
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

Source: Qilu Network

Around us, there are many strange people with special skills hidden.

The one we want to talk about today, looking at his appearance, seems to be no different from ordinary people, but people are naturally good at communicating with animals, just like they can understand animals.

Let the swans come and the swans will swim over happily!

Is this person speaking to a black swan?

Folks, this is not just talking, it's a dialogue between man and swan!

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

The man who talked to the swan was Hu Chengchun, and there was a workshop for intangible nuclear sculptures on the lake side of Baihuazhou in Jinan.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

In September 2019, on the second day of coming to Baihuazhou, he became friends with these two black swans.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

Hu Chengchun said: "I wanted to try to call it, and as soon as I called it, it came, and I thought it was more magical at that time." One is called obedience, and the other is called xiaoqiao. The obedient is a little thicker than the little one's neck, and you call it a response. ”

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

The two black swans that seem to be inseparable from each other are actually a pair of girlfriends.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

The couple also quarreled, and when they quarreled, Hu Chengchun became the object of the swan.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

The story of Hu Chengchun and the swan seems to have become an inexplicable fate story that seems to be destined by heaven.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

In the past two years, the two black swans who can understand Jinan dialect have regarded Hu Chengchun as the most trusted person.

The black swan can understand Hu Chengchun's Jinan Mandarin, and Hu Chengchun can also understand the goose language of the black swan.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

What makes us think it is even more incredible is that Hu Chengchun treasured a feather, which was given to Hu Chengchun by the black swan obediently, which also surprised him!

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

Not only the two swan girlfriends, but also the lion-headed geese, house geese and ducks in the park often look for Teacher Hu to compete for favors.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift
magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

No matter how Teacher Hu and these birds communicate, how much language can they understand each other.

As a good citizen who loves animals and loves nature, we should also give him a thumbs up.

magical! Jinan men can talk to black swans: give the two swans a peacemaker, and receive a feather gift

Source: Qilutai La

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