
Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

author:Myrrh Garden

Hello everyone, this is the Myrrh Garden. The case I'm going to talk to you about today happened to an Asian family in Markham, Canada.

On the night of November 8, 2010, three gunmen broke into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Huei Hann Pan and Mr. and Mrs. Bich Ha Pan.

They tied jennifer Pan, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pan, to the second floor and fired five shots at Mr. and Mrs. Pan in the basement. Liang Bixia died on the spot, and Pan Hanhui was seriously injured.

After the case, the family's community fell into a huge panic, and the residents of the community generally believed that it was a murder caused by a random robbery.

But two weeks later, the case suddenly reversed, and police arrested Jennifer Pan. What the hell happened to this family?

First, the Pan family massacre

Located near the city of Toronto, Canada, Markham is a typical middle-class community with a large number of Asian families.

At about 10:30 p.m. on November 8, 2010, 911 in Markham received an alarm call.

A young woman hoarsely told the operator on the phone that she needed help when robbers broke into her home. They snatched the money, tied her to the handrail of the stairs on the second floor, and seemed to have taken her parents to the basement, where she heard a few thuds.

Just as the woman was on the phone with the operator, a man's screams and cries for help came from the phone.

The screams were clear and audible at first, but then became more and more blurred, and the woman who spoke to the operator kept shouting "Daddy, Daddy, I'm calling 911, I'm calling 911, I'm fine."

The woman who called the police told the operator that her father had walked outside the door and was wailing outside the house.

The young woman who called the police was named Jennifer Pan, and outside the house was her father, Pan Hanhui.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Jennifer Pan image from the website Bugged Space)

Three minutes later, the police arrived at the scene.

It is a two-storey detached house. On the first floor of the house is the kitchen, dining room, and living room, and on the second floor is the study and bedroom.

In addition to this, the house also has a basement with a garage that can accommodate two cars.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Pan Zhai, the place of the crime, the picture is from NY Daily News)

Police found Pan Hanhui at the door, he was shot in the face, he was also shot in the shoulder, and a frightened neighbor was with him.

The ambulance that arrived then rushed Pan Hanhui to the hospital, after which Pan Hanhui was artificially unconscious and transferred to Toronto Rixi Hospital.

After entering the house, police saw Jennifer Pan tied to a handrail railing at the corner of the stairs on the second floor.

She sat on her knees on the floor, her feet bare to one side of her body, her upper arms tied to the railings of the armrests, and her hands tied behind her back.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Image from Talk Murder to Me, linking Jennifer's shoelaces)

What tied Jennifer were two shoelaces. It was later confirmed that the two shoelaces were found by the kidnappers from her mother, Liang Bixia's sewing box.

Because Jennifer was tied to her upper arm, her wrist had a certain distance of movement from the railing.

Police cut the laces that bound Jennifer and handed her over to first responders outside the house, while noting that Jennifer's wrist was free of redness, swelling and strangulation. The hospital later confirmed that Jennifer had not suffered any physical injuries.

When police found Jennifer, she told police that her mother should be in the basement and may have been shot.

In the basement lounge, the police found Liang Bixia.

Wrapped in a blue blanket over her head and wearing pajamas, she collapsed face down in front of the sofa, shot in the head, neck and shoulder, and died.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(The basement where Liang Bixia was shot and died, the picture is from the Sun newspaper)

After the scene investigation, the police found that the door of Jennifer's house had no trace of being violently invaded.

There was blood in the basement lounge that extended all the way to the door of the first floor, and the police judged that this was the trace left by Pan Hanhui, who was shot, when he walked outside the house to call for help.

In addition, the first floor is clean and tidy, without any signs of being turned over, and it does not look like it has been robbed at all.

On the second floor of the Pan family, Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia's bedroom was turned upside down. Their mattresses were flipped to the floor, the drawers on the bedside tables were smashed open, the contents were scattered on the ground, and the drawers were left aside.

But it is worth mentioning that the safe at the wardrobe is intact and has not been opened.

Except for the master bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui, there is no trace of the other rooms on the second floor that have been turned over.

Before the crime, Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui owned two high-end cars, Mercedes-Benz and Lexus, but neither car was driven away, although the car keys were on the first floor at the time of the crime.

In addition, the Pan family's other valuables, such as computers, laptops, and televisions, were not taken away.

Police found no suspicious fingerprints or suspect DNA at Pan's home.

2. An ordinary Asian family

Before the crime, Pan Hanhui lived with his wife, Leung Bi-ha, and daughter Jennifer Pan in Markham City, while their son Felix Pan attended university in a nearby city.

Poon Hon Hoi and Leung Bi-ha are both Chinese Vietnamese, and after the end of the Vietnam War, they immigrated to Canada as refugees with their families in their youth.

When Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia reunited in the Scarborough district of Toronto, the two fell in love and formed their own family.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia photo from the website Toronto Star)

Like many Asian immigrants, Pan and Leung work hard and live frugally. They work hard to get out of poverty, and the ideal of life is to live a safe, comfortable, decent middle-class life.

While in Vietnam, Pan studied mold making and diesel machinery at university, and a few years after coming to Canada, Pan Found a Job at the Magna Auto Parts Factory, and Liang Bixia became a worker on the assembly line of the same company's workshop.

Later, Mr. and Mrs. Pan hanhui saved money to buy their first house in Scarborough.

Although the neighborhood is dilapidated and the surrounding security is not good, the two have their own home in a foreign country.

In 1986, Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia's first child was born, and they named her Jennifer. Three years later, Mr. and Mrs. Poon had a second child, Felix, and Jennifer had a lovely younger brother.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Jennifer and Felix attended her mother's funeral after the crime, and the image comes from the website Tornto)

Like most Asian immigrant families, Pan and Leung had high expectations of Jennifer and Felix and were disciplined strictly.

They demand that their children be diligent, motivated, and polite, and that they will be able to get ahead, achieve further achievements on their own foundations, get into a good university, study a promising major, and have a well-paid, decent career after graduation.

At home, Pan Hanhui is a strict father, he will severely reprimand his children when their grades are not satisfactory, but he will also get up at 5 o'clock every day to work and be busy with the family's life.

Compared with Pan Hanhui, Liang Bixia is more gentle, more considerate, and has a better relationship with her children. She will adjust to Pan Hanhui after she has a stalemate with her children, but she is equally strict with their grades.

A few years before the incident, after a burglary, Mr. and Mrs. Pan moved from the chaotic Scarborough district to Markham City.

In the eyes of outsiders, the life of the Pan Hanhui family is happy and successful. They live in a large, spacious, comfortable house with two premium cars.

Daughter Jennifer has been obedient and sensible since childhood, not only taking A in her homework, playing the piano well, and skating is also very good.

His son Felix inherited his father's mantle and was admitted to the College of Engineering.

Before the incident, Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia finally paid off all the mortgages, and their children were also adults. Because the two are very frugal, they have also saved a lot of savings.

It can be said that after a lifetime of hard work, Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui finally have the opportunity to enjoy life. But on November 8, 2010, bad luck struck.

Third, the inner ghost or the lucky one?

In the early hours of November 9, 2010, more than four hours after the crime, Jennifer was questioned by the police.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Jennifer was questioned by the police, and the picture comes from the website oxygen)

Pan Hanhui was still unconscious at the time, and according to Jennifer's confession, the whole process of the crime was not complicated, but this "simple" case made the police particularly puzzling.

Here's what Jennifer said after refining:

On November 8, three black men with guns broke into the Pan house in order to grab money.

Jennifer was on the second floor at the time of the crime, and after handing over her cash, two robbers raided her parents' room and then pushed her down to the first floor.

At this time, Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia were on the first floor, and a gunman took control of them.

Then, because Pan said he had $60 in his wallet on the second floor, Jennifer and a robber went up to the second floor

The robbers then tied Jennifer to a railing on the second floor handrail and shot her parents in the basement.

Then they left all the valuable things of Jennifer's house and Jennifer left alive.

If Jennifer is telling the truth, the behavior of this group of gangsters is also too strange.

First, the robbers would go upstairs for $60, but left with jennifer's belongings for easy transfer.

Second, if they were to rob the money, why kill the obedient Pan Hanhui and his wife?

If they killed Mr. and Mrs. Pan to eliminate witnesses, why did they leave Jennifer behind?

Judging from the fact that the gangsters deliberately tied Jennifer to the second floor and only killed Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia, this case is more like a vendetta.

Most importantly, how did they quietly enter the Pan House?

From the scene, police suspected that the Pans may have been involved in a gang dispute, but Jennifer said she did not believe her parents were involved in drug dealings or gambling.

When the police asked about Jennifer's family, she said it was no different from a normal family, nothing special.

To help Jennifer recall more details, the police asked Jennifer to repeat the crime scene.

Jennifer's second description differs a lot from the first.

In addition, some of Jennifer's behavior in the inquiry also appeared very suspicious.

For example, she twice referred to the robber who killed her mother as "gentlemen."

Jennifer actually used a joking tone to imitate her father's moans after being shot!

As soon as the words came out, perhaps realizing that her behavior was inappropriate, she immediately stopped imitating her father's moaning, and after a short silence, bowed her head and made a sad look.

Meanwhile, a police officer noticed that while Jennifer seemed sad when she mentioned her mother, she sobbed with her head down, but the paper she wiped her eyes from was dry.

In addition to Jennifer's performance, the police also noticed one thing: when Pan Hanhui came out of the basement, he did not try to go upstairs to see how Jennifer was doing, but ran outside the house to call for help.

The family broke into the robbers and tied their daughter upstairs. When the father was free to move, his first instinct was to run outside the house instead of checking on his daughter. For some policemen, this is an anomaly.

The late-night inquiry lasted more than two hours, and it wasn't until it was nearly dawn that Jennifer left the police station.

She did not know that just after the first question, there were already many people within the police who suspected that she was involved in the case in some way.

Fourth, an important turning point

On November 9, police received an anonymous report that Jennifer had helped her ex-boyfriend, Daniel Wong, transport marijuana.

On the afternoon of November 10, the police called Huang Zhiguang to the police station for questioning.

Huang Zhiguang's attitude is peaceful and friendly, and he is very cooperative with inquiries.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Huang Zhiguang was interrogated, and the picture is from the Internet)

He confessed to the police that he had been arrested for selling marijuana, but he had now changed his mind and gone all the way from a dishwasher at Boston Pizza to a kitchen manager and no longer selling drugs.

In addition, he also admitted that he and Jennifer had been in a relationship for 7 years, but they had broken up last April, only occasionally made phone calls and chatted, and had a new girlfriend of their own.

Next, Huang Zhiguang's testimony confirmed that Jennifer did not tell the whole truth in the first inquiry.

Very different from Jennifer's own description, according to Huang Zhiguang, Jennifer's relationship with her family is very tense.

Wong revealed to the police that Mr. and Mrs. Poon han faw disciplined Jennifer harshly, and Jennifer had been forging documents to deal with them since high school.

Because Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui did not like Huang Zhiguang and ordered Jennifer to break up with Huang Zhiguang, the interaction between the two was behind Jennifer's parents.

A year before the crime, when Pan Hanhui found out that his daughter was still in contact with Huang Zhiguang, he was furious and asked Jennifer to make a choice between the family and Huang Zhiguang and force them to break up, which made the two very painful.

Huang Zhiguang revealed that before the crime, Jennifer's life was extremely miserable, and she was like being under house arrest. Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui did not allow her to go out at will, and they did not accept her mobile phone and computer.

In addition, Huang Zhiguang's confession also mentioned a very crucial point - Jennifer has two mobile phones.

Wong said that after he and Jennifer broke up, he, Jennifer and his new girlfriend continued to receive harassing phone calls and text messages.

The harassment escalated, and Jennifer told him that she had received bullets in her mailbox and had been gang-raped (but police did not have Jennifer's police record).

Huang Zhiguang said that he knew that Jennifer's parents would not let them contact him, but he was worried about Jennifer's situation, so he bought her an Apple phone, hoping that she would be okay and report to herself.

On November 11, after talking with Huang Zhiguang, the police questioned Jennifer for the second time.

Jennifer admitted that she had long lied to her family and had a strained relationship with her family before the crime. But when police asked her if she hated her family, Jennifer didn't answer positively. She said, at the end of the day, it was my choice, I chose my family.

During the second questioning, the police also asked Jennifer to demonstrate a question they could not figure out: how she called the police with her hands tied behind her back.

According to Jennifer's presentation, her phone was far from her face during the call, but in the 911 recording, Jennifer's panting was clearly audible.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Jennifer gave a presentation and the image is from the website Mysteriousunsolved)

The recording analysis proved that Jennifer was talking to the telephone most of the time when she called the police, that is, she was not tied up at the time.

Fifth, arrested

On November 12, Pan Hanhui woke up from his coma. He told police that he had seen Jennifer talk softly with gangsters like a friend, and that when he and his wife were held hostage by gangsters, Jennifer was free and free to move around the house.

Pan's testimony confirmed police's previous speculation that Jennifer was involved in the murder.

On November 23, police interrogated Jennifer for the third time.

Under the pressure of interrogation, Jennifer admitted that she had paid for the murder herself. She confessed that she had planned all this together with the "otaku", and on the night of November 8th, she also quietly unlocked the gate so that the gangsters could quietly enter the Pan house.

But Jennifer insisted that what she wanted to kill was actually herself.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this explanation is clearly nonsense.

On the day of the crime, Jennifer used her Apple phone to make multiple calls and send many text messages.

Following this clue, after combing through more than 1 million original call and text message records, the police identified the two gangsters who broke into the Pan house on the night of the crime: Davie Mylvaganam and Eric Carty.

Unfortunately, the police did not find the last of the 3 gangsters.

At the same time, they determined that Huang Zhiguang and Lenford Crawford were intermediaries in the case, and the two were involved in planning the case.

In March 2014, prosecutors indicted the five men for first-degree murder, as well as attempted murder.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(From left to right: Jennifer, Huang Zhiguang, RenferDe, David, Eric Image from the website Mysteriousunsolved)

Eric's lawyer died of cancer, so Eric's trial was conducted separately from the other four.

He later signed a plea agreement, admitting that it was Renford who contacted him on his own initiative, telling him that Jennifer was looking for someone to murder his parents.

In December 2014, a jury convicted Jennifer, Wong Chi Kwong, Renfourde and David of first-degree murder and attempted murder. All four were sentenced to life in prison without parole for 25 years.

In December 2015, Eric was sentenced to 18 years in prison for signing a plea agreement.

Sixth, Tiger Father and Tiger Mother

On the night of the November 8 crime, when Jennifer was left alone upstairs by the gangsters, Liang Bixia cried and begged the gangsters not to hurt Jennifer.

Liang Bixia was afraid that she did not expect that the daughter she wanted to protect was the real murderer who murdered her.

This case has set off a fierce discussion among Asian families, and many news reports have entered the family tragedy caused by high-pressure education: children who cannot bear the control of their parents have taken extreme measures to retaliate against their parents.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents
Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

Is this the case?

The way Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui are educated is indeed very severe. They demanded that Jennifer be the first in everything, not only in the school, but also in extracurricular activities.

Like many Asian families, in the eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui, homework is the most basic, and B is unqualified.

But even if Jennifer achieves excellent results, they only disclose their joy in moderation and do not often praise them, so as not to cause the child to become complacent.

But once Jennifer's grades decline, Pan Hanhui will be disappointed and become more severe, thinking that Jennifer is not working hard enough.

Jennifer began to learn piano at the age of four, and at the age of six, she learned figure skating again.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

(Photo of Jennifer participating in the skating competition, image from the website Talk Muder To Me)

These activities were selected by the Pan Hanhui couple for Jennifer, and they also set a strict schedule for her, and from an early age, school, piano practice and skating occupied almost all of Jennifer's life.

Jennifer will get ice skating training before school, and after school, she will continue to practice skating, and when she comes home, she will practice the piano and write homework.

Sometimes, skating workouts last until 10 p.m., and Jennifer stays up late to finish school assignments.

Not only that, the Pan Hanhui couple also strictly limited Jennifer's social life.

Even on weekends, Mr. and Mrs. Pan rarely agreed to let Jennifer go to a friend's house or attend their birthday party, let alone stay at a friend's house.

In the eyes of Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui, happiness is just the spice of life, and Jennifer should spend her time doing "serious things", so most of Jennifer's weekend time is occupied by various extracurricular classes.

These heavy extracurricular activities not only put pressure on Jennifer's life, but also brought financial pressure to the Pan Hanhui couple.

In addition to his normal work, Pan Hanhui also found a part-time job to pay for Jennifer's extracurricular classes.

Before the incident, his wife Liang Bixia had repeatedly proposed to Pan Hanhui that she hoped to return to her hometown in Vietnam to see, but pan Hanhui rejected it, because this would not only affect Jennifer's learning progress, but also affect Pan Hanhui's money.

Although Jennifer was already very good as a child, the Pans still compare her to the children of other relatives.

It may seem to them that this is just a way to motivate Jennifer, but Jennifer clearly believes that this is denying and devaluing her. According to Jennifer, her most often compared object is her cousin Michelle, and she hates that comparison.

It can be seen that Jennifer's life has no breathing space since childhood. She had no time to play, no opportunities to socialize, no freedom.

Living under such unbearable pressure, the average person may have collapsed and rebelled long ago.

Jennifer's brother Felix once admitted that he could not live the life of his sister at all: "My parents are always very demanding of my sister, and they have to live with me." [...] Jennifer was a little too perfect. If she won second place in a piano competition, my dad would be furious. ("Someone Else's Child")

But Jennifer has been extra disciplined and obedient since she was a child. She doesn't talk back, she doesn't complain, she doesn't make excuses for "failing.".

Many of Jennifer's teachers mentioned that Jennifer would only silently mentally write down what she was not doing well enough, and then redouble her efforts.

Although Pan Hanhui and his wife do not say it, they must be secretly proud of such Jennifer in their hearts, and in the most conspicuous place when Pan Enters the door, there are Jennifer's trophies, award certificates and award photos.

But how does jennifer feel?

Behind Jennifer's obedient, hard-working image, I think, she may also feel anger and fear, thinking that her parents only like the excellent daughter, not herself, thinking that if she does not meet her parents' expectations, they will abandon her.

At the same time, Jennifer is very lonely because of the lack of a normal social life and the lack of exercise of social skills.

According to Jennifer's eighth-grade teacher, at school, although the classmates did not deliberately alienate Jennifer, Jennifer did not have any friends.

Jennifer herself said she suffered from depression in the eighth grade. She felt like no one liked her, felt worthless, and had fallen into a deep self-loathing.

At the end of her eighth grade, Jennifer experienced her first big blow. She was not selected as a graduate representative to speak at the graduation ceremony, not even receiving an award. She hasn't studied seriously since.

Seventh, two-sided life

Because the daughter has always been very well-behaved and hardworking, when Jennifer entered high school, the Pan Hanhui couple relaxed their supervision of her slightly and turned their attention to their son, who did not have satisfactory grades.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jennifer, who gave up studying, forged her report card and changed all her 70-point scores to A. Relying on the trust she had previously accumulated in front of her parents, Jennifer's forgery of the report card has been smooth sailing.

The falsification of transcripts helped Jennifer in at least two ways. On the one hand, she no longer had to continue the high-pressure life of the past, and on the other hand, she avoided any possible blows. Even if the grades are not good, she can console herself that it is only because she has not made an effort.

After entering the tenth grade, Jennifer began to secretly fall in love with Huang Zhiguang, who was also a member of the orchestra, behind her parents' backs.

Huang Zhiguang is outgoing, humorous, and at the same time gentle and considerate. After the incident, people who knew Huang Zhiguang said that in their eyes, Huang Zhiguang was a funny and caring good person and good friend, and it was impossible to imagine that he would actually participate in the planning of the murder.

Huang Zhiguang provided Jennifer with a lot of support and affirmation, this unconditional acceptance and care is something that Jennifer has never experienced at home, and his cheerful personality has also made Jennifer's life a lot happier.

According to Jennifer, surrounded by friends and boyfriends, her depression improved a lot during that time.

But Huang Zhiguang also has his own problems. Not only was he distracted by his studies, he smoked marijuana and was later arrested for selling marijuana.

But Huang Zhiguang is not a completely hopeless person. In order not to worry Jennifer, he changed his mind and broke away from the circle of drug trafficking, in addition to entering college to study music, he also took a job as a dishwasher at a Pizza Restaurant in Boston, and it took only eight months to become a kitchen manager.

When Jennifer was still in high school, Liang Bixia accidentally broke her love affair with Huang Zhiguang.

At the request of Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui, Jennifer arranged for Huang Zhiguang to meet with them, but Pan Hanhui did not like Huang Zhiguang.

In Jennifer's view, this is because he despises the work of huang zhiguang's restaurant kitchen manager, he does not like huang zhiguang's half Filipino ancestry, and he believes that falling in love will affect Jennifer's learning.

In Felix's view, Pan Hanhui does not like Huang Zhiguang, mainly because he believes that Huang Zhiguang has had sex with Jennifer.

In addition, there is another explanation that Pan Hanhui does not like Huang Zhiguang because Felix's classmates told him that Huang Zhiguang was selling drugs, and Felix told Pan Hanhui the news.

In any case, Pan Hanhui took a tough attitude and ordered Jennifer to break up with Huang Zhiguang. Liang Bixia even appeared in person to tell Jennifer that she had also liked an inappropriate person when she was young, but in the end time diluted everything and made the past a good memory.

But Jennifer didn't do it, and once again she dealt with her parents with lies.

Although the starting point of The Pan Hanhui couple is for jennifer's good, from this matter, we can also see the lack of empathy in the family education of the Pan Hanhui couple.

If they are willing to talk to Jennifer and try to look at the problem from Jennifer's point of view, I think they will definitely find that Huang Zhiguang is not a "good memory" for Jennifer, but a very important existence.

In Jennifer's past repressed life, Huang Zhiguang was probably the first to bring her happiness and unconditional support. He may also be the first to respond to Jennifer's emotional appeal by giving and affirming her self-worth.

As a friend of Huang Zhiguang's said, "I don't think she hates herself so much when she's with Huang Zhiguang." ”

Eighth, lies are repeated

In her final year of high school, the university that had previously pre-admitted Jennifer rejected Jennifer because of calculus, and she was unable to apply for science and engineering majors at other universities. In addition, she was unable to obtain a high school diploma due to insufficient credits.

Jennifer couldn't imagine the consequences of being found out by her family for falsifying her four-year report card, and she didn't dare to face her own failure. In addition, Jennifer was afraid that her family would abandon her. After all, in her heart, her parents loved only the excellent daughter.

In order to round off the previous lie, Jennifer chose to tell a bigger lie. She forged her high school diploma, college acceptance letter, scholarship certificate, student loan documents, bought second-hand textbooks and stationery, and pretended to go to college.

If in the beginning, lying was just a stopgap measure for Jennifer to give herself some breathing space, then Jennifer's lies became her way of escaping responsibility, and it became more and more exaggerated, to the point of outrageous.

After the semester began, she pretended to commute every day, then found a library or a café to sit in, and found materials from the website to concoct lecture notes. Not only that, but in order to increase the credibility of the lie, Jennifer also made up many details of campus life to tell her family.

Because her brother Felix works in the same restaurant as Jennifer, in order to eliminate the possibility of wearing gangs, except for Huang Zhiguang, Jennifer's lies cover everyone around her.

As time went on, the pressure to tell a lie to the fullest grew. Jennifer would sometimes sit in the library all day, thinking about what to do next, thinking about when such a life would come to an end.

But in fact, if Jennifer wants to, she can retake calculus through correspondence and then reapply to college. When she is really admitted to college, she will not have to continue to lie, and her family will not necessarily find out what she did in high school.

But Jennifer dragged on for four years and did not reapply to college, so it can be seen that Jennifer's boredom must be very serious.

Nine, the paper package can not hold the fire

In order to live with Huang Zhiguang, Jennifer later lied to her parents that she transferred to the University of Toronto Medical School and shared a room with her best friend in downtown Toronto.

But in fact, she moved into Huang Zhiguang's parents' house and lived with Huang Zhiguang and his parents.

This life lasted for two years, every Monday to Wednesday, Jennifer lived at Huang Zhiguang's house, and from Thursday to Sunday she went home to live.

Compared with the high-pressure and serious living atmosphere of Jennifer's family, the life of Huang Zhiguang's family is very relaxed and warm, and Huang Zhiguang's parents also like Jennifer.

Later, in order to have more time with Huang Zhiguang, Jennifer lied that she was volunteering at children's hospital. But because he had never seen Jennifer's overalls or her work card, Pan became suspicious.

One day, when Jennifer was about to go out to "work", Pan Hanhui suddenly insisted on personally driving Jennifer to the hospital, and also let Liang Bixia get off the car with Jennifer.

Frightened, Jennifer entered the children's hospital from the emergency room and hid inside for hours.

The next day, Liang Bixia called Jennifer's "roommate", but found that Jennifer was not at her house. Liang Bixia immediately called Jennifer and ordered her to go home immediately.

Faced with the anger of her parents, Jennifer admits that the work at the Children's Hospital is fake, and she actually lives in Huang Zhiguang's house, but still lies that her degree at the University of Toronto is a correspondence course.

Pan Hanhui dared to believe that his daughter, who had been obedient and sensible since childhood, had actually deceived herself and ran to live with people. In his opinion, this must be Huang Zhiguang who brought his daughter badly.

Pan Hanhui was furious and roared and demanded that Jennifer choose between the family and Huang Zhiguang. Pan Hanhui said: "Either you stay in this home and continue to go to school; Or you will follow Huang Zhiguang and never return to this home. Jennifer chose to go home.

In order to punish Jennifer for lying, the Pan Hanhui couple decided to ground Jennifer for two weeks. During this period, in addition to taking piano lessons and teaching piano, she could not go out at will, and could not use telephones and mobile phones at will.

Before the incident, Jennifer originally had two jobs working in restaurants, one of which was in the restaurant where Huang Zhiguang worked. Mr. and Mrs. Pan asked her to quit her job at the restaurant to prevent the possibility of seeing Huang Zhiguang, and Jennifer complied.

But not long after, when the Pans relaxed their supervision of Jennifer, she once again deceived them, began to meet with Huang Zhiguang again, and lied that she had found a job as a pharmacist at Walmart.

When Pan Hanhui once again found out About Jennifer's lie (Jennifer "confessed" this time, she did not graduate from the correspondence course at the University of Toronto), Jennifer completely lost the trust of her parents, and the original two-week grounding became indefinite house arrest.

This time, Pan Hanhui, who was extremely disappointed, refused to talk to her, and after being deceived by her daughter again and again with various excuses (in order to go out to meet Huang Zhiguang), her mother, who had always been close to Jennifer, was unwilling to pay more attention to her, and her brother, who had been close to Jennifer since childhood, was also tired of the atmosphere at home, and could hide and rarely went home.

According to Felix, he once angrily questioned his sister why she continued to meet huang Zhiguang.

From this point of view, we can once again see that jennifer's family's empathy ability is not very strong.

If Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui cannot understand Jennifer's mood because of their cultural background (they were born and raised in Vietnam) and the generation gap, as the same age as their sister, they grew up in the same cultural background, and the younger brother can be said to be the closest family to Jennifer.

But even Felix didn't seem to feel the need to talk to her sister, to understand her feelings, to know why she did it.

On the other hand, knowing that Jennifer was living in poverty at home, Huang Zhiguang begged Jennifer to move with him to his former house, where there was now only his grandmother and aunt, but Jennifer refused.

Later, Huang Zhiguang recognized the reality: Jennifer's family could never accept him, and Jennifer would not choose him between family and him. Huang Zhiguang proposed to Jennifer to break up.

Jennifer, who has lived in a fantasy world of lies for years, finally has to face reality: she is 24 years old, and when her peers have graduated from college and found decent work, she has not even Chinese.

Her parents, who had been providing her with education and paying her "rent", were extremely disappointed in her by her parents who had been deceived by her for many years. Even the boyfriend who loved her deeply and provided her with so much unconditional affirmation and support gave up on her.

Perhaps, to Jennifer, the nightmare that had been hanging over her—that she was worthless and unworthy of love—had finally come true.

During her time under house arrest, Jennifer experienced an emotional breakdown and attempted suicide twice. According to Jennifer, "I feel like a total loser. I told so many lies because so many things happened to my lies. I don't think anyone can stand me. ”

"I feel like no one needs me, no one loves me, my life is worthless [...] No matter what I did, my dad wouldn't accept it, no matter how hard I tried he wouldn't approve of it, even if I did what he felt was right. [...] Even if you do something wrong, it will only turn out to be like this, compared to doing something wrong, it is easier to do something wrong. ("Someone Else's Child")

In order to save her relationship with Huang Zhiguang, Jennifer began to send anonymous harassment text messages to Huang Zhiguang (from which we can also see that Jennifer's "house arrest" life is actually not so harsh), and at the same time, she lied that she also received these text messages, and also lied that she had been gang-raped.

Out of concern, Huang Zhiguang bought Jennifer a mobile phone, hoping that she would be okay and report him peace. Taking this opportunity, Jennifer slowly re-narrowed the distance between herself and Huang Zhiguang.

On the other hand, after breaking up with Jennifer, Huang Zhiguang returned to his old business and began to sell drugs. When Jennifer's plan to hire someone to kill her relatives was rejected by someone she wanted to hire, she hooked up with Huang Zhiguang and met Renfour through Huang Zhiguang.

We all know what happened after that.

10. Motivation 1

In my opinion, Jennifer's high-pressure family relationships are sympathetic, but as I mentioned at the beginning, I don't think it's a tragedy of a case where children are overwhelmed and under pressure to vent their resentment to their parents.

Jennifer is not incapable of escaping from her parents' control.

When the Pans first discovered that Jennifer was lying, Jennifer was an adult, and she not only had a place to live, but also three jobs (teaching piano, two restaurant jobs), and her boyfriend had a steady income. Her life is not without financial resources, relying on her parents for support.

Moreover, after 7 years, I think that for Jennifer, Huang Zhiguang, who gave her a lot of affirmation and support, has long since replaced her family as her spiritual pillar.

If she wanted to leave, she could do it perfectly.

Jennifer herself was well aware of this, and during the second interrogation she herself admitted, "This is my choice." ”

But why did Jennifer choose family? I think one of the more important reasons is money.

Although Jennifer has three jobs, two of these three jobs are restaurant waiters, not only hard work, but also do not have a very good career development, while on the other hand, Pan Hanhui and Liang Bixia have provided her with rich financial support.

After learning that Jennifer was "admitted" to the university, Mr. and Mrs. Pan immediately bought Jennifer a laptop worth 2,700 Canadian dollars (about 14,000 yuan).

At the same time, during Jennifer's "school" period, the family will not only give her cash to spend, Liang Bixia also specially made a credit card for her.

Later, because Jennifer lied about sharing a room in Toronto with a friend, the family would send her "rent" to Her Every Month.

Even, after Pan Hanhui woke up from the shooting, Jennifer still cheekily asked him for 1200 Canadian dollars (about 6000 yuan).

In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Pan Hanhui have explained their family property to Jennifer and her brother, and talked about how they want to distribute the inheritance (the sister and brother divide it equally) when they die.

As a result, Jennifer knew that the family's property was worth about $500,000 (about 2.6 million yuan), and that Mr. and Mrs. Pan's life insurance worth $170,000 (about $900,000) each had, which would take effect after their deaths.

But if Jennifer chooses Wong Instead of going home, she will definitely lose her inheritance.

Jennifer chooses to go home because of the money, but when the family is no longer attractive to her, the money also becomes one of the motives for her murder.

Motivation two

In addition to her parents' financial support, I speculate that Jennifer may have a flattering personality, which may be another reason why she chose her family.

Because Jennifer did not confess guilt and did not undergo psychoanalysis, there is no professional material to explain Jennifer's thoughts to us, and the following is just my speculation about her psychological condition.

From Jennifer's life experience, we can see that the life plan formulated by Pan Hanhui and his wife for Jennifer is heavy and tiring for most adults.

With a child's perception of life, I don't think Jennifer could have voluntarily accepted these onerous tasks.

Doesn't she crave play, to rest?

After these needs are not met, won't she be angry, angry, resentful and rebellious?

Curiously, Jennifer has been obedient since childhood. In my opinion, this obedience is probably due to the fact that she has had a flattering personality since she was a child.

Children are likely to develop this personality when their normal needs and emotions are ignored, denied, or not responded appropriately for a long time.

For example, the child is very sad but no one comforts him (neglect), is happy but cannot find anyone to share his joy (neglect), or, for example, when it comes to the meal, the child is hungry and urges his parents to eat, but the parents deny the rationality of his needs because the work is not over, and criticize him for not knowing how to understand his hard work (negation, inappropriate).

Because emotions and inner needs are not properly responded to for a long time, children will think that they are not important and that their needs are not worthy of being answered.

When they find that meeting the needs of others can bring them affirmation and love, they can easily suppress their true emotions and needs, or even close their awareness of their own emotions, while seeing the needs of others as their own needs.

At the same time, it's easy for them to fall into the mindset that I'm only loved if I meet the needs of others, that I don't deserve to be loved myself, and that my needs don't matter.

Proceeding from Jennifer's repressed childhood, I think the Pan Hanhuis apparently paid little attention to or responded appropriately to Jennifer's nature and needs as children.

Their culture and upbringing (both Phan and Leung grew up during the Vietnam War) may make them feel that there is nothing wrong with what they did.

As first-generation immigrants who need to run for their livelihoods, it may be difficult for them to have the energy to respond to Jennifer's needs properly.

Beyond that, is there any evidence to support my hypothesis?

People with flattering personalities often sacrifice their own needs to take care of other people, and Jennifer took good care of Felix as a child.

During her school days, Jennifer would often sacrifice recess time to help teachers take care of younger students, check their homework, or tutor their extracurricular reading.

In addition, her eighth-grade teacher also mentioned that Jennifer has many obedient and pleasing behaviors, such as when the teacher assigns homework, she will open the homework registration book before the teacher speaks.

The teacher also mentioned that Jennifer was an extreme perfectionist, to the point where she was a little worried. The fear of making mistakes and being full of self-blame for small mistakes are another psychological characteristic of the flattering personality.

People with flattering personalities also try to avoid conflict, and even during periods of painful house arrest, Jennifer rarely rebels against her parents.

People with flattering personalities are like living with a mask on, and the longer the mask is worn, the more they can't see their feelings and needs. Slowly, the mask replaces their original self and becomes the dominant force in their lives, and behind the mask is their near-dead self and empty spiritual world.

Because of the boredom of school, Jennifer gave up studying in high school, although there was a lot of free time, but Jennifer obviously never seriously planned her future, thinking about what kind of person she wanted to be and what kind of life she wanted in addition to being a "good child" in the eyes of her parents.

Although Jennifer has been lying, she lies not because she has other goals in life and has no intention of continuing to learn, but more because she is unable to continue learning, so she can only "pretend" to glide on the tracks laid for her by her parents. In a sense, lying became Jennifer's goal in life.

Jennifer herself admitted that she was counting the days at the time.

In this case, a free life away from the family and free from parental control also means that Jennifer will completely lose the direction of her life and lose her reasons for action. It's like a train halfway through and suddenly notices that the tracks in front of you have disappeared.

The decision that will bring her happiness in the eyes of our bystanders may trigger more of a sense of loss of control and fear in Jennifer's mind.

In addition to this, as mentioned earlier, Jennifer's sense of self-worth is very low, and it can be said that her sense of self-worth is parasitic on the satisfaction of her parents.

In this case, leaving her parents will bring Jennifer, in addition to feeling guilty, it must also bring a strong sense of emptiness, as if she is going to cease to exist.

If her parents were so important to Jennifer, why would she kill them? Let's look back at Jennifer's life before the crime.

Before the crime, when Jennifer thought she had worked very hard, but still had not been accepted by her family, she experienced a mental breakdown, and the plan to kill her relatives was formed later.

I don't know if this process reminds everyone of Jennifer's eighth grade blow and her ensuing disgust.

In my eyes, although Jennifer has been suppressing her own needs and emotions, these emotions have never disappeared, and Jennifer needs to continue to get affirmation and rewards from the outside world to "seal" her true feelings.

And once the outside world doesn't provide her with the rewards she expected, these repressed emotions will devour Jennifer.

In the process of Jennifer's growth, in addition to the desire to get the care and affirmation of The Pan Hanhui and his wife, she must have also accumulated a lot of anger, dissatisfaction and resentment towards the education method of the Pan Hanhui couple.

And when the repressed emotions of people with flattering personalities erupt, violence is one of the situations that can occur.

In these emotional outbursts, Jennifer did not reconcile with herself, did not realize why she wore a "false mask", did not realize what kind of needs the "false mask" met herself, and what other needs she had.

She went from one extreme to the other, from a hard-working student to a high school dropout who skipped class, from a well-behaved child who was filial and obedient, to a cold-blooded criminal.

When Jennifer attempted suicide and eventually gave up, I think she also gave up her feelings for her parents. She hated them, no longer longed for love from them, and saw them completely as props for her own use only.

Perhaps, in her heart, this is also the attitude of the Pan Hanhui couple towards her: a tool for them to achieve class leapfrogging.

Canada: After years of high-pressure study, the daughter of a "superior student" made up a big lie and hired a murderer to kill her parents

Author: Wang Dali, Editor: Wapi

The views expressed herein are solely those of the author

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