
Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

author:Bao Ma's private room is seven, seven, eight or eight

As the old saying goes, "the summer solstice three geng numbers the head volt, the summer solstice four geng number middle volt, the autumn after the first hept counts the last volt", yesterday is the 10th of the twenty-four solar terms of the summer solstice, which means that the three volt days are coming. As we all know, after the summer solstice, the temperature rises rapidly, the precipitation increases, the air humidity is large, and the human body is extremely uncomfortable. We often don't do anything but feel so tired that even after a good night's sleep, we can't relieve it. Why? Because of the high temperature in summer, the human body metabolizes quickly, and it is easy to form an acidic constitution, so it is more tired. How can this be improved? In addition to developing a regular work and rest time, insisting on moderate exercise, but also remember to eat some alkaline foods to improve physical discomfort. What alkaline foods can I eat in summer? Bao Mama recommends eating 4 more alkaline foods to spend three days safely.

Type 1: Cucumber

For most people, cucumbers are more acceptable than winter melons and loofahs, and they can be eaten raw, cold mixed, pickled, dried, etc. If we are tired of eating one way of cooking, we will change to another way of eating, and we will not be tired of eating.

In addition to the low price of cucumber, there is also a reason for people's favor is that it has high nutritional value, rich in vitamins, dietary fiber, trace elements and so on. In addition, its calories are low, and it is not easy to gain weight when eaten.

Recommended recipe: Mix with vermicelli with cucumbers

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

Ingredients: 1 cucumber, 50 g vermicelli, millet pepper, garlic, sesame seeds, salt, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, cooking oil, sesame oil

(1) We soak the cucumber in light salt water for 5 minutes and brush it repeatedly with a brush. Take 2 chopsticks and place them on both sides of the cucumber, cutting both heads and tails. Add 1 scoop of salt, knead the cucumbers and marinate for 10 minutes. Rinse the cucumber several times to remove the excess salt flavor.

Tips: The surface of the cucumber is uneven, so soak in light salt water and brush with a brush. Cucumber pickles are crisp and delicious to eat, so this step can not be less.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(2) We soak the vermicelli in cold water for 20 minutes and wash them several times. Boil water in a pot and pour in vermicelli blanched water. When the vermicelli becomes soft, fish it out and oversea it in cold water.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(3) Place the vermicelli in the middle of the cucumber and pour out the water inside.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(4) Place millet pepper, minced garlic, and sesame seeds on top of the vermicelli. Heat the oil and pour it on top of the minced garlic to stimulate the aroma. Take a bowl, add 2 grams of salt, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 spoonful of sesame oil and stir, pour over the vermicelli and serve.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

The second type: lettuce

As the saying goes, "summer is bitter, better than supplement", but bitter ingredients are difficult to swallow. Especially bitter melon and oil wheat vegetables, their bitter taste is too obvious. So what to do? In fact, lettuce is also a kind of bitter vegetable, and it also belongs to alkaline food.

The lettuce this season is not very old, and you can still smell a faint fragrance after peeling. It is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and other substances to promote physical development. The calories of lettuce are not high, and the price is very close to the people, so it is good to eat once every three forks and five times.

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried slices of home-style lettuce

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

Ingredients: 1 lettuce, 80g tenderloin, a pinch of carrot, garlic, millet pepper, soy sauce, starch, salt, cooking oil, monosodium glutamate

(1) We peel off the skin of the lettuce, rinse it, cut it into slices and put it in a bowl. Add 1 scoop of salt, mix and marinate for 10 minutes.

Tips: Lettuce is easily soft and rotten when fried directly in the pot, and the taste is not good. We salt it and marinate it so that it tastes crisp and delicious.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(2) Wash the tenderloin and cut into slices, add soy sauce and starch and stir. Garlic, millet pepper, carrots are washed and cut into small pieces.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(3) Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the slices of meat and sauté until fragrant. When the slices change color, add 1 scoop of soy sauce and continue to stir-fry for a while.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(4) Add minced garlic, lettuce and carrots and sauté for a while.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(5) Season with salt, continue to stir-fry a few times, sprinkle some millet pepper and garnish it to serve.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

Type 3: Eggplant

Eggplant is available all year round, but the summer eggplant is the best. In summer, eggplant tastes soft and tender, can be fried and fried, and the price is cheaper than autumn and winter. Eggplant is one of the vegetables in summer, rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, and proper consumption is also beneficial to the body.

Recommended recipe: Steamed eggplant with garlic paste

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

Ingredients: 2 pieces of eggplant, millet pepper, garlic, green onion, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of balsamic vinegar, 2 g of salt, starch, cooking oil, 1 g of sugar

(1) We cut off the stem of the eggplant, rinse it and cut it in half.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(2) Place the eggplant in the steamer basket of the rice cooker and steam it together when cooking the rice. When the rice jumps to the heat state, the eggplant is steamed and can be taken out.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(3) Cut the eggplant into long strips and place on a plate.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

(4) Take a bowl, add salt, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, cooking oil, starch, water and stir into the pot and cook. Once the soup is thick, pour over the eggplant, sprinkle with millet peppers and green onions and you're ready.

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

Type 4: Lotus root

There is a folk saying called "no soup is not summer", what soup is good to drink in summer? Of course, there are mung bean soup, tomato egg soup, seaweed egg flower soup, kelp rib soup and so on. In fact, we must also remember to drink lotus soup, because lotus is also one of the rare alkaline ingredients.

Lotus is one of the "Eight Immortals of Water", which is divided into crisp lotus and powder lotus. No matter what kind of lotus root, their edible value and medicinal value are very high. Lotus root is rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, peroxidase and so on. In summer, it is used to boil some soup, which not only quenches thirst but also replenishes nutrition.

Recommended recipe: Lotus root bone broth

Resist the "bitter summer" just eat fish and shrimp is not enough, 4 kinds of alkaline foods to help you survive the three volt days

Ingredients: 1 large bone, 1 root, ginger, green onion, cooking wine, salt

(1) We soak the large bones in water for 30 minutes, scrub them clean and pour them into the pot. Add cooking wine, green onion, ginger to remove the fish, and then add water. Bring to a boil over high heat, remove it when there is a lot of foam on the surface, rinse with warm water and put it in a saucepan.

(2) Add boiling water to the bone, add 1 slice of ginger and cook over high heat.

(3) Remove both ends of the lotus root, scrape off the skin, scrub it and cut it into large pieces.

(4) After the water is boiled in the pot, add the lotus root and continue to simmer for a while.

(5) The meat on top of the large bone can be seasoned with salt when chopsticks are inserted, and sprinkled with green onions to garnish it.

Conclusion: "Bitter summer" has arrived, just know that eating fish and shrimp is not enough. Remember to try these 4 alkaline ingredients, it costs a lot of money, and it is nutritious to eat. I am Bao Mom, an office worker who likes to tinker with meals. Every day, I circle around the stove, pots and pans, tired and happy. All recipes are original and are prohibited from being carried or copied. If you like it, please give me likes, favorites, forwards and follows!

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