
It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality

author:A little little flower

喜欢都是洞的人有很多,聪明能干 敢拼敢闯 对‬媳妇特别好 也有责任心,虽然是是农村的 但一路拼搏过来,该上学的时候知道学习能改变命运,本科不满足 有远见考了研究生,毕业后留在北京,还在央企工作,混了个北京户口,可谓顺风顺水。

I don't like everyone, and I think this person is too floating, he speaks unsteadily, he always has money, he seems to have an eye for money, and he is also disrespectful to the mother who looks at the child.

Some people say that the tutor is not good, and you can see it by looking at the details, or you are rich, compared to the daughter-in-law's pit tutor, although she is also very close to her mother-in-law, but the etiquette and respect that should be there can be no less, and the words and things are also very reliable.

From the beginning, I felt inferior to myself, and now that my career is up, my mentality is floating, I am arrogant when I talk to anyone, I have the confidence to be rich, I have forgotten to respect the old and love the young, and I have a bad attitude towards my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality

The style of Dongdong is noisy and noisy, how to bluff, and the apprentices below him or those who follow the video are all in a similar style.

Moreover, in the past few years, the media has made more money a year than in several years in central enterprises, so it is not difficult to understand that he is a little carried away.

All kinds of luxury cars are said to be bought, and the 1 million Porsche is still a broken car in the mouth, and the daughter-in-law is quite content, saying that she didn't expect to be able to drive a Porsche in this life.

There are several sets of real estate in Beijing, and I know that there is a set of 10 million, and it is often mentioned in the video.

There is also a set that I lived in before, with a market value of 500-6 million.

There is also the current villa, although it is said to be rented, but many people say that it is actually bought, for fear that outsiders will think that the self-media makes money too fast I dare not talk about it, I don't know whether it is true or not.

Anyway, now all the videos are just one word heroic!

It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality

Recently, the second child was born in the pit, and the little dragon girl of 6 catties and two taels, everyone was very happy, and the life of both children was complete.

It's a great event!

Another big joy is that my sister has come back from the United States, and she hasn't returned to China for five years, and my mother misses it so much every day, and when she knows that she really wants to come back, she sheds tears at every turn.

My sister came back and stayed at my brother's house, and the whole family was very lively, and the happiest was my mother.

One day, Dongdong came back, and he bluffed everyone to prepare a gift for his daughter-in-law to give birth to a second child.

My sister said she didn't have any money, but she could get one.

Dong Dong joked: I haven't paid for living at home!

Dongdong retorted: She gave birth to not my baby!

As soon as she said this, my sister was even more embarrassed, and my mother wanted to hit someone angrily.

It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality
It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality

In fact, there should be a degree of joking, and it is too difficult for me to say this to my sister.

Netizens couldn't stand it anymore, and the message area was discordant.

Dong Dong quickly deleted the video the next day.

Although my sister has a doctorate degree in the United States, she has no job at the moment and is changing careers, and she is not particularly wealthy when she watches videos at ordinary times, plus three children, and her husband seems to say that the salary of teachers in schools is limited.

So my parents wanted to help my sister, and the demolition money from my hometown was also given to my sister.

Last time, my sister borrowed money from Dongdong.

It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality

I have watched the video that was urgently deleted, and some people scolded me for only recognizing money, and the family affection was cold, and the parents were accused of partiality.

A lot of people find that they are always making inappropriate jokes, and habitually talking to others that gives people a sense of arrogance and prejudice.

It's a joke, but it's a sting.

Some people say that they are still too young, and as soon as they have money, they will float too quickly and become arrogant.

It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality
It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality
It's all holes that ignore family affection, my sister returns to China to live at home and asks for money, and accuses my mother of partiality

Compared with the two siblings, their personalities are completely different, and they have a good mind to make money so that they can inherit their father's genes.

My sister is relatively intellectual, more cultural, and her words can reveal that she is an intellectual woman with a rich and fulfilling heart.

Who do you prefer?