
Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"

author:Stream feathers 492

Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"

I have always seen many temples, but Guangren Temple has not been able to visit, is it because of the recent age? It was built during the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty for more than three hundred years. Or is it because Tibetan Buddhism is full of mysteries? Not clear.

I know that Tibetan Buddhism belongs to tantra, and that tantra must be taught by the teacher when it is taught, not practiced by itself, and has complex rituals, mantras, and seals. Tang secrets were not widely spread, and after the mantle was passed on from Huiguo to the Japanese monk Kukai, Tangmi was basically lost in China, and Kukai was called Dongmi in Japan.

Tibetan Buddhism began in the mid-7th century, when the then Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo married Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty and Princess Ruzun of Nepal, and the two princesses brought with them the 12-year-old statue of Shakyamuni and the 8-year-old statue of Shakyamuni, as well as a large number of Buddhist scriptures. Songtsen Gampo converted to Buddhism under the influence of two princesses and built the Jokhang And Jokhang Temple.

By the middle of the 8th century, Buddhism had spread directly from India to Tibet. In the second half of the 10th century, Tibetan Buddhism was formally formed. By the middle of the 13th century, it began to spread in Mongolia, forming different sects with different traditions, complex rituals, and numerous statues, which were the distinctive characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism that distinguished it from Han Buddhism, and in modern times, Tibetan Buddhism gradually spread to all parts of the world.

One day in June, my wife and I went out early in the morning. Entering from the Yuxiang Gate, going north along an alley at the root of the city wall, there are few pedestrians on the road, there is no shuttle traffic, and it suddenly feels a quiet aura, and it is not far away.

The square in front of the temple is not large, flagpoles, multicolored prayer flags, bowl-style Eight Treasures White Pagoda, and a strong Tibetan wind comes to the face. After scanning the code to measure the temperature, we entered the temple mountain gate.

Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"
Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"

On the shadow wall, a warrior holding a chain holding a fierce tiger, which is very different from the Han family shadow wall pattern, the detailed introduction is known to be the "Mongolian Tiger Drawing", the Tibetan auspicious pattern, the warrior tiger chain symbolizes the three lords of Buddhist tantra, the warrior symbolizes the compassion guanyin, the tiger symbolizes the wisdom Of Manjushri, and the chain symbolizes the vajrapani bodhisattva with ability.

This temple layout is rigorous, the central axis is symmetrical, past the Kangxi Monument Pavilion, the Release Pond, the Bell and Drum Tower, to the first hall "Thousand Hands Guanyin Hall", in Chinese Buddhism, the first hall of the temple should be the Heavenly King Hall, dedicated to Maitreya Buddha, here is enshrined in a six-meter-high Russian bass wood carved Thousand Hands Guanyin, flanked by the four heavenly kings, behind the Guanyin is the Jizo King Bodhisattva. You know, behind the main figure of the Hall of Heavenly Kings in Chinese Buddhism is the protector Vedic Bodhisattva who holds a pestle.

Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"

Stepping out of the Hall of the Thousand Hands Guanyin, the east and west sides are the Hall of Protector and the Hall of Longevity, and the Hall of Protector enshrines the Five Protectors of the Great Weide Vajra, the Sister Protector, the Great Black Sky Mahagala, the Protector of Yan Luo, and the Auspicious Heavenly Mother, achieving the cause of eliminating disasters and avoiding difficulties. The Longevity Hall enshrines the Immeasurable Shou Buddha's mother, Bai Tara, and is flanked by the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva, the Four-Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva Medicine Buddha and the Jizo King Bodhisattva, which is different from the Han Temple, and the east and west sides of Chinese Buddhism are mostly Manjushri Puxian Guanyin Dizang opposite, and one statue is a room, and the Tibetan tradition is clustered in the same room, and the gods are in the same room.

Green Tara Hall is the main hall of Guangren Temple, and the only dojo in the country with Green Tara as the main figure, Green Tara is the embodiment of Guanyin Bodhisattva, who can save eight kinds of suffering and has the merit of protecting women and children.

Behind the Green Tara Hall are the Temple of Wealth, Guan Gong Hall, Guan Gong in The Han Dynasty is mostly regarded as the God of Martial Wealth, in the temple to worship the God of Wealth often appears in the temple compatible with Confucianism, pure Chinese Buddhist temples are rare, doubtful, do not know whether it is customary to worship the God of Wealth in Tibetan temples?

The Hall of the Thousand Buddhas is the third hall of Guangren Temple, with the inscription "Dharma Solemnity" hanging from Cixi, enshrines three statues of Tsongkhapa's master and apprentice, and behind him are densely covered with Buddhist shrines, there are thousands of Taiwanese bronze gilded gold Tsongkhapa statues, golden and brilliant.

Behind the Hall of a Thousand Buddhas is the last hall of Guangren Temple, the second floor of the Tibetan Scripture Cabinet, there is a small door on the east and west sides of the first floor, there are plaques, respectively, written "** Palace" and "** Palace", presumably behind the small door is the **** place of residence, the first floor of the hall enshrines the statue of Maitreya nearly ten meters high, like another statue of Shakyamuni Shakyamuni 12 years old, it is a Taiwanese Chinese in the United States spent more than 2.6 million, carved with Indian small leaf rosewood according to the Tibetan Jokhang Temple and other proportions of the body, The Jokhang Temple was presided over by a living Buddha for eight consecutive hours of the opening ceremony, and the Guangren Temple Hundred Monks Group welcomed back more than 7,000 kilometers along the Tang Dynasty Ancient Road for 20 days.

After the completion of the ceremony, once again look at the Buddhist temple around you, only to see that it is orderly, quiet and peaceful, it is mysterious, but you will not be afraid; It is deep and makes you want to explore; It is peaceful again, frank about everything about itself, I have walked through many Chinese Buddhist temples, almost all of which are not allowed to take pictures inside the temple, and here, as long as you are interested, you can shoot at will. Printing Buddhist scriptures and Buddha statues widely applied to people is a supreme merit in the eyes of monks, and using a camera to record the Dharma of the Buddhas and remembering them in the heart is not a propagation of the Dharma? For this reason I would like to say, Guangren Temple, maybe I will come again.

Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"
Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"
Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"
Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"
Chang'an Remains: "Guangren Temple"