
The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,

author:Entertainment gossip pickpocketing

The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it!

Some netizens have found that over the years, whenever Wang Feng has a new song conference or wants to release a new song, what big things will happen in the entertainment industry to prevent him from making headlines. Wang Feng blogged that the 2021 tour is about to begin. On the 23rd, Zhao Liying Feng Shaofeng announced her divorce; Netizen: Wang Feng's law is really metaphysical, I followed Teacher Wang Feng to eat melon, and this heat was robbed again.

The first prophet in the entertainment industry? Netizen: This is the 28th time that Wang Feng's heat has been robbed. Some netizens combed the gossip that wang feng would have activities, the number of times exceeded 28 times, and the events that occurred all attracted people's attention, such as Wang Fei Li Yapeng's divorce, Yang Mi Liu Kaiwei announced the marriage news, Guan Xiaotong officially announced the relationship, Lu Han, broke up, Zhang Hengwen broke up and had children and then zhao and Feng broke up now. Time from the initial 2013 to the present, netizens even called Wang Feng a "peak vane"

There are three major laws in the entertainment industry: Wang Feng sings, there must be big melons; When Xiao Jingteng opened the concert, there must be rain; Jacky Cheung opened a concert, there must be fugitives.

The release date came at the right time, avoiding Guan Xiaotong and Lu Han, but no Zhao and Feng. Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng are divorced! When many people expressed regret, everyone found that the magical "Wang Feng's Law" was still so accurate! The melon-eating masses "jumped up and down" in Wang Feng's comments.

All kinds of deeds prove that as long as Wang Feng has movement, there will be big melons in the entertainment industry. This law has not changed, hahaha ~ and many melon eaters are very concerned about his dynamics. Did Wang Feng know his own abilities? What would he think when he knew?

#Gossip Manual##Wang Feng#Prophet##娱乐 #

The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,
The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,
The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,
The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,
The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,
The three major prophets in the entertainment industry, Wang Feng will have a big melon when singing, Jacky Cheung will have a fugitive at the concert, and Xiao Jingteng will have heavy rain. This is fate, and if you don't believe it, you have to believe it! Some netizens found that over the years,

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