
If you have a stomach problem, why should you eat less sweets? 3 types of food "accelerate" stomach problems, like also eat less

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

Uncle Liu, 56 years old this year, is a little depressed: during a physical examination some time ago, he was found to have symptoms of peptic stomach ulcer.

"Your stomach is caused by uncontrolled eating every day, and you should eat less sugar in the future..." Recalling the doctor's words, Uncle Liu felt very helpless. As a native of Shanghai, he has no "sweet" or unhappy meal since he was a child, and at first he quit sugar, which is very uncomfortable.

At the same time, Uncle Liu is also very unconvinced: stomach diseases and eating sugar look like "eight rods can't beat", why don't doctors let them eat more?

If you have a stomach problem, why should you eat less sweets? 3 types of food "accelerate" stomach problems, like also eat less

If you have a stomach problem, why do doctors warn you to eat less sweets?

In the impression of most people, if you have gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases, it should be irritating food can not eat more, such as peppers, hot pots, pickled foods and so on.

So why can't sweets be eaten more? In fact, there is a scientific basis for this:

In a 2012 academic report published in the American journal Nature, researchers at the University of Chicago used genetic technology to make mice suffer from gastroenteritis, and then fed a large amount of whole milk fat and carbs and other foods.

After 6 months, the researchers found that 60% of these mice, which ate a large number of sweets, worsened gastroenteritis and increased the proportion of cholephilic bacteria in the intestine, worsening into ulcerative colitis. This proves that excessive sweets intake can lead to increased inflammation in the stomach and intestines, which can aggravate the condition.

Therefore, the reason why you can't eat sweets if you have stomach problems is because sweets have the ability to induce inflammation, and eating too much may make the disease more serious.

Not only that, excessive consumption of sweets will also inhibit stomach acid production, and for indigestion, bloating and other diseases, there will also be certain treatment obstacles.

If you have a stomach problem, why should you eat less sweets? 3 types of food "accelerate" stomach problems, like also eat less

Since patients with stomach diseases should eat less sweets, how much is better to eat every day?

Although many patients are also aware of the need to reduce the intake of sweets, there must still be a standard for how much to eat per day. For different patients with stomach diseases, the degree of strict control of sweets is also different.

In general, normal adults consume up to 50 g of sugar per day. According to the reference standard recommended by the School of Medicine of Central South University, the daily sugar intake of most patients with stomach diseases is better controlled below 25g, which is equivalent to 30g of white sugar, or the calorie level of a bowl of rice, and adjusts and matches according to their daily diet.

If there are still complications such as obesity and hyperglycemia in patients with stomach diseases, further restriction is needed, and the daily sugar intake needs to be further reduced, about 15g, of course, eating too much sugar is not a good thing after all, during the period of stomach disease, eating as little as possible is more conducive to health.

If you want to recover from stomach disease as soon as possible, reasonable dietary arrangements are necessary, in addition to the need to limit sugar, some other foods also need to eat less, so as not to have a negative impact on stomach disease.

If you have a stomach problem, why should you eat less sweets? 3 types of food "accelerate" stomach problems, like also eat less

These 3 types of food will "accelerate" stomach diseases, and no matter how much you like it, you should eat less

(1) Acidic foods

For example, vinegar, or lemon, citrus and other acidic fruits, if you have stomach ulcers, gastritis and other common stomach diseases, try to eat less.

This is because the acidic components in this type of food will stimulate the gastric glands, resulting in the stomach to produce more stomach acid, too much stomach acid, causing irritation to the original inflammation or ulcers, and the disease may also be aggravated.

Even when eating acidic foods, try not to eat them on an empty stomach, eat some other meals after eating, and give the two buffer space, so that the impact on stomach diseases can be minimized.

(2) Foods with a harder texture

There are more types covered here, such as some harder vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, etc.; Or fried food, bone food, etc.

All in all, if there is a stomach disease, try not to eat harder foods. On the one hand, it will increase the burden of digestion, the pressure of gastrointestinal work is large, and the recovery speed of the disease will also become slower. On the other hand, hard foods, during peristaltic digestion, may scratch the location of inflammation and ulcers, causing the condition to worsen. To be on the safe side, it would be more appropriate to eat softer, easily digestible foods during stomach problems.

If you have a stomach problem, why should you eat less sweets? 3 types of food "accelerate" stomach problems, like also eat less

(3) Trans fatty foods

What are trans fats? Refers to the oil obtained by artificial hydrogenation, which is less expensive to make, more mellow in taste, and is commonly used in artificial cream, artificial butter, and cocoa butter chocolate.

But for health, trans fats are not so friendly, the American Diet and Health Research Association, in a 16-year forward cohort study showed that the risk of cardiovascular disease and inflammation and trans fatty acid intake is directly proportional, and direct contact with trans fat foods in the stomach, the risk of inflammation increases, naturally is not conducive to the recovery of stomach disease.

Therefore, trans fatty foods, stomach disease patients should also eat less, such as chocolate, margarine cake, snacks, snacks, etc., are typical representatives of trans fatty foods.

For patients with stomach diseases, although there are many taboos, but this is all for the sake of recovery. Reasonable dietary adjustment is the key to accelerating the cure of stomach diseases, in order to better care for their own health.


[1]: "Sweets or Increased Risk of Gastrointestinal Disease," Nature Eugene B. Chang, 2017-7-2

[2]. "The "iron stomach" is also difficult to resist the 8 kinds of heartburn food, people with bad stomachs eat less! Medical Forum Network, March 30, 2020

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