
King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

author:King MarVin sees the world

Everyone is interested in the heavenly macho, today we are talking about a "heavenly macho" George Tupu V, you may be very unfamiliar with this name, but I finished his deeds today, you must be very tempted to say to him if the national anti-fraud APP can be installed as soon as possible, it will not fall to this point.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

George Tupou V

Last year, Tonga came into everyone's field of vision because of the volcanic eruption, in fact, the volcano erupted in 2015, and it was because of the volcanic eruption that the two islands were connected into one island, and now after 7 years, a wave has been taken away.

The wheels of nature are sometimes more cruel and ruthless than history, and there have been many videos and articles that have discussed the climate issue and the impact of climate on human history and politics, so I am not a natural science creator and I will not take the axe. But at the same time, their country is so small that there is no social structure to analyze, and 100,000 of the country's 100,000 people have emigrated to work abroad, such as the famous Flag bearer of the Tongan delegation to the Olympic Games, which is a Tongan born in Brisbane, Australia.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

Pita served as the flag bearer of the Tonga delegation at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games

So what is the concept of this population size? Beijing Tiantongyuan has a total population of 500,000 people, and Tonga's main industry is the export of coconut-related products and tourism industry.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

At a glance, you know that it is a periphery country in the world system, and the economic complexity of the whole society is very low, which is not surprising, after all, it is not realistic for you to make him very good. However, there are small ways to play, last year when Evergrande had an accident, I checked it and found that their employees are more than 100,000 people, so the population of Tonga is actually a large company. A country of this size can completely use the theory that the train runs fast all by the headband, and really out of a day down macho can also come out a good result You see we said before Boswana This country started is really poor and white, but there is a skyfall macho man who also took him to fly into one of the best countries in Africa. But when it comes to Tonga, I have to say that the macho man did not have a wronged head, then this time we also talk about the people's food addiction, the king of Tonga who came quickly with money, first talk to you about the geography, Tonga is located in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean, the whole country 172 islands He is located in this area called Glass Nissia The area is very large North is Hawaii, the southernmost is New Zealand, and the easternmost is Easter Island.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

In Greece, it means a lot to meet Riboli, and then Nia means to be an island, that is, many islands. Disney has a cartoon called "Ocean's Edge" that tells the story of this region, and 3,000 years ago there were human activities in this area to form a Polynesian cultural circle, and Tonga is more famous here, because their shipbuilding technology is relatively strong, the largest wooden ships can hold 100 people, so in the 13th and 16th centuries they built an empire with an influence of 3 million square kilometers. In 1616 the Dutch passed by once but at the end of the 18th century Europeans began to fully contact Tonga, in 1773 the British Captain Cook came here to replenish supplies, in 1797 Christianity began to spread, taking advantage of the Kingdom of Tonga to fight a civil war, the church agents won, Tonga also became a Christian country, formulated a constitution to liberate slaves, in 1900 the British came to fool the Tongans and said we provide you with protection, otherwise the Germans will invade you, so Tonga became a British protectorate, The British consul, on the other hand, gained a veto on foreign and financial matters in Tonga.

Emperor Tiangao far from Tonga is a bunch of islands and no mines and no oil, the land can be used to build a large manor, so the British people only regard this place as a strategic place, the biggest disaster encountered in Tonga during the entire British rule period is the 1918 flu, which killed 1,800 people, accounting for 8% of the total population. So although colonized, but the king has not lost the rule of the country, although there is a constitution but the country is not big, the king can control all aspects of the country's resources through various ways, Tonga although there will be elections but in fact is the rule of the nobility, 30 parliamentary seats only 9 elected, the rest are the king's confession, so all the rights are in the hands of these kings' relatives, the country's financial planning investment projects are also the king and the king's relatives to decide, Although this imperialism did not exploit Tonga in natural resources, but played a trick more fiercely this time to recommend a book, more than two hundred pages of this is the University of California Press's cheat meatflatfoot nations in the pacific islands translated from it is called cheap meat Pacific island junk food countries. The authors are Gwitz and Erinton.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

cheat meatflatfoot nations in the pacific islands

When I was a child, many news websites said that the Pacific island countries are fat for beauty, but if you think about it, combined with the geography of Tonga, you think that if this place does not contact the outside world, what will be its own traditional food, I will give you a bunch, that is, fish, cassava, root vegetables and coconuts. But today's Tongans are particularly fat, the fattest country in the world. 40% of people have diabetes, and those traditional foods can't make people so fat no matter how you eat them, but what's going on? In fact, in the past, the Pacific island countries did not have any fat for beauty, after World War II, the world system has changed, and Tonga has become a marginal country, the coolest marginal country provides oil, almost provides agricultural products, and Tonga provides garbage disposal solutions the most miserable, and these garbage processors are the people of Tonga.

New Zealand and Australia have developed industrial cattle and sheep breeding and slaughtering production and sales have gone up, everyone recalls that the lean meat will be more chai, ribs will be more delicious, half fat and half lean is also delicious, but although the fat meat is fragrant, you can't eat much, too tired. So the fat meat is not so easy to sell, but you don't have to throw it away, since the 1950s, the Turkey Butt new Zealand lamb clove in the United States has entered the Pacific Island market in large quantities. According to New Zealand's health standards, lamb breast meat with a fat content of 50% cannot be eaten by itself, but for the Tongans to import it is good, so the fishermen in the port of Tonga line up to exchange the best fish for the worst and fattest lamb cloves, as well as puffed food. We all eat as snacks, and it is uncomfortable to eat too much, but the Pacific island countries really eat puffed foods as meals, and then a special dish called The Tonga sandwich is produced locally, that is, chicken-flavored instant noodles are fried and then mixed with cheese and eggs and sandwiched in bread slices.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

Tongan sandwich

Eating this thing is not healthy, but the high calorie it is attractive, and the locals are poor You see this junk food is cheap and delicious the market will push them to eat these things, then you say that people have not fought, and their family is also a Pacific island country samoa once announced the ban on the import of turkey butt from the United States, the result of the Americans will come to the door to send democracy and freedom, against their accession to the WTO, then you want to open the economy you have to join the WTO and if you want to join you have to lift the ban, So you say that these countries are really pit quite miserable, then in the end how to do grandma fat mother fat I am fat, since everyone is not an opponent of the international order, then they can only shape their own cultural psychology, but also formed the so-called fat for beauty.

If a posture had been imposed by imperialism, then such an environment would have been very regrettable, and to put it bluntly, Queen Tupou III had died in 1965.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

Queen Tupou III

Before her death, the Queen and the United Kingdom negotiated good terms to end the state of protection in 1970 and become a sovereign independent country, after which his son Tup IV ascended the throne and officially began to practice against the heavens, which opened the era of super unjust heads, this Tup IV is a tall horse with a height of nearly 2 meters and a weight of 180 kilograms, spent millions of dollars in order to lose weight, the doctor told him to exercise regularly, so he closed the capital airport every three to five minutes, riding a bicycle on the airstrip, I saw this paragraph when I was interested in " "Do as you please, do not overstep your bounds" with a new understanding, not that you can do whatever you want, but that you are the rules, what rules you want to do will always revolve around you, this Tupu IV thought that although the mother is very important, but Tonga is independent in my hands, this year Tonga is also an empire, can not be instigated, must make Tonga great again. make tonga great again。

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

Elected "The Fatest King of the World" Tupou IV

If you want to be great, you have to make money, after coming to power, you can't sell oil in this third world, can I also sell it? An exploration really found oil quickly pull investment everyone rushed to come, the result of a shovel down to find that oil is a reserves without blind delay, a plan can not be counted again after this accident everyone read the news found that tonga chinese are particularly many, here to introduce the tonga more special of this Chinese community environment, and many island countries in the Pacific compared to the situation of tonga chinese is not very similar, South Asia and Southeast Asia from the late Qing Dynasty to new China probably experienced four waves of Chinese, out of the time and birthplace are not the same, But many Tongan Chinese have just passed, saying that in 1982 Margaret Thatcher fell in Beijing, this does not matter, some of the British Empire Hong Kong colonies of the heart have been broken, afraid of panic, want to run, everyone has to find opportunities to go abroad, this Tupu IV thought of a trick, sell a passport 20,000, buy more and preferential family of four I sold you 30,000 5 prices, fair tong shu no fraud, just earned 20 million US dollars.

You can see that he belongs to the desire for money, that this psychological state was immediately pinched, that is to say, a country south Korea, the South Korea in the seventies and eighties not only had warlords and chaebols but also god sticks, the Korean cult was in the limelight during the epidemic period, highlighting a stunned and not afraid of death, when it was also walking the rivers and lakes all relying on courage and care, as soon as they saw the King of Tonga burning, they felt that the opportunity had come, and a Christian organization called the Preparatory Committee for the Reunification of Korea contacted the Tonga Religion. The Tongans began to believe in Christianity in the 19th century, and there are not many people who are quite simple, as soon as they hear that Koreans are brothers of Christianity, they immediately have a brotherly friendship, they do not know that brothers are used to pit, this Korean cult will tell the brothers opposite us that there is an MR. Mr. Big, with a generous hand of 6 billion US dollars to invest in the South Pacific, the result is that the church wants to show merit, immediately informed the king's adviser, Baron Vaia, after the baron's matchmaking, this Korean divine doctor Park Joon-ko and Han Min-so appeared at the king's birthday party, these two old society, came up to give the king an award, they said we found Tonga is a country without crime, so we want to award the king a world peace harvester award, the king happily accepted, Then these two divine doctors continued to flicker: Your Majesty I have an invention you say what is the most precious in the world today, energy, I have an instrument that can convert 5 gallons of Tonga seawater into 1 gallon of natural gas, why, just because we Tonga is not polluted, the king suddenly came to be interested, after all, this oil did not come out of the flower, it was his sadness, then this king continued to ask so powerful, then you can not deal with nuclear waste, want to sleep Someone handed a pillow, want to deceive someone to hand over the microphone, "OK must work" The king was not a fool who felt that he could not trust others too much, and asked a particularly clever anti-deception question: "Your technology is so good, why don't you use it for Korea first?" Are you satisfied with this answer if you are the king? I don't know, anyway, people are very satisfied, why, this Bible Matthew 22:14 said for many are calledbut few are chosen because the people who are called are more than the people who are chosen, the king feels that he is the chosen person of this day, a perfect scam requires the deceived people to continue to do psychological construction for themselves, the doctors also said that there is no money to invest, don't be afraid, you only need to give 45% of the rest of us to get it, And we will build a separate nuclear waste complete combustion test center for you on the edge of the seawater field, and we will go to the International Atomic Energy Agency to ask for approval before this laboratory is launched, after all, it is a million dollars of investment In Tonga, the king of Tonga is still very cautious, and asks the baron to personally take a piece of Tonga seawater to South Korea to see the situation, and the result is that the sea water in front of the baron's eyes becomes natural gas, can what he see with his own eyes be false? They were afraid that the king would change his mind, so the Korean cult then sent a group of expeditions known as the South Pacific Peace Crusades, handed over the converter to the king and toured the whole of Tonga. After that, they continued to add weight, found representatives of Israel, Mongolia, and Malaysia to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of the seawater field, together for the factory, and finally reserved the program, awarded, the doctors praised the king as Genghis Khan in the South Pacific, and also gave the baron a direct title of captain of the Mongolian World Peace Corps, played a circle of money and finally spent on the account, can not start work, people are gone, Baron Wahia finally said to the camera: They came to Korea like 60 crusades, After a week of visiting our country, the results of the people are gone, we went out of the ground to lay the foundation ceremony have done a good job of bricks I bought, and then called the South Koreans no one answered, soon this baron's interview on the Korean newspaper headlines about nuclear waste South Korea is very nervous, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered the investigation in the end only said that Tonga This nuclear waste equipment is completely independent of the commercial project and our South Korean government has nothing to do with it, the cult leader went to the Seoul office of AFP, just solemnly said that they are also investigating these people, how to say it, It's too humiliating to simply be dumb and lose, refused all subsequent interviews, even if this matter is in the past, it can only be said that the spring wind does not cross the jade gate to close my Buddha does not cross the iron, this is a world where only Tonga suffers.

Let's talk about the American liars, this king thought that I had to make tens of millions of dollars by selling passports, and I couldn't believe these things later, or I had to rely on the whole thing, such as stock speculation, the crop's favorite cut was to think that he was a retail investor of the stock god, and the king set up a Tonga trust fund with a big hand of 20 million US dollars to open an account in the bank of San Francisco in the United States to prepare for trading, which was noticed by an American named Jesseberg Danov

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.


This Jesse usually sells health care products such as the magnetic therapy instrument that treats back pain, if he had WeChat in that era, it must be a top micro-business, and always like to say that he is a Buddhist, I declare that I have great respect for religious beliefs, but when doing business, if you talk to him about banknotes, he talks to you about the pattern, you talk to him about conditions, he talks to you about the realm, you contract with you, he burns incense with you, then you know that he is ready to take you to the heavens, When he saw the checking department of the king of Tonga in the drawer, he realized that the opportunity to get rich came, and quickly contacted the Tongan royal family to tell them, the stock market is a good thing, you see a dollar into 100 yuan out, I will speculate in stocks, I help you, the king agreed, it didn't take long for Jesse to tell the king, I helped you put in the stock market to earn 10 million, otherwise I resigned specifically to help you invest, the king said that it was up to you to be responsible, Jesse also wrote a poem to the king, Your discerning pearl is simply Kublai Khan in the Pacific Ocean, how can this king not remember the last time the Koreans praised you so much about what the end of the forgotten, the king is also big hearted this money is so put until 2001 a check of the account only two million people on the mountain some people went to the sea Some people speculated in stocks 8 consecutive defeats, Tonga to sue Jesse for fraud File handed to the San Francisco court to arbitrate, but this money is not the right way, and the stock market has the risk of entering the market need to be cautious, you have only heard of stock speculation on the roof, who has heard that stock speculation can also give you money back In the end, Jesse lost $100,000 to Tonga to withdraw the lawsuit, the Prime Minister yang tian sighed that we have become the laughing stock of the world again, and this Jesse returned home after Mei Zizi opened a hypnosis room dedicated to teaching everyone to meditate.

Because this wave of failed Tongans is really completely crazy about the National Trust's money, the collapse of market confidence is a complaint against the royal family, in 2014 Tonga Airlines collapsed, in 2005 there was a strike of 3,000 civil servants, there is no obstacle in the world, only an endless obstacle. Tupou IV died of depression in 2006. As soon as the old king left, the people immediately went to the streets to launch an anti-aristocratic riot, which pitied the Chinese, first of all, the Chinese worked hard to rob the Tongans of their work, and secondly, the local people thought that these Chinese used money to corrupt the nobles and the alliance blinded our old king, so they called the Qingjun side, and as a result, they began to smash and rob the Chinese shops on the street, this riot led to the destruction of 80% of the capital's business district, and it was necessary to rebuild the capital with money, and several Ministers of Tonga discussed and discussed that it seemed that it was the Chinese government that could provide this money.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

In May 2007, China provided a low-interest loan of $49 million, which even today's Maharaja of Tonga helped build, but the overall social unrest was not quelled until Australia and New Zealand sent special police. In 2010, they held another election and finally elected a congress with a larger number of civilians, but after a new wave of Chinese immigrants, but this time the Chinese out of the mainland was from our mainland, before watching the news Shandong Liaocheng University sent a team of professors to guide the local people to grow vegetables, after the disaster, the Chinese government also quickly organized rescue, provided a number of batches of materials, compared to those countries that stuffed them with fat meat, we are actually very reliable.

King of Tonga, one of the worst "macho men from heaven" who was pitted.

Burned down Chinese shops

After telling the story of Tonga, we know that this small country is still very fragile even if it does not encounter natural disasters in the world's changing environment, because the environment that is too small to nurture talents is also very small, which creates an environment in which the world is more and more complex and small countries are becoming more and more simple.

China's overseas immigrants have a long history, the number of immigrants is very large, the Chinese community is very unique in various countries and relatively independent in culture, it is easy to be remembered for the hardships of work, and even the bad behavior of a small number of Chinese will be infinitely magnified by populism, which leads to once there is some turmoil in the local area, it is easy to be taken as the object of the local attack, how to publicize the overall positive image of the Chinese and take precautions to do a good job of overseas Chinese protection in advance may be a topic that we need to think about in the future. For example, just giving money or helping to build infrastructure is probably not enough, Australia and New Zealand go there all day to clear junk food but quell the riots or they have the final say, we deserve to be more careful when watching the news in the future, all the so-called aesthetic and social habits are actually a shaping. When I was young, I really thought that the Pacific island countries were fat for beauty, but this time I read the relevant papers to find that this is a sadness of the world system, and later I can continue to see that when the people of Tonga watched TV and went online, they saw that the stars of the United States were also very thin or fit, and the result was very autistic, and many people went to the other extreme, locking their mouths to lose weight and diet, so I have to say that aesthetics is a cultural shaping of a strong country to a weak country.

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