ecuador on the tip of the tongue of "Ecuador"


#South America Tour #Ecuador #Ecuador cuisine # #烤豚鼠 #

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