
Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

author:Creature Kingdom

On January 8, 2020, a series of gunfire began to sound on the Australian mainland, accompanied by the sound of the propellers of helicopters roaring in mid-air.

However, this battle, which is like a military exercise, is actually an operation by the Australian Aboriginal leaders, and the entire operation is loaded with live ammunition, which can be described as "gun to flesh", and the whole continent is suddenly stained red with blood.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

However, the blood on the ground is not human blood, but Australian camel blood, under the accurate shooting of the shooting team, ten thousand camels were slaughtered in the whole of Australia in five days, which is the real sense of blood.

So why does Australia hate camels so much, and where do they come from, all from the nineteenth century?

The Origin of the Camel: The Need for Construction, Colonial "Welfare"

In 1840, British Australia abolished the convict assignment system and instead encouraged the use of immigration policies to fill vacancies in the local workforce.

Under the trend of this favorable policy, Australia ushered in a wave of "immigration boom", and the labor force of various countries has converged here, even nearly a decade before the "gold rush" in the United States.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

And such a large number of people influx, so that Australia's infrastructure construction is imminent, it should be known that Australia Island is a huge pristine island, if British Australia wants to survive in this place for a long time, the island's transportation facilities must be perfected, otherwise the island's residents in the east, west, south and north will be treated "favoritism over the other".

As a result, Australia ushered in an unprecedented railway construction, after all, with the support of the railway, British Australia was able to complete the complete development of the island.

Normally, this would have been a good thing, but railway construction is not an easy task, even if a strong British backing can solve the raw material problem, but the simple construction itself is a big problem.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

For example, the transportation of building materials and materials is an insurmountable "gap", when the environment on the Australian island was complex, and it was difficult for the carriage used for transportation to "show its fists", coupled with the fact that the transportation capacity of the horses themselves was not strong, which made the construction of the railway into a dilemma.

At this time, the British, as the "big brother", thought of the camel, which is a highly adaptable animal, and its strong transportation ability can solve the current problem.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

And at that time, in addition to colonizing Australia, there was also a colony called British India, and India happened to be rich in camels, and it was easy for the British to take indian camels to Australia for construction, just like the trade between the left hand and the right hand.

In this way, from the middle of the eighteenth century, Indian dromedary camels began to enter Australia in a steady stream.

With their help, Australia's transport construction has been exceptionally smooth, not only completing the construction of the railway, but also relying on them in large quantities for supplies in remote areas.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

However, with the passage of time, human society has ushered in new changes, including the transportation industry----- Australia's transportation problems have been completely solved by cars.

At this time, camels became completely "unsubstantiated", and a large number of camels that had been introduced from India were exiled to Australia's vast plains, forests and deserts.

But these camels are, after all, exotic species, not part of the Australian biological chain, which makes camels lack the threat of natural enemies on the island, and the number begins to "grow".

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

There is an old Chinese saying that goes:

"Things must be reversed"

The number of camels continues to increase, and the contradiction is actually secretly accumulating, until the flashpoint of the contradiction appears------- the Fire in Australia.

The contradiction of camels: the consumption of water, the expulsion of cattle and sheep

In July 2019, due to the impact of global warming, the global summer became unusually hot, which made Australian wildfires with large vegetation coverage frequent.

Eventually, these densely erupting wildfires gradually became one after another, turning into one unstoppable fire after another, which swept through several Australian states and even reached the point of out of control.

The fire was so out of control that it burned for half a year, and Australia also had a "boom year" in such a fire.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

The damage of fire to humans is mainly reflected in property damage, which is not a big casualty itself, but the fire is simply a disaster for ecology and animals.

According to incomplete statistics from Australian authorities, at least nearly 2 billion animals have been killed in the fires, and the number of water sources that have been steamed dry by the fires is innumerable.

This means that the water ingress of the rest of Australia becomes a big problem, and the camels stand up, but instead of solving the water problem, they use their humps to store up the few water sources.

It should be known that the water storage capacity of camels is very strong, although they can achieve "one time into the water for two weeks without thirst", but the camel's water intake this time can reach a terrifying 200 liters, if it is a group of camels, it can almost drink the entire puddle.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

In addition, the camels are also very domineering, after the Australian fire, the living space of the creatures has been compressed, many animals have to share a grassland and water source, but the camels are very dissatisfied with this.

These camels will attack the cattle and sheep in the range in groups, and their large bodies make them often successful in them, which makes thousands of cattle and sheep in Australia die in this "fight" every year, and a large number of cattle and sheep are expelled from their habitats and eventually die on the migration road.

In addition, camels are not limited to animals, and when they lack food and drink, they will also turn their attention to local humans.

Stepping on fences, kicking water tanks, nibbling on crops, and biting down air conditioning switches, these hordes of dromedary camels are like rogue goons, which can be described as evil in human communities, making locals grit their teeth.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

And according to the Australian government, the carbon emissions of camels are very large, and the Australian side also made special statistics in 2010 for this problem: Australia used a total of 1 million camels in three states as a base, and found that they can emit 1 ton of carbon dioxide a year, which is equivalent to the annual emissions of 400,000 cars, which makes the Australian people "hate the bone marrow" of camels.

Thus, there was a scene at the beginning of the text, under the order of the indigenous leader to "slaughter the luo", the recruited gunmen got into a helicopter and began to shoot or strafe at the camel herd with precision.

The herds of camels outside the residential area bore the brunt of the attack, "collapsing" in a rain of bullets and bullets, and they began to run deep into the heart of the island, away from the places inhabited by humans.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

But this time, Australia obviously showed the courage of "cutting the grass and removing the roots", and the hunter brigade took a helicopter to search around for the traces of camels, and even used "undercover tactics".

It turns out that camels have always had the habit of looking for populations, hunters place locators on the single camel, and after it finds a "large army", the hunter team will locate and come and directly slaughter at a fixed point, which shows the Australians' hatred for camels.

It is also under the influence of this determination that Australia has completed the slaughter of 10,000 camels in just five days, and just by looking at this number, you can imagine the scene of "corpse mountain and blood river".

Evaluation of the slaughtering of Luo Luo's actions: stealing the concept, violently destroying the heavenly objects

On January 8, 2020, the mainland CCTV network reported on Australia's move, which made the "slaughtering luo operation" "a hit" on the mainland network.

A number of netizens have expressed their views, including the "stealing concept" question raised by some environmentalists, that is, the Australian authorities have passed on their carbon emissions to innocent camels.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

There are also creature lovers who put forward the "unloading and killing donkeys", that is, camels were introduced for the construction of Australia, but Australians did not consider a "back road" for them after using them, and the development of the current situation is decisive after killing fast, which is really chilling.

However, the most interesting of these is the Chinese foodie's theory of "violent natural objects", knowing that camel meat can actually be eaten, and camel milk itself is an extremely nutritious substance.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

Such a treasure-laden animal, Australians only know how to slaughter, but do not know how to put on the table, which makes foodies inevitably a little strange.

Of course, this is not the first time Australia has done this, the previous crayfish is the best example, in Australia is a flood, come to the country to become "in short supply", which makes Australians really confused.

Kill 10,000 camels in 5 days! How much does Australia hate? Chinese foodies: violent creatures

Whether the cooking technology needs to be improved, or the mode of thinking needs to be "discussed", this has become the biggest question for Chinese netizens to Australians.


113 camels shot in 3 hours! The Australian farmers were furious, and if they didn't kill the camels, they wouldn't have any water to drink! 》--------- Guangming Network

"Australia will shoot 10,000 camels in 5 days because they drink too much water" ---------- CCTV

"Wild camels drink too much water australia to shoot 10,000 heads Netizens: absurd! ---------------- World Wide Web

Author: Yachen Review: Xiaoyang Proofreader: Plum

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