
Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

author:Dr. Cheng Fangfang

Aging is the biggest enemy of women, for women want to be able to maintain a young state, so as to be able to highlight the charm of the individual, so in normal times is also very resistant to aging.

However, as women grow older, the symptoms and functions are not as good as before, and skin aging is inevitable, and no one can be an exception.

Everyone needs to go through the process of aging, so for some female friends, it is also very important to maintain the skin, after all, no woman wants to be called a yellow-faced woman when she is 40 or 50 years old.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

1. Durian

Durian as a common tropical fruit in life, although the taste is high, but the nutritional value is high, and it is also relatively sweet to eat, with a certain tonic effect, good for physical health, but for some female friends, it is not recommended to eat more.

Because the calories in durian are relatively high, the sugar content is relatively high, it is easy to cause obesity, but also to accelerate the arrival of aging, so women do not want to be called yellow-faced women, like this fruit is also recommended to eat less on eat less, is conducive to skin maintenance.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

2. Watermelon

As a common fruit in summer, watermelon is not only well hydrated, but also has a relatively high nutritional value, which can help clear heat and relieve heat, which is conducive to personal health.

However, it must be noted that if women do not want to be called yellow-faced women, it is also recommended to eat less, because watermelon is a cold fruit, excessive intake, in addition to causing abdominal pain and diarrhea, but also affect the state of the skin, resulting in skin deterioration and accelerated aging, so it is recommended to touch less.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

3. Mango

Like mango belongs to a common tropical fruit, although often eat mango, for good health, but not all people are suitable, because mango species also has a substance that is easy to cause allergies, it is easy to irritate the skin damage.

And mango itself belongs to a kind of seafood fruit, which will also cause the body's wet and cold qi to increase, affecting the state of the skin, so like this fruit, it is also recommended to control the mouth, reduce the intake, is conducive to the maintenance of the skin.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

4. Anti-seasonal fruits

It is now the season when a large number of fruits are listed, although some fruits are not listed in the summer, but also enter people's lives and are loved by people, but most of the anti-seasonal fruits like this are also ripened using hormones.

If you eat it regularly, in addition to causing endocrine disorders in the body, it will also affect the state of the skin and accelerate the arrival of aging, so it is also recommended that you can eat less and eat less to avoid affecting the skin.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

What are the manifestations of aging in women?

1. The fat on the stomach begins to become more

When women begin to age, they often have an increase in tummy fat, which is because women gradually decline in their metabolic capacity as they age, and toxins cannot be discharged in time.

This can easily cause the accumulation of fat, but also cause the problem of abdominal obesity, so you should also pay attention to proper exercise now, which will help maintain a good body.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

2. Chest sagging

Because physiologically, when women begin to age, they are often accompanied by chest sagging, which is also an important manifestation of collagen loss, and the muscle elasticity of the chest decreases, so there will also be obvious sagging.

3, a lot of hair loss

Unfortunately, with the increase of age, when the beginning of aging, there will also be hair loss, and there will also be a problem of gray hairline increase, which is also caused by hormone secretion disorders in the body, which is also a manifestation of aging, hoping that women can pay attention to the maintenance of the body.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

4. Uterine recession

Menstruation is a barometer of women's physical health, to ensure that the normal menstrual cycle is conducive to women's health, with women with age, uterus and ovarian function gradually decline, the body's estrogen secretion decline will also affect the normal menstruation with menstrual disorders.

5. The legs and feet are not flexible

When women begin to age, they are often accompanied by inflexibility of their legs and feet, and they will also be accompanied by joint pain problems, and at the same time, when they are old, too much calcium loss in the body will also increase the chance of osteoporosis, so do not ignore this performance.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

When women begin to age, the abnormal performance of the body is relatively sensitive, so it is also necessary to pay attention to the appropriate maintenance of themselves, and women say that if they want to maintain their skin, they must develop good behavior habits in daily life, which is conducive to maintaining a young state.

Adhere to 6 good habits and do a good job of self-health, or will allow yourself to delay aging

1. Moisturizing and locking water

If women want to maintain their skin, they should pay attention to moisturizing and locking water in peacetime, so as to help improve the elasticity of the skin and improve the problem of aging wrinkles in the skin to a certain extent.

2. Sit less and move more

Especially in daily life, we should also pay attention to appropriate exercise construction exercise can normally metabolize and discharge toxin garbage, help lose weight and slim down, and also help promote blood circulation to improve the state of the skin and maintain a youthful condition.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

3. Soak your feet before going to bed

Women can also develop a good habit of soaking their feet before going to bed, which can stimulate the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, promote blood circulation in the human body, remove toxins and garbage, alleviate the situation of cold menstruation, and help delay aging.

4. The diet should be light

Women should usually pay attention to a light diet and reduce the intake of some spicy and greasy foods, so as to reduce the damage to the skin, help improve the skin, and delay the speed of aging.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

5. Go to bed early and get up early

Women in daily life must pay attention to insisting on going to bed early and getting up early, ensuring high-quality and sufficient sleep, in order to help their own skin maintenance effect, is conducive to the repair of the skin, maintain a young state, and avoid aging in advance.

6. Adhere to sun protection

Women should pay attention to sunscreen in their daily lives, reduce the stimulation of ultraviolet rays on the skin, help fade wrinkles and pigmentation, maintain skin cells, and keep women young and more personal.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced woman", in summer, 4 kinds of fruits are recommended to eat less, which helps to maintain the skin

What other tricks do you know to help maintain your skin? You can share it in the comments below.