
Nandagang Wetland - 8 baby black swans broke out of their shells

Recently, Nandagang Wetland added Xinding, and 8 baby black swans broke out of their shells here, bringing vitality and fun. Under the leadership of their parents, the black swan babies swim and forage in the water, and enjoy themselves.

It is understood that after nearly 40 days of rotational incubation, two black swan couples hatched 5 and 3 black swan babies respectively. In addition, there are several black swan couples hatching babies. It is reported that this is the largest hatching of black swans in Nandagang Wetland in 5 years.

Nandagang Wetland - 8 baby black swans broke out of their shells

The Black Swan family is swimming and playing

Two black swan families

Hi Tim 8 little babies

Yesterday, the water of nandagang wetland lake was blue, and the black swan babies followed closely around their parents and happily swam and foraged.

The black swans, which have just been born a few days ago, are small in size, with light gray feathers that look a bit like domestic ducklings. Although they look a bit like "ugly ducklings", their furry appearance is very cute.

The two black swan couples are very protective of their newborn babies, always guarding them and taking them into the water to train their survival skills. The clever baby black swan soon learned to swim.

When foraging and resting, the black swan couple always maintains a formation and surrounds the babies in the middle. Seeing someone shooting, the black swan father vigilantly stopped eating, took the initiative to block the children behind him, and closely watched the photographer's every move.

The baby black swan is full of curiosity about everything around it, snuggling up next to the black swan mother for a while, and then sticking out her head to look east and west.

In the midst of the blue waves, two pairs of black swans swim gracefully, followed by 8 "ugly ducklings"... The two families are happy and harmonious, adding a unique charm to the Nandagang Wetland.

"The feathers of newborn swans are light gray, which is their protective color for easy hiding." Liu Jingxian, deputy director of the Management Office of Nandagang Wetland and Bird Nature Reserve, told reporters that when the wings of the little swan become strong enough, they will grow black feathers and become beautiful black swans.

Nandagang Wetland - 8 baby black swans broke out of their shells

Black Swan Baby

Loving couples

Build a nest of love together

Black Swans follow monogamy, and once they are connected, they are very loving and accompanied for life.

The two black swan couples who hatched the baby this time are resident birds of nandagang wetland, which have lived here for 5 years and have added ding to nandagang wetland many times.

In March, two pairs of black swans began to build nests, lay eggs and breed new offspring.

Male black swans are responsible for collecting and carrying the materials needed to build a nest, while female black swans are responsible for building and arranging the nest. They use thicker reeds and branches to build the "foundation" and frame part of the nest, and the nest is paved with reeds, leaves, hay and feathers. After the black swan nest was built, it was irregularly oval.

After the black swans have built their nests, they begin to lay eggs.

On March 9, the staff found the first swan egg. Eventually, the two female black swans laid 5 and 3 eggs, respectively.

After spawning, the black swan couple begins to hatch. The incubation cycle is generally 35 to 48 days. During this time, the black swan couple took turns hatching. When one black swan hatches, the other quickly fills its stomach and takes on the task of vigilance.

Wetland staff

All-round protection

A swan egg hatches into a juvenile bird, which takes a long process. During this period, the staff of Nandagang Wetland also paid close attention to the incubation progress of baby swans. They feed in advance in areas where black swan couples are more active, stock up on enough food for them, and monitor the activity of black swans.

On April 15, the first baby black swan broke out of its shell. In the following days, 7 black swan babies were also born.

"It is rare for black swans to appear in the Nandagang wetlands and achieve natural hatching." Liu Jingxian said that black swans often inhabit coasts, bays, lakes and other places, they like to move in pairs or groups, and the migration is irregular, mainly depending on ecological conditions.

Liu Jingxian said that the reason why these black swans live and thrive here is because the natural environment here is getting better and better.

"In recent years, we have stepped up the ecological restoration of wetlands to provide good habitat for wildlife. In order to provide feeding space for birds, Nandagang Wetland and Bird Nature Reserve have set up bird rescue stations. Liu Jingxian said that the ecological environment of Nandagang Wetland is suitable and has attracted more than 10 black swans to "settle down". The good ecology of Nandagang Wetland also provides a guarantee for the natural incubation and healthy growth of black swan babies.

(Correspondent Zhang Jingxing Reporter Zhang Qian Photo Report)

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