
After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

author:A small bowl of soup

After the summer solstice, it is the "golden period" when children grow tall, and mothers must seize this time period to give children more high-quality protein, calcium-high foods, enhance immunity, and grow fast.

Today's epidemic has been intermittent, in the case of unclear zero, can only trap children at home, binding children love to run and play nature. The less the activity, the slower the child grows, the more this time, there is no money, you have to give the children to eat well.

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

Today's 4 dishes are all dishes that children like to eat, high in calcium, nutritious and delicious, and children love to eat and grow tall!

The first: beef

The nutritional value of beef is well known to be very high, in addition to nourishing the body, it contains a very rich carnitine component. Some of its effects can actually better enhance human muscles and improve human immunity.

Recommended Method: 【Beef brisket stew with tomatoes】

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

1. Wash the brisket and dice it; 2 tomatoes with a cross knife on top, put into a pot, drizzle with boiling water, tear off the skin and cut into pieces; 1 potato washed, peeled and cut into pieces; Wash and chop the onion; Crush the garlic with a knife and cut into garlic slices for later;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

2. Beef brisket blanching water: add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot, put the green onion ginger cooking wine to remove the fishy taste, put the brisket into the pot and blanch the water, fish out the brisket and rinse to remove the foam for later;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

3. Heat the cold oil, add the shallot rings, minced onion, garlic slices, 1 star anise and 2 fragrant leaves to fry the aroma, blanch the beef brisket, stir-fry evenly over medium heat;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

4. Beef brisket stew: pour into the saucepan, add water over the brisket, after boiling on high heat, turn the heat to low and simmer for about 1 hour, until the brisket stew is soft, the star anise and fragrant leaves are discarded;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

5. Heat the oil in a hot pan, pour in the tomato pieces and sauté, add 2 spoons of tomato sauce after frying the water, then add the potato pieces and stir-fry evenly;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

6. Beef brisket has been simmered to a soft, sautéed tomatoes and potatoes together with the fried red oil into the saucepan, add water over all the ingredients.

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

After boiling over high heat, add 1 spoonful of light soy sauce with a pinch of salt and a pinch of white pepper and rock sugar to taste, turn the heat to simmer for 30 minutes, sprinkle a little green onion before leaving the pot, and the soft and tender tomatoes and potatoes stewed beef brisket is ready.

The second type: fish

Children are more fond of eating meat than fish, so the fish meat that comes out of this makes children fall in love with eating fish. Rich in vitamin B12 and a variety of trace elements, it can also play a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease. According to the data, people in many longevity areas of the world eat fish regularly.

Recommended method: [sweet and sour squirrel perch]

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

1. Fresh sea bass, let the stall owner deal with the scales, remove the gills and offal, go home and rinse, cut off the fins and tails, from the tail to the head of the fish 4 cm under the knife, the perch into two halves, the tail is connected, the head of the fish is cut off, remove the shark fin of the belly;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

2. Do not cut off the tail connection of the two pieces of fish, cut the two pieces of fish flesh into a cross flower knife, and do not cut off the fish skin, here it is a test of knife work;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

2. Marinate the sea bass: add a little salt, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 3 spoons of green onion and ginger water, a little pepper, 1 spoonful of vinegar, grasp it with your hands repeatedly, marinate for 10 minutes;

3. The marinated fish pieces are rinsed with running water to clean the surface salt, and the kitchen suction paper is used to absorb the water and set aside;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

4. Mix the sweet and sour sauce: take a clean small bowl, add 2 spoons of sugar, 2 spoons of rice vinegar, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 3 spoons of tomato sauce, 1/2 spoon of starch, slightly more water and stir well;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

5. Fillet flour: the fillet is evenly wrapped with corn starch, each gap should be wrapped, shoot off the excess starch, so that the fried fish is delicious;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

6. Fried sea bass: the oil temperature is 60% hot, one hand holds the tail of the fish, the other hand holds the front end, put it into the oil pan, fry the shape and then let go, don't forget to fry the fish head together;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

7. Fry for 3 minutes on medium heat, turn to high heat and fry again for 1 minute, fry until the perch is golden brown, fish out, the fish head is set, and the shape is set;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

8. Stir-fry sweet and sour sauce: put a little oil in another pot, pour the mixed sweet and sour juice into the pot, the spatula keep stirring, all bubble off the heat;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

9. Drizzle the sautéed sweet and sour sauce evenly on the sea bass, sprinkle with pine nuts and green onions, and finish with delicious and delicious squirrel bass.

The third type: shrimp

The nutritional value of shrimp is very high, and the whole body is a treasure. Shrimp brain, containing essential amino acids, brain phospholipids and other nutrients; Shrimp meat contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates; Shrimp skin contains astranthene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients needed by humans; Shrimp is a high-protein, low-fat aquatic product.

Recommended method: [pea corn shrimp]

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

1. Pickled shrimp: fresh prawns washed and plucked shrimp heads peeled off shrimp, shrimp open back to remove shrimp line;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

2. Process the shrimp, add a little soy sauce, ginger slices, starch and mix well and marinate evenly for 15 minutes;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

3. Prepare the ingredients: fresh green peas peeled, I bought a pound only peeled out a small bowl; Carrots are cleaned and diced; Corn kernels of half a root corn;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

4. Pea corn carrot cooking: boiling water in the pot, pour in peas, corn kernels and carrots to cook, add a little edible and edible oil to the water when cooking, do not need to cover the pot lid, so that the color of the boiled peas can remain emerald green;

5. After the peas, corn kernels and diced carrots are cooked, remove the dried water and set aside;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

6. Stir-fry shrimp oil: pour cooking oil into the pot, add shrimp heads to fry out shrimp oil, and then turn off the heat to clip out the shrimp heads and discard;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

7. Stir-fry the marinated shrimp over low heat for a while until the shrimp change color;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

8. Pour in the cooked peas, corn kernels and diced carrots, add a little salt to taste, stir-fry for a while and then put on the plate;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

9. This dish uses only a little soy sauce and salt, and the taste of the food itself is delicious and healthy.

The fourth kind: chicken

Chicken meat is tender, delicious, in many places there are no chicken no feast speech, its meaning is excellent, symbolizing the auspicious, whether it is a banquet or a New Year dish can see its figure, rich in nutrition.

Recommended method: 【Tea tree mushroom stewed chicken】

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

1. Brew tea tree mushrooms in advance: a handful of dried tea tree mushrooms, brew well with warm boiled water in advance, and cut off the roots of the brewed tea tree mushrooms, drain the water and set aside;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

2. Prepare another red date, astragalus and a handful of goji berries. If you think it is too sweet, you can also not put red dates, and those who are accustomed to eating sweet meat can put some;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

3. Prepare side dishes: Prepare slightly more ginger, wash and cut into ginger slices; Wash the shallots, cut the white onion and the green onion leaves into small pieces and set aside;

4. Fresh native chicken bought in the market, rinse with clean water, remove impurities, drain the water;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

5. The cleaned whole chicken, chop into large pieces, the chicken fat is released separately, can be used for frying oil;

6. Wash the casserole, heat it, put a little oil, add the oil of the chicken itself, fry out the chicken fat, and then put the ginger slices on a low heat and simmer;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

7. Add the tea tree mushrooms brewed in advance, stir-fry to bring out the aroma, and spread evenly to the bottom of the casserole;

8. Place the chicken nuggets evenly, add the red dates and astragalus, put the goji berries last, add water over all the ingredients, boil on high heat and simmer slowly;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

9. The halfway point of the stewed chicken is not stirred, for fear that it will be pasted off;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

10. Simmer until the chicken is cooked thoroughly, it takes about 20 minutes, add a little salt and soy sauce to taste, and mix it into a high heat to dry the soup;

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses

11. Sprinkle with shallots before finally coming out of the pot, stir well, cover and continue simmering for 30 seconds before eating. The large pieces of chicken are very fragrantly stewed, the meat is also tender, and the tea tree mushrooms that absorb the chicken juice are also smooth and sweet.

After the summer solstice, seize the "golden period" of the child's growth, give the child more to eat these 4 kinds of vegetables, and do not suffer losses. Today's 4 dishes are all dishes that children like to eat, high in calcium, nutritious and delicious, and children love to eat and grow tall!

A bowl of small soup Editor: Small no two