
How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

author:The garden of Epicurus

Artichoke, the "king of vegetables" and "French lilies" in the Western world.

Artichoke, pronounced yáng jì, also known as thistle, artichoke, originated in the Mediterranean Italian region, and is now mainly cultivated in France. 洋蓟在食用时口感介于鲜笋和蘑菇之间,随着市场需求的‬扩张,洋蓟现在火的一塌糊涂,被人认作是上流社会消费的食材——不过‬,这当然是‬有原因的‬!

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

How much do the "vegetable queen" benefits

说起‬‬洋蓟的益处‬,那真的‬是‬功效‬美名‬皆‬多多^ - ^‬! ‬

Antioxidant Genie

Artichoke is rich in antioxidant substances, which can effectively delay aging, enhance physical fitness, and protect the skin. 更可贵的‬是‬,它‬含有的一种独有的物质——水飞蓟素,对于预防癌症有着明显的功效。 Recent scientific experiments have proved that the antioxidant capacity of artichokes can also inhibit the spread of chemical toxins that people accidentally consume in their diet.

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

Inulin messengers

Artichokes are also rich in inulin.

Inulin is a fructosan that neither breaks down nor binds to proteins after entering the bloodstream, but still has its health value — inulin can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, help smooth bowel movements, and increase satiety. At the same time, inulin also helps the body to control blood sugar and blood lipids to a certain extent, which is the gospel of the "three highs".

Food fiber bank

Each medium-sized artichoke contains almost 4.7g of food fiber, equivalent to 12 to 19 percent of the amount an adult needs to consume per day. Among these food fibers, we found that they are divided into two categories: insoluble food fiber and soluble food fiber. Among them, insoluble food fiber can help the body effectively prevent constipation, while soluble food fiber has the effect of preventing cardiovascular disease.

Cooking Guide: The artichoke is so good, but how do we knife it?

  • 首先‬:这花花‬咱‬吃哪里‬? 能‬做‬啥菜‬?
  • 答‬:洋蓟未成熟头状花序的肉质是最美味的部分,可烹调、可生吃,较小的花头通常最嫩,配上调味汁食用或做沙拉或开胃菜都是不错的选择!
How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society
  • Second, how to deal with artichokes? ~ It seems to have armor!


How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society
How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

看完大家也许就明白,为什么这货是上流社会的选择了—— 一颗完整的洋蓟,处理完‬好像‬可食用的部分并不大,而且‬处理起来又比较麻烦,所以很多“老百姓”‬都觉得付出和回报不成比例。 但是现在‬咱们‬老百姓‬生活水平‬也‬提上来了‬,而且‬‬熟‬能生巧,一次两次也就学会了,既然‬洋蓟确实既美味又有营养,我们怎么能‬放过它‬!

Hurry up and learn a few ways to cook artichokes!

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

Grilled artichokes with garlic

As long as there is an oven at home, you can easily roast two artichokes and eat them! Wash the artichokes, remove the leaves with a harder skin, and cut off the tip to an inch down. Cut a knife vertically into two halves, then cut the heart off, soak it in lemonade for a while, and then drain it. Pour some olive oil into the artichokes, add garlic cloves and lemon slices and put them in the oven. 400 degree oven, 40 minutes later you can enjoy!

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

Thai beef stuffed with artichokes

If you think the first one is too vegetarian, this method of cooking artichokes may be very suitable for you - Thai beef minced, plus fresh artichokes!

First of all, after the artichokes are processed, they are boiled in water together with the lemon for about 20 minutes, and the artichokes are basically cooked and soft, and then drained. Take out the wok, add the ground beef, and stir-fry with olive oil, salt, pepper, Thai hot sauce and other spices to make a "filling". Sautéed beef is stuffed with boiled and drained artichokes and sprinkled with mozzarella cheese. Finally, bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until the cheese is golden brown and this Thai beef stuffed artichoke is done! If you don't like Thai, you can also stir-fry other meat fillings, such as cumin lamb stuffed artichokes

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

Artichoke pasta salad


随意‬煮点螺旋型的意面,配上其他喜欢吃的蔬菜和水果,加上沙拉酱,拌上一大份洋蓟意面沙拉。 夏天面前摆上这么一大份,甭管‬男女老少‬,腮帮子‬根本停不下来!

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society

Soak the oil in tender artichokes

If you think thistle is a real hassle to deal with, try learning this dish. Buy a few small young artichokes, wash them, peel them, cut them off, remove their tails, and soak them in lemonade for a while. Bring a small pot to a boil with water, white vinegar and a little salt, then put the processed artichokes in boiling water and boil for three minutes before draining.

When the small artichokes are completely drained, place them in a sealed jar filled with olive oil. Store for at least 2 months to open and taste, of course, the longer the taste is also better, but do not exceed 6 months. Another factor that affects taste is the quality of olive oil, the higher the quality, the better the taste. European-style pickles, try it out!

#Cuisine##Artichoke ##植物科普大赛 #

#The Garden of Epicurus ##冷知识 #

How to eat artichokes? I heard that this big flower is the vegetable queen of high society