
Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

author:Wang Shang thinking

As the focus of Alibaba Group's work in recent years, online e-commerce has spent a lot of time and resources to finally bring live streaming with goods, the mainstream e-commerce industry, into the public eye. At the same time, it also brought a group of anchors, such as Wei Ya, Sydney and Li Jiaqi and others.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

Just did not expect that Wei Ya and other Ali head anchors have challenged the national bottom line one after another and have been banned by the whole network, and now it seems that only Li Jiaqi is left to support Ali's e-commerce business. However, at the time of this year's 618 activities, Li Jiaqi did not appear until the end, and the specific reasons are not clear, but Li Jiaqi had an accident and Ali suffered. How will Alibaba deal with the change of live broadcasting?

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

First, Li Jiaqi "disappeared"?

As the head anchor of Ali, Li Jiaqi has received the attention and love of most people. Of course, Li Jiaqi also lived up to expectations, and almost every day in the past, he would start broadcasting on time.

However, just this year's 618 activity promotion has just started, Standing at the top of the pyramid of the e-commerce live broadcast platform, Li Jiaqi is still warming up for 618 on June 1, but after a few days, he began to stop broadcasting without warning.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

As a brother with goods, many people, including the brand side, are waiting for Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room to be new, and the platform will definitely form a certain traffic tilt. But what he did not expect was that in the early morning of the 3rd and 4th, after Li Jiaqi's Weibo account released two dynamics that were suspended due to equipment problems, he never appeared again during the entire activity cycle, and the relevant promotional messages disappeared inexplicably.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

Without Li Jiaqi's live broadcast to drive sales, this year's 618, Ali e-commerce platform showed a very different cold and bleak than in previous years. Some people speculate that Li Jiaqi has committed some taboos on live broadcasting, or that there is a problem with the quality of the products sold, or that he may have stepped on the red line in terms of taxation.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

The real reason is not yet known, but Ali has exposed many problems with the "disappearance" of Li Jiaqi, what are the specific problems?

Second, the Ali problem surfaced

After Li Jiaqi mysteriously disappeared, there was no live broadcast volume, and the Ali e-commerce platform immediately showed fatigue, which showed that the first problem was Ali's dependence on the head anchor was too strong. This can also be seen from Ali's financial report data, in the fourth quarter of 2021, Ali e-commerce showed -1.34% of the data, which is very different from the data of 40.07% in the first quarter.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

The fourth quarter was when Ali's head anchors were boycotted by the whole people because of stepping on the red line, and there was no high live broadcast revenue, which directly led to a sharp decline in Ali's various advertising and commissions.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

The second problem is that the tendency of the anchor layout is too obvious. Ali has many anchors, but in the past time, most of Ali's resources and traffic have tended to large anchors, which directly leads to the lack of traffic and resources for small and medium-sized businesses.

When the head anchor ate the traffic dividend, the e-commerce changed from incremental competition to stock competition, and Ali's problem of no more traffic entrance was exposed. As the largest e-commerce live broadcasting platform in China, it is more important to understand the truth that it is difficult to become a forest alone.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

The third problem is that the user loyalty of the Alibaba platform is low. The first necessary condition for attracting users is that the platform is excellent, followed by the anchor explanation, but Ali seems to have put the cart before the horse. Li Jiaqi and other anchors with goods have become the dominant, and the platform is only for auxiliary roles, and the problems that need to be solved behind this are imminent.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

When the false prosperity disappears and the traffic cannot be realized, what can Ali do to stabilize the position of the leading boss of the e-commerce platform?

Third, how to tell ali's story well?

First, reduce the dependence on the head anchor. If you only rely on the head anchor, it is difficult to ensure the stability of the traffic.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

A head anchor may have thousands of small anchors' traffic, but once the head anchor is gone, the fans will not stay. Therefore, Ali must disperse the traffic and take the multi-point flowering route, only in this way can Ali's live streaming business be revitalized.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

Second, solve the problems of the platform. The Alibaba platform does not lack traffic, but a way to retain users. For example, in recent years, the emergence of some short video platforms can be called the production base of Internet celebrities. There are more Internet celebrities, the traffic is concentrated, and the steady stream of new faces allows users to stay on the short video platform for a longer time.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

Alibaba urgently needs to find a way to improve user stickiness, and also needs to pay attention to the balance between anchors and platforms. Don't be noisy, complement each other in order to sit on the throne of the e-commerce market.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?


As a major outlet, live streaming provides more sales channels for various brands, and also promotes the birth of one excellent anchor after another. The times have made Ali, but whether it can withstand the test brought by huge traffic is a problem that Ali and all head anchors need to think about.

Li Jiaqi had an accident, Ali "suffered"?

Nowadays, Li Jiaqi has disappeared into the public eye for some reason, and the head anchor strategy that Ali has spent countless time and painstaking efforts to create collapsed in an instant. And there is no foundation for small and medium-sized anchors, how to go on the road of Ali's e-commerce platform in the future? Do you have any good suggestions for the development of Alibaba's e-commerce platform? Welcome to leave a message and forward.

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