
After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

author:Shōryū Meiomi
After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

Since Qin Shi Huang invented the emperor system, the emperor system has always been the most core political system in ancient China, and the emperor has influenced all aspects of the country.

The emperor is so important that his words and deeds will affect the country, and his likes and dislikes and abilities will directly affect the fate of the country.

Usually, the monarchs of the first two generations of the founding of the country are generally stronger than the emperors behind them, and the emperors behind them are all born in the deep palace, grow up in the hands of women, and have no understanding of society and human nature.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

Most of the dynasties give people the feeling that the previous emperors are very strong, and later they are not as good as a generation, and occasionally there are one or two ZTE lords, but how can not save the fate of the eventual collapse of the dynasty.

This is the general impression of everyone, but there has always been controversy about what is a good emperor, like the Qin Emperor Han Wu, who established an emperor with extraordinary merit and super ability, and their controversy is actually very big, and they are not recognized as a good emperor.

The standard of a good emperor should be to love the people like a son, to take a thin gift, and to rule with an arch, typical of which is the rule of Wenjing in the Han Dynasty, and many of the emperors who tossed blindly were scolded very badly by later generations, such as the Sui Emperor.

Emperor is a special profession, in addition to the founding of the country, the emperor born, need a special skill to be a good emperor, this special skill is, do nothing.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

It sounds a bit intangible, but in fact it is like this, many emperors who toss less and do less things have a very good reputation in history, such as the fat prince in the Ming Dynasty, the rule of his and his son's Renxuan, is the typical example of less tossing, mainly Because Zhu Di is too capable of tossing.

There are also the Song Dynasty, Song Renzong and Song Huizong, are two extremes, Song Renzong was evaluated as, nothing, only to be an emperor, and Song Huizong was evaluated as, anything will, is not going to be an emperor.

Now there is every reason to suspect that the standard of this good emperor is actually deliberately made up by confucians to limit imperial power, and in the eyes of Confucianism, what is a good emperor, a good emperor is to rule from an arch, not to do anything every day, and the power is handed over to the ministers to do, this is the Confucian who has the right to speak, the good emperor in their minds.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

After having this strange standard, the profession of the emperor has become the opposite evaluation criterion for most people's professions, except for any profession of the emperor, if you do not act, you will definitely be scolded to death, but the emperor's inaction is likely to be criticized as a good emperor, of course, the premise of inaction is to fulfill the basic obligations of the emperor, like the Wanli Emperor for decades, not to go to the court, purely against the group of subjects.

Understand the standard, we go to see Liu Chan again, in fact, there will be another feeling, Liu Chan is the second emperor of Shu Han, after Liu Bei's death, the power is in the hands of Zhuge Liang, after Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan began to grasp the power, and finally in the Three Kingdoms era, Liu Chan became the emperor who held power for the longest time for 41 years.

Liu Chan was certainly not as capable as Liu Bei, or even less than Cao Pi and Sun Quan, but it was clear that Liu Chan met the criteria of a good emperor and had more trust in his subordinates, and after Zhuge Liang's death, from Jiang Huan to Fei Yi to Jiang Wei, the military and political power of Shu Han, Liu Chan had always been more assured to hand over to others.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

As an emperor, Liu Chan is qualified and cannot afford Ah Dou, referring to his personal ability, but the emperor, in essence, does not need too strong personal ability, he can be an emperor for such a long time, that is, he grasps the core elements of being an emperor, trusts his subordinates, and does not toss.

Therefore, such a strange paradox will be formed, on personal quality and ability, Liu Chan is indeed very poor, can not be helped, but as the emperor, Liu Chan is also a very good lord of shoucheng, which is the reason why he was able to reign for 41 years.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?

But because he reigned for the longest time in the Three Kingdoms, it cannot be said that his ability is very strong, and the length of his reign does not really matter to your personal ability, which is the wonder of the emperor, and doing less and not doing things is the standard of a good emperor.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Liu Chan was still the emperor for 29 years, was he really an unsupportable Ah Dou?