
When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

author:Brother Tao who loves life

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, don't forget to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

The summer solstice in the 24 solar terms is coming, and at this time the daytime time will reach the longest time of the year, that is, when the day is long and the night is short. As the old saying goes, "The sun is already cloudy, and the night leak is long from then on."

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

After the summer solstice, the three volt days are coming, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so everyone should be reasonable and correct health, develop good living habits, eat some seasonal good food, raise a good body, and spend this hot summer.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Health experts pointed out that the summer solstice health, summer solstice 5 treasures, can eat more, seasonal food, rich in nutrition, the more you eat the healthier.

The first treasure; Fire-lowering baby - bitter melon

Bitter melon is a seasonal food in summer, and it has more bitters in it, so it has the reputation of "the first melon to reduce fire" in summer. Although bitter melon is bitter, after the human body eats it, it is good for the body, so "first bitter and then sweet".

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Bitter melon is very bitter, so many people do not like to eat it. Go to the bitter little trick for you, you can learn it:

1 bitter melon cut open, the inside of the urn and velvet scraped clean, the bitter taste can be alleviated a little.

2 Sliced bitter melon, soaked in water, add a little salt to the water, can reduce the bitterness.

3When the bitter melon is fried, add a little white vinegar to reduce the bitterness.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Recommended delicious eating method, bitter melon stuffed meat, meat and vegetarian combination, nutritional balance.

Ingredients; 2 bitter melons, some lean meat, very fresh taste, green onions, salt, soy sauce

Directions: 1 minced lean meat, marinate, add salt, soy sauce, starch, beat in an egg and mix well

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

2 bitter melons washed, cut into middle sections, then took out the seeds and dumplings inside and set aside.

3 Bitter melons are placed on a plate, placed vertically, and the minced lean meat is evenly placed inside

4 pots of boiling water, after the water boils, put into the bitter melon dish, high heat to steam, time 20 minutes can be.

5 Take it out, prepare a little sauce, chop the onion, ginger and garlic, put it in the pot and fry until fragrant, pour it into a bowl, add salt, the taste is very fresh, and sprinkle it on top of the bitter melon.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Second treasure; Heat-proof baby - winter melon

Winter melon is a seasonal food in summer and is a veritable "summer melon". It has a lot of water inside, high potassium and low sodium, and when consumed in summer, it can reduce swelling and diuresis and prevent heat stroke.

When everyone eats winter melon, the skin of winter melon should not be thrown away, it can be cleaned, boiled water to drink, eaten in summer, water and swelling, can eliminate thirst.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Recommend a delicious way to eat winter melon, steamed winter melon with minced meat, simple and delicious and nutritious.

Ingredients; Some minced meat, a piece of winter melon, salt, soy sauce, very fresh taste, green onion, ginger and garlic

Directions: Marinate 1 minced meat, add salt, soy sauce, starch,

2 winter melon peeled, washed, sliced and placed on a plate

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

3 The minced meat is evenly placed on the winter melon slices and placed in a pot on high heat to cook

4 time about 10 minutes, take it out

5 shallots, ginger and garlic minced, put into a pot and stir-fry, pour into a bowl, add salt, taste very fresh, soy sauce, steamed fish oil, mix well

6 Pour on top of the minced winter melon.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Third Treasure; Clear the heat to go to the fire baby - duck meat

As the saying goes, "prevent bitter summer, eat more duck", duck meat is very suitable for summer to eat, has the reputation of "the first meat" in summer.

Eating some duck meat appropriately in life can clear the body's dry heat, reduce swelling, remove fire, and nourish the body.

Frozen duck try not to buy, this duck, not fresh. Fresh duck meat is pink, fresh and shiny, the meat is tight and firm, the skin is clean and undamaged, and it feels elastic when pressed by hand.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Recommended delicious way to eat: sour radish duck soup, delicious and healthy.

Ingredients: 1/2 duck, sour soup bun, 1 radish, salt

Directions: 1 duck meat washed, cut into pieces, put in hot water to blanch, remove the blood foam, remove, set aside.

2 Add warm water to a saucepan, add duck pieces, put in a soup bun bought at the supermarket and cook over high heat

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

3 Prepare the radishes for washing, cut into chunks and set aside

4 After the duck soup has come to a boil, turn to medium heat, add the radish cubes and simmer slowly

When the 5 ingredients are cooked, add a little salt and green onion before cooking.

The fourth treasure: the treasure of summer relief and hydration - watermelon

People's favorite fruit in the summer is watermelon, it has a lot of water, water accounts for more than 90% of the whole melon, sweet, children love to eat.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

In the hot season, eating a bite of watermelon can relieve the heat and hydrate, go to the heat, cool and quench thirst, and quench the heat. Therefore, it has the reputation of "artifact" for summer heat relief.

Although watermelon is good, it should be eaten in moderation, not more, and should be eaten according to its own situation. Contraindications, you should also know:

1 Can not eat too much at a time. Wounds to the spleen and stomach, bloating, diarrhea.

2 Do not eat watermelons that have been opened for too long. There are more bacteria inside.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

3 Frozen watermelon try not to eat or eat less. In the summer, the effect of ice watermelon is very good, but it will hurt the stomach and intestines, causing spleen and stomach damage. Pay attention to grasp the temperature and quantity of good food.

People with type 4 diabetes eat watermelon appropriately. Watermelon sugar is high, diabetics should pay attention to the appropriate amount when eating watermelon, so as not to aggravate the disease.

When everyone eats watermelon, the skin is generally thrown away, in fact, the watermelon peel can also be eaten, can be fried, can be cold mixed, and can be made into soup.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Teach everyone a simple and delicious way to eat, cold mix watermelon peel

Ingredients: Watermelon peel, salt, sugar, white vinegar, sesame oil.

Directions: 1 First remove the red urn, leaving a thin layer slightly, in order to look rich in color and more appetizing.

2 Cut off the green skin on the outside, because the green skin is relatively hard, for the sake of taste, try to remove as much as possible.

3 Cut the treated watermelon peel into thin slices.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

4 Add 1/2 tablespoon of salt and 1 spoonful of sugar, stir well, let stand for 1/2 hour, and kill some of the moisture from the watermelon peel.

5 The pickled watermelon peel has become soft, squeeze out the excess water by hand.

6 Then add half a spoonful of sesame oil, a little white vinegar, sugar, stir again, add some rice vinegar, pepper oil, chopped pepper to taste, do not like these tastes.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

The fifth treasure: the beauty and hydration baby - loofah

Small loofah, rich in nutrients, has the reputation of "beauty melon", very suitable for summer consumption.

The sticky substances in the loofah can soften the skin, maintain the elasticity of the skin, and make the beauty lovers shine in the summer.

Recommended delicious way to eat, garlic vermicelli steamed loofah, simple and easy to make, delicious and delicious.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

Directions: 1 Wash the loofah, peel it, cut into thin pieces and place on a plate

2 soaked soft vermicelli placed on top of the loofah

3 high heat to steam, time about 6 minutes

4 After steaming, take it out, prepare the minced garlic, minced garlic, chopped green onion and ginger

5 Put it in the pot and fry until fragrant, add a little salt, the taste is very fresh, soy sauce, chicken essence, mix well

6 Splash on top of the loofah.

When the summer solstice arrives, whether you have money or not, remember to eat the "5 treasures of the summer solstice", eat according to the season, and fall into peace

After the summer solstice, it will enter the three volt days, and the hot weather will not last too long, but the premise is that there must be a good eating habit, so that the body will have the ability to resist the impact of the heat wave, and everyone can spend the summer healthily and spend these three volt days.

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