
"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

author:Dr. Jiaojiao popular science

In the history of China, tea is cited by everyone to the high-ranking officials and aristocrats, the lower road peddlers pawns, tea drinking has become a habit in people's lives, no matter whether the tea is good or bad, regardless of the variety of tea, it seems that everyone has a special love for tea

The types of tea are divided into many kinds in daily life, in the long history, the variety of tea drinking is gradually increasing, and the tools for drinking tea are innovating, so how much do you know about the philosophy of drinking tea?

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious


What are the benefits of drinking tea for the body?

1. Improve muscle tolerance

Drinking tea can improve the endurance of muscles, this is because tea contains an antioxidant substance called catechins, which can increase the body's ability to burn fat, improve muscle endurance, help fight fatigue, increase the time of physical exercise, often drink green tea, the effect is more obvious.

2. Resist ultraviolet radiation

Tea polyphenols in tea belong to a water-soluble substance, washing the face with tea can remove the oily convergence of the face, pores can also prevent a large number of lipid accumulation has the effect of disinfection and sterilization and anti-skin aging, but also helps to reduce the radiation and damage to the skin by ultraviolet rays in the sun, so tea belongs to the "natural sunscreen".

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

3. Stay in shape

Now scientific research has confirmed that the caffeine in this tea can promote the secretion of gastric juice, help the gastrointestinal tract to digest, increase the body's ability to decompose fat, and many foreign studies have also shown that regular examination can shorten their waist circumference, and leg circumference to reduce the body mass index, which also helps to prevent the occurrence of diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Improve memory

Drinking tea has a certain effect on improving memory, according to studies, tea polyphenols in tea can make local improvements to the brain, thereby increasing people's memory and improving learning efficiency.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

There are many studies abroad that confirm that drinking tea can prevent and treat the occurrence of neurological diseases, especially cognitive disorders in the elderly, in addition, caffeine can promote the excitement of the central nervous system, which has a refreshing and refreshing effect.

5. Improve bone density

Although tea contains coffee foreign bodies, it will also promote the loss of calcium with urine, but the content is extremely low, even if the caffeine content is quite high black tea, each cup is only about 30 to 40 mg.

In fact, the most abundant substances in tea help to reduce calcium loss, including phytoestrogens and potassium, through the study of some scientists and professors in Taiwan, it is found that people who drink tea often have relatively high bone density, and their fracture rate will be greatly reduced.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious


"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 5 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

The first type of tea: ginger tea

I believe everyone has heard that at that time, radish summer eat ginger is a certain and certain reason, ginger belongs to the warm ingredients, not only in chinese medicine is a multi-tube Ubi of Chinese medicine at the same time for the body is more beneficial.

With the continuous rise of temperature, everyone likes to stay in the air-conditioned room, enjoying the cold wind chasing the drama, but for many middle-aged and elderly people, long-term expectations in the air-conditioned room will lead to their joints being stimulated by cold winds to cause joint diseases and osteoporosis, so it is most appropriate for the elderly to drink ginger tea.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

Because the taste of ginger tea is spicy, so when cooking ginger tea, you can drink it with black tea, honey, red date brown sugar and other ingredients, which can not only neutralize the spicy taste of ginger, but also have a more obvious health effect for individuals.

The second type of tea: chrysanthemum tea

Nowadays, the weather is relatively hot, many middle-aged and elderly people will sweat in their daily lives, sleep is not good, bad mood, insomnia and other conditions, and chrysanthemum cold stomach bitterness, with chrysanthemum tea to drink, can improve such conditions, more importantly, daily drinking can replenish water, make up for the nutrients needed in the body.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

Chrysanthemum originated in China, has been cultivated for thousands of years, as early as the ancient book herbal compendium has recorded 900 kinds of chrysanthemums, which shows that there are more and more varieties of chrysanthemums, and among the many chrysanthemums, Qingchi tea from Henan can be described as the favorite of many tea lovers.

The third type of tea: green tea

As the first of the 6 major tea drinks, green tea is the most accepted type of tea, it is a new kiln that takes tea trees, or is made by processing, shaping, drying and other processes.

This finished tea contains a variety of tea polyphenols and catechins and other nutrients, middle-aged and elderly people often drink green tea can achieve the purpose of hydration and heat, while at the same time can block the body to block a large number of nutrients and bad elements.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

The 4th type of tea: goji berry tea

People have no choice but to soak in the insulated cup, I believe that everyone has seen many middle-aged and elderly men in the glass, will soak a lot of goji berries.

Goji berries contain polysaccharides, mineral vitamins and other ingredients, which are of great benefit to the human body, especially for some middle-aged and elderly people with poor vision and poor spirits, may wish to try it with them in life, but we must also choose safe and high-quality goji berries, so that everyone can use it more safely.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious


The following categories of people are not suitable for drinking tea?

1. People with neurasthenia and insomnia are not suitable for drinking tea, because tea contains some substances, such as caffeine and other nerve centers are easy to become excited, resulting in insomnia and neurasthenia.

2. Patients with tachycardia and patients with a history of myocardial infarction, as well as patients with new drugs, are not suitable for drinking tea, because tea encounters this caffeine can make people's heartbeat faster and increase the heart's pumping burden.

3. Patients with decreased renal function are also not suitable for tea drinking, because the diuretic effect is common in tea, which will increase the metabolic and decomposition burden of the kidneys.

4. People with gastrointestinal diseases and duodenal ulcers are not suitable for drinking tea, because drinking tea can stimulate the stomach to secrete too much stomach acid, which will affect the healing of the ulcer surface and there will be painful symptoms.

"Drinking tea in summer is better than eating meat", and 4 "tea" is suitable for drinking in July, which is refreshing and delicious and nutritious

5. Women during pregnancy are not suitable for drinking tea, because the content of caffeine in strong tea is very high, which will lead to an increase in the burden on the heart and kidneys of pregnant women, which is very unfavorable to the pregnant woman's body, and at the same time, it is also very unfavorable to the fetus in the stomach of the pregnant woman.

6, lactating women are not suitable for drinking tea, because lactating women are in need of breastfeeding, and tea is often absorbed by the blood, will inhibit the secretion of milk.

The caffeine in the tea leaves is absorbed and will cause the milk to affect the baby, make the baby become excited, and also cause the baby to spasm in the gastrointestinal tract, and will cause the baby to have a state of irritability and underestimation.

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