
Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

author:Knife white eyebrows

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He led a large-scale and exquisitely built fleet of ships to carry out long-distance voyages at sea.

The fleet has a long sailing mileage and has traveled a lot, fully publicizing the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

In addition, Zheng He built a well in Malacca, 4 countries competed for up to 600 years, why is this well so sought-after, and what is the advantage of competing for this well?

The origin of Sambojing

During the Ming Dynasty, under the diligent leadership of Zhu Yuanzhang, the economy was greatly developed, and advanced technologies such as papermaking, ceramics, and printing were enthusiastically produced, which provided a solid economic condition and material foundation for Zheng He to go to the West.

Chinese silk fabrics and porcelain were warmly loved by overseas people, and at the same time, the Ming Dynasty officials and nobles were in short supply of overseas spices and other items.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

At that time, the technological development of the Ming Dynasty, the invention and use of the compass, provided great convenience for the development of navigation technology, and the progress of shipbuilding technology provided a powerful opportunity for Zheng He to go to the West.

As for the reasons for Zheng He's voyage to the West, there is still no consensus.

Some say they went to look for Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunjiao; Some say that it is to promote the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty; It is also said that it is to guard against small countries on the border.

Zheng He was originally a eunuch by zhu di's side of Ming Chengzu, and his nickname was "Three Treasures", so everyone called him Three Treasures Eunuch.

Although he was a eunuch, Zheng He was full of insight, he was very interested in navigation and geography, and he also had excellent diplomatic skills, and Zhu Di admired him very much.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

At that time, Ming Chengzu chose him as an emissary to the West, and with the support of the emperor, Zheng He led a huge fleet of ships to set off.

The first time Zheng He went to the West, he came to Sumatra, Manchuria and other countries.

At that time, China was very strong, a small country with backward productivity, low level of economic development, and chaotic political order.

Zheng He helped them straighten out their bureaucracy and develop their economy, and also gave these small countries exquisite porcelain and silk fabrics, and gave them a large amount of silver and copper coins.

Zheng He's fleet came to Manchaga, and the fleet's deputy envoy, Wang Jinghong, fell ill, and Zheng He had to stop and wait for Wang Jinghong to recuperate.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

During his stay, Zheng He was able to gain insight into The Kingdom of Malacca.

Zheng He consulted with the king of Manchuria in a friendly manner, so that as a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, with a big country as the support, they could learn from the excellent development experience of the big country and promote the development of their own country.

Seeing the fleet led by Zheng He and the exquisite porcelain and silk fabrics they had given, the King of Manchuria deeply felt the strength of the Ming Dynasty and immediately agreed to become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.

Ming Chengzu also attached great importance to the diplomatic relations between the dynasty and other neighboring countries, and he was very sure of Zheng He's move.

In order to show the sincerity of the Ming Dynasty and consolidate diplomatic relations between the two countries, Ming Chengzu married his own Princess Han Baoli to the King of Manchuria.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

The king of Manchuria knew that the Ming Dynasty did not have a large amount of land and wealth in his country, and he was afraid of wronging the Ming princess, so he built a residence similar to the Central Plains in the local area to satisfy the princess's homesickness.

In this way, Zheng He successfully completed his first voyage to the West, and when Zheng He went to the West for the second time, he came to Manchaga, where he had been before, and the King of Manchuria invited him to live in this residence similar to the Central Plains.

Zheng He found that this imitation of the Central Plains residence was built very authentically, and the fly in the ointment was that it was very inconvenient to draw and use water. Zheng He remembered that where he lived in the Ming Dynasty, he used to dig a well to get water.

Zheng He modeled on the wells of the Central Plains and dug a well in the residence where Princess Hanbao lived.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

When the well was first drilled, the water inside was so muddy that the people of Manchuria thought it was undrinkable.

Zheng He directly held up a bowl of muddy water in front of everyone's eyes and drank it all. After the crowd saw Zheng He drinking the water, there was no problem at all.

What is even more amazing is that after Zheng He drank this bowl of water, the water in the well gradually became clear.

I think it should be a well that has just been laid, the muddy soil has not yet been clarified, and after the soil has settled, it is clear water.

When the people of Manchuria saw this, they solemnly respected Zheng He, and Zheng He's status in the hearts of the Manchus was greatly enhanced.

Because this well was dug by Zheng He, in order to commemorate him, everyone named this well "Three Treasure Well".

During Princess Han Baoli's lifetime, this well was dedicated to The Use of Princess Han Baoli.

The reason why Samboi became hot

The stars shifted, Princess Han Baoli passed away, and the princess's original residence gradually disappeared in continuous development and change. Only this Three Treasure Well has been preserved intact.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

At the same time, the origin and story of The Three Treasure Wells have also been widely praised by the people who live here, and in the process of oral transmission, there are inevitably stories of deification, and even the well water of the Three Treasure Wells is regarded as the sacred water that cures diseases.

It can be seen that the influence of Sampojing on the people of Malacca is very deep, and they are very much in awe of this well.

In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, invaders invaded other countries. In order to control the ideology of the people in Malacca, they naturally had to attack the Sampojing, which the people of Malacca revered.

In the eyes of the invaders, having control of Sampojing means controlling the ideology of the people of Malacca.

During the chaotic period, which lasted for more than 600 years, The Three Treasure Wells were successively seized by Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

In the face of foreign invaders, the local people vowed to die, they resolutely defended territorial sovereignty, and they never forgot the real builder of Sampojing.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

In the cruel and long resistance and struggle, The Three Treasure Wells have been preserved intact, and the local people still maintain a sense of awe for the Three Treasures Well.

To this day, the influence of Sampojing in the Malacca region is still far-reaching, and people still remember the Ming Dynasty princess who married far away, and Zheng He who excavated Sampojing.

Many local people even revere the well water of The Three Treasure Wells as sacred well water and often worship it.

In recent years, malacca's economic level has been greatly developed, people drink water and water is very convenient, and Sampojing is no longer used.

However, in the hearts of local people, Samhojing still has an irreplaceable and important position.

Zheng He built a well in Malacca and was robbed by 4 countries for more than 600 years.

This well played a great spiritual role in the special period, inspiring the local people to dare to struggle, dare to resist, and fight for sovereignty.

Because of this, the people of Malacca will keep this well intact, which is a cultural exchange and the progress of human civilization.

This is the well that Zheng He built in Malacca when he went to the West, and it has had a profound impact on the local people of Malacca, so awe-inspiring that for more than 600 years, the four countries that set foot on that land have to compete for more than 600 years.

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