
Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

author:Red Wave Doctor Popular Science

As we all know, food is of course the best when cooked, which is also more conducive to good health. However, due to the influence of some foreign food culture, many people like to eat seven points cooked, five points cooked, and even raw sashimi, salad, etc., although the taste is good, but some half-cooked foods, eating will cause harm to the body.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning


Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

【Four Seasons Beans】

Chicken beans are also called kidney beans, beans, whether fried or cold mixed, are in line with everyone's taste, the four seasons of beans are delicious and nutritious, suitable for all ages, is the best choice for supplementing nutrition in the spring. As the saying goes, the four seasons beans are treasures, the protein content is much higher than that of chicken, calcium is twice that of soybeans, and more than 7 times that of chicken.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

However, when the beans are not cooked, they can lead to poisoning of the body. Because the beans contain clogging saponins, if they cannot be cooked by sufficient heating, their toxicity cannot be destroyed, and the reaction symptoms of body poisoning will occur.

Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and severe intestinal mucosal bleeding occur after poisoning. Generally, after the use of four seasons beans, a toxin reaction will occur within half an hour to two hours, and if there is a small amount of poisoning, it will be delayed to 1 to 2 days, and the above gastrointestinal symptoms or dizziness will occur.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

【Yellow Cauliflower】

Yellow cauliflower is a traditional vegetable that people like to eat, because of its thick petals, golden color, strong aroma and high nutritional value, it is regarded as a "treasure on the table". Broccoli is rich in sugar, protein, vitamin C, calcium, fat, carotene and other nutrients needed by the human body, and has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects, heat and humidity.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

However, it should be known that raw broccoli is indeed poisonous, raw fresh broccoli contains more colchicine, this colchicine directly raw eating may cause poisoning, but if it is fully cooked after colchicine will be destroyed, will not cause poisoning. Therefore, when making yellow cauliflower, it must be cooked, and in the case of not cooking, it may damage the intestines and is not conducive to human health.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning


Many people don't know cassava, and when they hear cassava, they think that it is a vine plant like sweet potato, and it is its underground rhizome that is eaten. In fact, cassava is the root of a tree, is an upright shrub plant, cassava leaves are very large, some like the palm, is palm-like split, more than 9.

If cassava is not fully cooked, it will also cause harm to the human body and induce poisoning. If you eat raw or uncooked cassava, the linoleum or flaxse picrin contained in it enters the human body, and it is easy to produce free hydrocyanic acid after gastric acid hydrolysis, which will lead to human poisoning after eating a large amount. Therefore, when making, it should be cooked by baking and other means, and then eat after completely removing the toxin of cassava to avoid poisoning.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

【Broad beans】

Fava beans are second only to soybeans in protein content, and do not contain cholesterol, can prevent cardiovascular disease, but also enhance the memory of the brain effect. However, if you eat uncooked or mistakenly take raw fava beans, it will cause a series of plant poisoning, that is, food poisoning, or fava beans are eaten for too long, and they are mistakenly taken, and a series of clinical symptoms of nitrite poisoning appear.

Reminder: These 5 types of dishes are not cooked with "toxins", and tell the family to be careful of food poisoning

【Fresh fungus】

If you eat uncooked fungus, for people with poor physique, there will be different poisoning reactions, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and other manifestations of the patient, and severe cases will also have severe headaches, jet vomiting, and even transient coma, etc., so when cooking the fungus, be sure to cook it completely.

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