
Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

author:Dr. Duan talks about health

Instant noodles as a common convenient vegetarian food, loved by many office workers and students, due to the relatively small time in the morning, there is no too much time to make breakfast, most people will choose, get up in the morning with hot water to cook a pack of instant noodles, both time saving time and filling the stomach. #爱乐养生 #

Instant noodles, whether eaten dry, soaked, or directly boiled with water to eat, are very delicious and delicious, is a snack for many children, due to the high calories of instant noodles, eating too much, it will lead to a large amount of body fat accumulation, thereby increasing the rate of body obesity, but also increase the burden and pressure of internal organ tissues.

Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

With the continuous development of food and beverage products, the types and tastes of instant noodles have also become diversified, and there are many types of instant noodles sold on the market today, including: braised beef noodles, sour and spicy beef noodles, Lao tan sauerkraut noodles, chicken soup noodles, etc. The taste buds experience brought by the taste of instant noodles will also be different.

Some people say that eating too much instant noodles is not good, it will affect health, is this statement correct? Listen to the doctor's answer.


Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

1. Will instant noodles damage liver health?

As an important organ for metabolic detoxification in the body, the liver can also store blood, regulate blood secretion of bile and protein to participate in gastrointestinal digestion and absorption.

There are two substances in instant noodles, one is sodium propionate, the other is sodium bicarbonate, these two substances help to improve liver function, many people think that eating more instant noodles will damage liver health, in fact, such an idea is wrong. The seasonings and side dishes in instant noodles are suitable for human consumption, and will be digested in about 2 to 3 hours after entering the body, and will not have much impact on the liver.

2. How much preservatives are there in instant noodles?

Preservatives are added to many foods, and the main role of a chemical preservative is to greatly extend the shelf life of food.

Instant noodles will also add a certain amount of preservatives, but the amount of preservatives added is within the range of the human body, such as some high-end instant noodles, meat puree and kimchi will add more nitrites and pyrosene sulfate and other substances, which are easily metabolized and absorbed by the human body and will not affect health.

Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

3. Will instant noodles increase the incidence of cancer?

Cancer as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, extremely harmful to human health, leading to the occurrence of cancer, there are many bad eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle, personal mood is not good, life schedule instability, environmental factors, occupational exposure and other reasons will induce cancer.

Some people say that eating more instant noodles will increase the risk of cancer in the body, the reason why there is such a statement is because most people feel that instant noodles are made of gutter oil, long-term intake of instant noodles will make the body's garbage toxins more and more piled up, but also increase the risk of cancer in the body.

Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

But this statement is not comprehensive, first of all, we need to understand that not all instant noodles are made of gutter oil, many businesses produce instant noodles are made of edible oil suitable for the human body, the side effects on the body are small, naturally will not produce cancer, so the statement about instant noodles causing cancer is completely wrong.

In summary: about instant noodles to eat too much, the statement that the body is not good is completely a rumor, as long as everyone controls the intake of instant noodles, do not eat too much, pay attention to the way of cooking, you can eat instant noodles easily and healthily.


How can I eat instant noodles healthily?

1, when eating instant noodles, it is best not to eat instant noodles directly as a staple food, especially do not eat instant noodles as dinner or supper, because at this time, our body's demand for high-fat foods is not high, and the use of excessive fat intake at this time will increase the burden and pressure of internal organ tissues.

2, if there is no other choice, can only eat instant noodles as leftovers, you can add more fresh vegetables to cook, so that nutrition balance, for the body tissue to provide the due energy base, so that there will be no nutritional imbalance.

Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

3, instant noodles in the spice package must pay attention to the amount of consumption, do not put too much at one time, in the cooking interview only need to put in 1/2 can be, if you feel that the taste is not enough, you can appropriately add a little salt and chicken essence to enhance the taste.

4, before using instant noodles, you must carefully observe whether the instant noodles are expired, if you find that the instant noodles are expired, it is best not to eat, otherwise it will increase the burden of the liver and kidneys.

5, when eating instant noodles, it is best to cook and eat relevant experts have found that cooking and eating instant noodles is more conducive to good health, it takes longer, the harmful substances in instant noodles will be decomposed and evaporated, and instant noodles with boiling water cannot do this, so the cooked instant noodles should be more delicious and nutritious.

Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

6, although instant noodles are not stomach delicious, but we must pay attention to, do not eat too much, only occasionally eat once or twice, will not affect health, will not bring a greater impact to the body, if you often eat instant noodles, it will make the body fat and calories accumulate too much, increase the rate of body obesity.


Does it really take 32 days to get rid of toxins from eating a pack of instant noodles?

Many people say that eating a pack of instant noodles requires a liver, and it takes 32 days to remove the toxins brought by instant noodles, because the substances that are catabolized from instant noodles need to be filtered and screened layer by layer.

Due to the fact that the spice pack of instant noodles contains more triglycerides, the speed of metabolism will be relatively slow, but despite this, the metabolic time of instant noodles is still not 32 days, which is a completely exaggerated description, without any scientific basis.

Eat instant noodles, is it good or not? Don't believe the "rumors" anymore, the doctor tells you the truth

First of all, we need to understand that although the digestion speed of instant noodles is fast and the metabolism is slow, it only takes a day or so to completely digest the instant noodles, form metabolites, and eventually excrete them through feces and urine.

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